Recent content by odehib
  1. odehib

    Chi-Uni-Fi 7 June 22nd 2013 Chicago headphone event interest check

    I missed last year, but hopefully nothing will come up this time around. :)
  2. odehib

    It appears to me

    You would think so, but it was actually very helpful for me. There are users who read and reply to the thread on a regular basis. Anybody who wouldn't read that thread probably wouldn't read an individual recommendation thread, anyway.
  3. odehib

    Top 5 Radiohead songs

    Exit Music (for a film) Fake Plastic Trees Bodysnatchers Idioteque No Surprises
  4. odehib

    Best Radiohead album?

    I'm part of a minority choosing The Bends, but OKC is definitely a close second. Rest of the line-up would be as follows: 3. In Rainbows 4. Kid A 5. Hail to the Thief 6. Amnesiac 7. King of Limbs 8. Pablo Honey
  5. odehib

    Album art game

  6. odehib

    Grado Fan Club!

    Nope, no inputs. There are only digital and analogue outputs on it.
  7. odehib

    Grado Fan Club!

    I think I'll be happy with mine for a while. My money's going to the most important of my setup: the music.
  8. odehib

    Head-fi iOS and Android App

    So can we. :D
  9. odehib

    Grado Fan Club!

    I can't comment on how it compares to other CD players; I haven't heard any. What I can tell you is that it's a huge step up from my laptop souncard. From what I've read online while looking for a good player to buy, it's a steal at its $200 price tag. Anywhere I go that has discussed ~$200...
  10. odehib

    You know you're an audiophile when...

    When buying earplugs, you worry about how they will affect the sound quality around you. I never knew they could affect that until I looked up "earplugs" here. Thanks Head-fi! Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  11. odehib

    Grado Fan Club!

    Yeah, onkyo c-7030. Pretty nice for my first CD player. And I just realized I posted it in the wrong thread. :o I meant to post that pic in significant purchases, but hey, it's here already, I'll leave it.
  12. odehib

    Grado Fan Club!

    Nice budget CD player. The Grados I've had for a while, though. Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
  13. odehib

    Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones

    The other day, a beats-worshiper at my school heard how much I spent on my westone 2s, and (without ever having listened to them) he told me that they were a waste of money, that they sounded no better than the apple stock earbuds, and that I just bought them to look cool. Oh the irony...
  14. odehib

    New to Audiophile world

    Quote: Not necessarily true; I'm only 15, and I'm perfectly fine with listening to my sr225is for hours on end.