nick n
I exist only as an idea.
Dreaming the Dream.
Headphone Inventory
Enough to hold my own meets for decades.

Source Inventory
Val Valiant Thor ( Venusian Commander )
Cosmic Plasma Birkeland Currents from the Galactic-Center
Planar Magnetic Dimensional Beings
Power-Related Components
Henry T Moray Valve w/ germanium oscillators
Senzu beans
Martian Scalar Wave Transmissions
Lakhovsky Multi Wave Oscillator


" The rock n roll jam session was terrific. " -Wesley Willis
" I don't chew my cabbage twice. "-Major Frank Burns
" Such mix, cocktail in sounding, ice cream from above, cream with fruit from below–cold detailed treble and warm bass together with the pleasant middle " -An Eastern Bloc Orthonaut
" Skeptics ignore things they don't want to be true " -patrick82
"It's all in the ear of the behearer" -ELK from PSAudio forums

