Recent content by minmsee
  1. minmsee

    Is Musical Fidelity MX-HPA a good choice under $1K?

    I've been enjoying LCX balanced headphone amp from Massdrop but now I'm looking for my next amp. MX-HPA looks good to me thanks to the output power, simple circuit design, and of course many good reviews. But my concern is that the released year was 2014, 5 years ago! Does it still keep a good...
  2. minmsee

    New Member Introductions thread

    Thank you for your advice. I'll post my question again to the thread. Head-fi is a very good place to talk about cans and amps, isn't it?
  3. minmsee

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hi @PaganDL Thank you for your kind welcome message. I've already posted my question to . I'm not sure if this thread was suitable for my question. I checked your profile page and found so many rigs...
  4. minmsee

    What's wrong with Musical Fidelity?

    I'm looking for my next headphone amp. I've been enjoying LCX from Massdrop. It's affordable but a nice balanced amp. I'm thinking that MX-HPA must be the best for me. The outout power, simple circuit design and, of course, many good reviews, they all indicate this must be my next amp. But only...
  5. minmsee

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hi all, I'm looking for a new headphone amp to replace my LCX. I'm looking forward to talking with all of you about headphones and amps.