Recent content by jalann
  1. jalann

    Headphones for sound design in video production

    I would like to add again that I am leaning toward an open or semi-open hp but my concern about an open or even semi-open hp is how loud they will sound to other people nearby. I understand this is somewhat subjective but I have read some pretty decided opinions ranging from, "totally annoying...
  2. jalann

    Headphones for sound design in video production

    Quote: The KRK KNS sound very interesting, price weighing heavily here. Plus, I read a review on the  KRK KNS 6400 done by tdockweiler and in his words "the KRK KNS-6400 has a very impressive soundstage for a closed headphone". Have you listened to the KRK KNS 6400s? If so, would you say...
  3. jalann

    Headphones for sound design in video production

    Quote:   Thanks for the suggestion. I can see being able to test these and the many other hps would be the best way to decide. Unfortunately testing hps is not an option for me so based on first hand experience of others I think the best (for my budget) will end up being circumaural and...
  4. jalann

    Headphones for sound design in video production

    Thank you for your replies. Sorry it has taken me some time to get back and respond.    Quote:   The main reason I lean toward a closed hp is for the same reason I am not able to use my monitors. I'm sure semi-open/open hps are not a loud as monitors it's just that I don't know how...
  5. jalann

    Headphones for sound design in video production

    Quote:   Thanks for the clarification on the 80 Ohm. Exactly the kind of advice I was hoping to get.   Do you have experience with the Sony MDR V6 or 7506? They have come up several times in my search. I have wondered if people are more forgiving of the Sony's sound quality because...
  6. jalann

    Headphones for sound design in video production

    Been searching now for nearly a week, every day all day, and have come up with a few that might work but, I am not convinced and there seems to be no end. The best might be to just decide, but before spending the cash thought I would ask for advice here.    I do video production. Nothing...