Recent content by jyri
  1. jyri

    Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions

    Good answer. To add, other components (than driver) as well as cables also benefit from the burn-in.
  2. jyri

    Nuforce Primo 8 - an Audiophile Phase Coherent Quad Balanced Armature Driver IEM - Impressions

    Contacted me directly? If so my apologies that I haven't replied. Could you please resend your email so that I can see that? Not sure if I did not receive or what happened. Most of the times we replace the Primos to a new pair. Thus the original packaging would be necessary. If you do not have...
  3. jyri

    Nuforce Primo 8 - an Audiophile Phase Coherent Quad Balanced Armature Driver IEM - Impressions

    In general yes but depends. Where are you located? Whats wrong with the Primos? Have you contacted us yet? Sorry for all the questions but trying to help. -Jyri/NuForce
  4. jyri

    Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions

    Large discount. We are not trying to make profit with replacement cables, parts etc.
  5. jyri

    Nuforce Primo 8 - an Audiophile Phase Coherent Quad Balanced Armature Driver IEM - Impressions

    Sorry to hear this. Please send me details by private message and we'll help. -Jyri/NuForce
  6. jyri

    Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions

      I´m so sorry to be late with this one.  Yes we can help directly. Please PM me your contact details and I´ll ask our UK office to contact you. 
  7. jyri

    Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions

      HEM4 is not using the Knowles GQ-30738. 
  8. jyri

    Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions

      Should be okay. Shure use the same Comply T100 tips which we include with the HEMs.
  9. jyri

    Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions

      I am afraid we do not publish the frequency responses. Mainly because it´s only half of the story and we don´t want anyone to have false conclusions. We do measure (and keep the measurements) each and every unit before shipping out from the factory.   The leaner sound can be achieved with...
  10. jyri

    Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions

      I am extremely happy to hear you are impressed.  Crossover design mainly, and the driver combination secondly. The more drivers there is the more complicated it gets but luckily we have some very skillful engineers. 
  11. jyri

    Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions

    Thank you for the amazing and detailed feedback. Comments like this make us want to continue developing new products and walk the extra mile.   Quickly commenting about the ear tips. I have read feedback from other users as well. We are looking into alternatives and considering how to offer...
  12. jyri

    Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions

      You are absolutely right. And it is not only stuffing the drivers but also utlizing the earpiece itself - similar to what is done with loudspeaker enclosures. Ideally the earpiece shouldn´t resonate, but in reality it always does, so it is about controlling it and taking advantage of it. For...
  13. jyri

    Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions

      Congrats.  If you feel the sound is murky/veiled then those should definitely open up after burn-in. In fact I think you will hear a clear transition to a more open sound. 
  14. jyri

    Nuforce HEM Discussion & Impressions

    klove4252 I have to say we are extremely happy to hear this. Nothing makes us more excited than a positive customer feedback. That´s what this is all about. 