Recent content by ken1mbhf
  1. ken1mbhf

    NEW! Fostex TH610 Premium Reference Closed-Back Headphones

    So according to Fostex, they are demoing these headphones at the Portable Audio Laboratory meet in Japan today. A comparison with the TH-X00 will certainly be interesting...
  2. ken1mbhf

    Lake People G109 / G103 thread

    I'm joining the chorus here, but as an owner of G109's cousin the V100, I will say that the amp offers a very satisfying sense of ownership. The aluminum front plate and volume knob feel nice to the touch, as does the specially coated top cover. And these are backed by a clean, neutral sound...
  3. ken1mbhf

    Q701 impressions thread

    Oh and of course they sound the same  
  4. ken1mbhf

    Q701 impressions thread

    I guess I should stop nitpicking. If my previous post came across as bitter, that was not my intention. In fact I like it so much that I got another pair, a black one, as I figured the black would hide any cosmetic imperfections better. Now that I had the chance to closely compare the two color...
  5. ken1mbhf

    Q701 impressions thread

    Ok for comparison I've added K712 as well:      
  6. ken1mbhf

    Q701 impressions thread

    Really? I guess I ended up with a bad batch then. I agree their sound quality justifies the 200 USD price tag, but I wouldn't have minded paying a little bit more for an Austrian-made pair if I knew what I would be getting now :P
  7. ken1mbhf

    Q701 impressions thread

    Thanks for the reply. Yes mine is probably from the latest batch, and it said they were made in China. Not a dig against Chinese quality; they could be made in Slovakia or elsewhere for all I care.
  8. ken1mbhf

    Q701 impressions thread

    True, Q701s are much cheaper compared to HD600/650s and even DT880s. But once you see the gap, you can't unsee it. If AKG increase the price of Q701s by 50 USD and fix the build, I wouldn't mind paying for it.   The bumps don't bother me. Actually I think they are better at keeping the...
  9. ken1mbhf

    Q701 impressions thread

    Bought a new pair of Q701s recently. These sound great; coming from K712s, they made for a refreshing change. Definitely sound airier and more expansive.   However, I was not impressed with their build quality. The most glaring issue was the gap between mesh grille and outer black ring. I have...
  10. ken1mbhf

    The Sennheiser Orpheus 2? A First Look At The Sennheiser HE-1 (The New Orpheus)

    I wonder how the tours will provide an environment for serious auditioning ... like leaving you alone with the system in a quiet, private room? Never been to one so I don't know how it works.   I can't wait to hear the impressions.
  11. ken1mbhf

    The Sennheiser Orpheus 2? A First Look At The Sennheiser HE-1 (The New Orpheus)

    Wow, that's actually awesome. No, I'm not envious.
  12. ken1mbhf

    The Sennheiser Orpheus 2? A First Look At The Sennheiser HE-1 (The New Orpheus)

    So which one of the high-rolling Head-Fi'ers will buy this and share his/her experience with us plebes?
  13. ken1mbhf


    Focus Camera has the first-gen beyerdynamic T1 for 625 USD... they are an authorized reseller so it's legit. I'm torn because I've been eying the HD800s but this deal is really good.
  14. ken1mbhf

    The AKG K712 Pro Support and Impressions Thread

    I haven't tried either of them so can't be of much help, but my USB-powered HP-A4 can drive the K712s just fine. As you mentioned, the Valhalla 2 page on the Schiit site does encourage you to run it with AKGs.
  15. ken1mbhf

    The AKG K712 Pro Support and Impressions Thread

    Wait you heard that the HD800 sounds a lot like the K712? And I was considering it as my next upgrade...   Between the HD800 and the T1, I wonder which one sounds more different from the K712...