Recent content by MorpheusZero
  1. MorpheusZero

    Was this funny?

    It depends on if you're funny. See, if you're funny and this thread is a joke, then it's funny. If you're proud of your joke and want to call attention to it, then it's not funny.
  2. MorpheusZero

    Are you a good person, morally?

    For the longest time I was nervous, courteous, very aware of others' feelings, etc... it was what I focused on. I was very focused on always doing the right thing. Recently I've calmed down quite a bit. I've learned to take a different attitude towards life. I guess you could say I've grown...
  3. MorpheusZero


    Quote: Originally Posted by Thelonious Monk The show is unfunny, the album is middle of the road melodic death metal. If you like either you're almost as bad as the Neanderthal metal fans they make fun of. Right. Anything that isn't eccentric is crap, and anyone who likes it is a...
  4. MorpheusZero


    It might just be that I spent 2-3 hours watching the first season through with a few buddies, but Dethalbum is AWESOME. Is it just me? ...Doodily ding dong tick tock!
  5. MorpheusZero

    iPod Classic in the house!

    I picked one up and am thoroughly pissed off at the video compatibility. I thought I'd be able to play my mpeg-4s on this bitch, but it's limited to quicktime videos that must be formatted specifically for the ipod. Yes, this means that first you must have your video converted to quicktime, and...
  6. MorpheusZero

    First word on ipod classic's SQ!

    I just got one today, black 80 gig... the back of 'em still scratches up at the drop of the hat, I actually scratched it with what seems to be my fingernails just taking the wrapping off of it. Seems that the rest of it is pretty pimp though. Unfortunately I won't be able to judge the SQ for...
  7. MorpheusZero

    iPod Touch

    So, let me get this straight, the touch won't be available until late late September?
  8. MorpheusZero

    Before and after pics - CURSE YOU HEAD FI!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jahn Technically, we can call this one "Curse You, Bike-Fi!" More like "thank god for Bed-Fi!" Quote: Originally Posted by SayNoToPistons I've got a PC 7424, if that helps...
  9. MorpheusZero

    Before and after pics - CURSE YOU HEAD FI!

    Quote: Originally Posted by SayNoToPistons Walk it off. It'll buff right out!
  10. MorpheusZero

    Real Quick Question: Do You Like Milk??

    I love 1% milk, I usually drink about a half-gallon a day.
  11. MorpheusZero

    Before and after pics - CURSE YOU HEAD FI!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Killercrush What the ****** happened ?! Dirtbike + gravel + me = blood. Painful but awesome. Unfortunately I can't really walk right now...
  12. MorpheusZero

    Before and after pics - CURSE YOU HEAD FI!

    Great playing Jahn. Now, how's this for a 4th of July pic? (date's wrong)
  13. MorpheusZero

    Car issues...

    Quote: Originally Posted by juzmister So, should i go 50/50 with him? Screw that. His car broke down on you of no fault at all to you. That's his problem. If he tries to pin the blame on you, consider replacing him as a friend.
  14. MorpheusZero

    "spylocked" spyware on my computer &*^%^^$

    Quote: Originally Posted by TheMarchingMule From my experience, you only get that junk from visiting shady sites. So I don't know exactly what you were doing, but.... You know exactly what he was doing and I'd have to say I'd be surprised if you didn't do it yourself.
  15. MorpheusZero

    Just when I thought I couldnt get enough bass

    Quote: Originally Posted by GlorytheWiz825 Anyone here crazy enough to take the plunge? :P In a word? Yes. I'd get one if I had the excess cash lying around and the neighbors to drive crazy.