Recent content by Opalius
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    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    Well, you will end up really going down a rabbit hole with this one. It's not talked about much because it's something that is very subjective, and everything about headphones is, of course, subjective... Right? Anyway... We are talking about two different tunings, really. One is diffuse field...
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    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    First off I think you're asking wrong forum... but with that said I would say that the DT 1990 has better base extension, and more treble giving it better imaging... Also I don't understand why there is a 1k bump on the focal clear (that I really hate, especially for metal) it makes vocals come...
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    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    No, covering the hols will add bass at around 300 hz. you will get "mud" out of it...
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    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    Well, yes, there is a reason. The reason is that they are good. I think I have written page upon page about the 8kHz peak. I also have measurements of my own (look in the thread images). I can tell you that if you change the inserts and use Dekoni Velour pads, then the peak will be reduced, but...
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    The FiiO SP3 Desktop Speakers - Now Available on Apos Audio

    Yeah!!! Really makes me wonder why in earth generlec's, Ilouds and Neumann speakers also have dustcaps 🤣🤣🤣🤣 They must know nothing about sound because it looks 😔😞 bad!!! Hell, I'm sure that maks the frequency response like V shaped or something... And not like +-2 db from 60hz to 20.000 Hz...
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    Exceptional in Every Detail: Say Hello to the IE 600

    And here's the joker... The louder you listen, - the more V shaped a U shaped soundsignature gets 😂😭🤣 Loudness curve anyone??? 😏🖤😎
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    If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you...

    Hey All, I have noticed that my left bud is cutting out when I'm pulling it out of my ear. Is that normal? It is not a cable issue as I have switched sides and only the left one "goes out". It does not go out completely, it just gets quite, and when the pressure in my ear goes back, as does...
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    Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO - Beyer's open-back mastering headphone

    The DT1990 will run on just about anything, but asking it to sound good in a caldigit, that is built for a entire different purpose, and the aux port is a afterthought? - is kinda asking for bad quality 🤣 Mac's have very good DACs :) believe it or not. Anyway, anything cheap from Fino or IFI...
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    Audeze LCD-2 Closed

    Well, one maybe even bigger thing besides the small 3k bump, is that the pads are thinner then before, and it's no longer memory foam... This may also contribute to how the sound and soundstage is perceived... Maybe? :) Anyway, on a more serious note: will audeze please send the LCD-CB out to...
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    Audeze LCD-2 Closed

    It should work as that is a hyprid: So... Laptop - Q3 - tube preamp - Headphones... That tubeamp is basically a solid state amp, with a small "tube circuit" infront to "color the sound"
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    Audeze LCD-2 Closed

    You would normally go laptop ~ DAC/amp ~ tube/hybrid ~ headphones. If you have a pure tube preamp, then it likely can't be used in this setup
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    Audeze LCD-2 Closed

    My desktop amp does not make a difference. I would just run it balanced and that's it. As for tubamps, - tubeamps dont give a bass bump/warmth to planar headphones the same way as with dynamic headphones, as planar have a straight impedance curve. Instead a tubes will add harmonic distortion...
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    Audeze LCD-2 Closed

    Misread post....
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    Audeze LCD-2 Closed

    My best guess that it is within the minimum requirements, as Audeze says minimum 100 and recomend 250. But they don't say at how many ohms. Standart would be at 32. So no. I don't think it's to low. - but all this depends on the quality of the amp. As mentioned in a big fan of IfI products...