Recent content by LikeABell
  1. LikeABell

    New Amp from HeadAmp - GS-X Mini

    Great to hear! So what was the price? Also, how will you go about replacing it? Is it a simple process?
  2. LikeABell

    Luxury & Precision (LP) Portable USB DAC/AMP W1 and W2 (The new W2-131 Version is Available, Related Info on Post #1)

    Hi guys, can someone help me understand how to use the SPDIF out on the L&P W2?
  3. LikeABell

    Comment by 'LikeABell' on listing 'Ampsandsound Kenzie Ovation Rev 1'

    Hope you find an amazing job soon. GLWS.
  4. LikeABell

    Violectric HPA V280 - balanced headphone amp - impressions and discussion thread

    Hello everyone, could someone please tell me how the v280 pairs with HEkv2 and HD800?
  5. LikeABell

    Cayin iHA-6 - US Tour and reviews

    At least, it didn't fry any of my headphones. And I got a full refund. So it's not too bad!
  6. LikeABell

    Cayin iHA-6 - US Tour and reviews

    So update on my unit, turns out the transistors in the left channel were faulty. Sad. :(
  7. LikeABell

    Feedback by 'LikeABell' on listing 'Hifiman Headphone Sale'

    Very good seller. Was very helpful when shipping to my location turned out to be tricky. Quick replies too. Would love to buy again from him in the future.
  8. LikeABell

    Cayin iHA-6 - US Tour and reviews

    I actually connected my previous amp again and once again, everything is back to being dead silent - same cable, same DAC.. So there's definitely something wrong with my amp sadly.
  9. LikeABell

    Cayin iHA-6 - US Tour and reviews

    I'm actually quite sad right now because it sounded so good. I'll try and see if I can get a replacement. Thanks!
  10. LikeABell

    Cayin iHA-6 - US Tour and reviews

    The static is actually quite loud so I don't want to risk damaging my headphones (HE1000v2 and HD800). It's happening even when no music is playing. I've raised a return request. It was also the last piece that the dealer had with him, so I'll probably have to get some other amp now. :/
  11. LikeABell

    Cayin iHA-6 - US Tour and reviews

    Hi everyone, I just received my amp an hour ago and I was really enjoying the sound. But, I started to get a lot of static, cracks and pops in the left channel. It stays constant even when the volume knob is at the lowest position. I can hear it on all three outputs. It actually comes and goes...
  12. LikeABell

    Cayin iHA-6 - US Tour and reviews

    Thanks a lot for the replies guys! I just placed the order, I should have it in my possession in 2-3 days. Can't wait! Quick question, I have an HD800 with only a SE cable, which SE output would yield the best results?
  13. LikeABell

    Cayin iHA-6 - US Tour and reviews

    Hello guys, I am seriously considering this amp. My current headphones are HE1000v2 and HD800. I would really appreciate some impressions on how this amp pairs with the HE1000v2. Thanks
  14. LikeABell

    Official HIFIMAN HE1000 Impressions Thread

    I received my HE1000v2 yesterday and I'm floored! I currently have a HE1000SE with me as well (sent by a dealer for auditioning) and I honestly prefer the v2. Seems to have more edge to it. Just now, just for fun, I connected the HEKv2 to my Bottlehead Crack and oh my god! Sounds so good! I'm...