KD637's latest activity
  • KD637
    KD637 reacted to jonathan c's post in the thread ZMF Auteur Thread with Like Like.
    well said 👏 ... especially for a new Head-Fier! You seem to have your head ears screwed on straight! 👍🤣
  • KD637
    KD637 replied to the thread ZMF Auteur Thread.
    I just did a little test again on some of my favorite songs and like i said before the 6xx and auteur classic do not compare, 6xx is...
  • KD637
    KD637 replied to the thread ZMF Auteur Thread.
    Yes, maybe see if someone in your area has one and would be inclined to make you listen to it.
  • KD637
    KD637 reacted to haasaaroni's post in the thread ZMF Auteur Thread with Like Like.
    Over the 6XX, it’s more detailed, more spacious, more 3-dimensional, more impactful, and with better extension on both ends. I also like...
  • KD637
    KD637 replied to the thread ZMF Auteur Thread.
    I haven’t tried other ZMF headphones but i have a 6xx and for me the auteur classic is in a different league completely, better bigger...
  • KD637
    KD637 reacted to spittis's post in the thread ZMF Auteur Thread with Like Like.
    Zeos has always been around only for entertainment IMO, never been a credible source for information, he is just good at hyping things...
  • KD637
    KD637 reacted to LXMc's post in the thread ZMF Auteur Thread with Like Like.
    When I upgraded DACs I did so because I wanted to know if I'd actually hear a difference (I had seen so many opinions from both sides...
  • KD637
    KD637 replied to the thread ZMF Auteur Thread.
    No the three dacs in question were very far apart in terms of price range 200, 800 and 4500. Yes i think we should not watch his videos...
  • KD637
    KD637 reacted to JerseyD's post in the thread ZMF Auteur Thread with Like Like.
    I am not familiar with this Zeos, but if it is true that he cannot hear the difference between dacs, why would anyone care what he has...
  • KD637
    KD637 replied to the thread ZMF Auteur Thread.
    I just spent 1and a half hour making my girlfriend listen blind folded, switching and not switching dacs between songs and she...
  • KD637
    KD637 reacted to cats4cans's post in the thread ZMF Auteur Thread with Like Like.
    The short answers are maybe and it depends. Sometimes a weakness in your chain can minimize differences. Sometimes the source material...
  • KD637
    KD637 replied to the thread ZMF Auteur Thread.
    Guys, i have a mojo 2 as my dac, i still have my old ifi zen dac and the difference between the two are very apparent. As i am upgrading...
  • KD637
    KD637 replied to the thread ZMF Auteur Thread.
    Hi guys, i should get my hands on a trafomatic head 2 with upgraded E188CC and power filtering. Are any of you interested in how it...
  • KD637
    KD637 reacted to subframe's post in the thread ZMF Auteur Thread with Like Like.
    How did the Frerot fare agains the BF2?
  • KD637
    KD637 replied to the thread ZMF Auteur Thread.
    Love your profile picture man haha orange cats are the qutest !