Head Gear Reviews by JohnnyBlaze554
  1. Westone ES50

    4.50 star(s)
    I've been part of the hi-fi headphone community now for about 8 years and have been a big proponent of over-ear headphones. I could never find an in-ear that was comfortable and stayed put for long periods of time. I got to try a lot of in-ears working at Peach Buds, a local headphone shop, but could never put in the time I really wanted with them. So I finally decided this year that a pair of custom IEMs may be the solution. The closest I'd ever come to finding an in-ear that worked for me was the Westone 2. So I started looking for a CIEM from...
  2. AKG K 550

    4.50 star(s)
    I just picked these up today so this is just an initial assessment.  These are a great sounding headphone overall but the fact that they are also closed back and still have great soundstage at 300 bucks makes them well worth checking out.  These are very comfortable, and I don't have any problem getting a proper seal with them.     The only things I have found that I would change about these in a future edition are: the earpieces rotate 90 degrees rather than 180, and the cord isn't detachable like it is on other AKG headphones in the price...
  3. Sennheiser RS 180 Wireless headphones with docking station

    4.00 star(s)
    I got these headphones to wear at night so I didn't disturb my neighbors when I was watching tv or movies at night.  I haven't used Sennheiser's other wireless headphones but these seem to put out sound nearly on par with my HD 595s.  They do get warm over extended use.  I didn't find this to be nearly as much of a problem when watching tv, I'd just take them off during comercial breaks.  I also can't say to much about the range as I only used them in my apartment(2 bedroom) but didn't notice any signal loss.  Overall I would recommend these...