Recent content by orby
  1. orby

    Linux users unite!

    debian + fluxbox on my laptop.   Win7 for gaming on my homecomputer.
  2. orby

    "the vinyl has been replaced by the CD, largely inferior in quality"

    I only read the first few postings. I've a question regarding the opening post: Quote:   isn't the advantage of digital media to have low crosstalk? And one would be lucky to reach someting < ... dB   i'd say   Vinyl drawbacks are IMHO: -high crosstalk, you'll be lucky if...
  3. orby

    AKG K240 MKII vs. BD DT770 Pro 80ohms

    Quote: if this is true, the DT770 Pro is definitely the wrong choice.
  4. orby

    FLAC Encoder Settings - - - oh dearly dearly me !

    it is impossible to hear a difference for there is none.   stick with level 5 compression. level 6 or higher will take much longer but will only save you some few kilobytes.   one more time: "Lossless data compression is a class of data...
  5. orby

    AKG K240DF vs K271 vs DT48e

    someone correct me if i'm wrong:   if your phones won't end a note if it has ended on the record, there's something seriously wrong. (if your speakers do the same, this might be a serious flaw with your room)   ontopic: what hinders you to go for the k501 again?
  6. orby

    sony mdr v6 - legal / original product on ebay?

    yeah, peetrain, put that way i came to think about it the same way. However, at first i thougth that their not expensive any way, why would one want to fake them. but yes, the v6 are well known for a long time, they are pretty "famous" ... thanks for your posting. in the meantime my V6 from...
  7. orby

    sony mdr v6 - legal / original product on ebay?

    double posting, srz
  8. orby

    sony mdr v6 - legal / original product on ebay?

    it's a little tricky to buy a v6 in germany. wont ship this item, the usual german online vendors won't have it in stock. however i found one on ebay shipped from austria (and have bought it even before starting this thread). i'm nevertheless curious on the chinese offer. thats...
  9. orby

    sony mdr v6 - legal / original product on ebay?

    were there imitaded v6 in the marked already? if i'd be in the position to fake phones i would'nt go for the v6 but rather would try on a more recent product. was faking products "common" in the 80s and 90s? hmm the price and the crap pics look suspecting to me.
  10. orby

    sony mdr v6 - legal / original product on ebay?

    Is this offer legit.? or can someone identify it as a remake? i don't think its likely to fraud a V6 but the price is incredible. curious for comments regards
  11. orby

    AKG K 601

        Quote: more important is, that sound will also leak in. If you want to concentrate on gaming an can hear the birds sing outside, that may disturb you and you should know this before you buy a k601.     On the question if amping is necessary or not (this is just my opinion...
  12. orby

    AKG K 601

    if you plan to use the 601 on LANs or in any environment which is not quiet, remember it is an open headphone and thus will let you hear anything around you as well. If that doesn't bother you, the K601 is more than sufficient (overkill) for gaming and i incredibly like it for vast types of...
  13. orby

    MP3 Player with large font

    i second you with the sansa fuze. look for (an old) or wait for a new stable release of rockbox for the fuze and get everything you'll ever need (including custom fonts). there are builds for the v2 (that is there were builds for the v2 but they got removed from the page. however there...
  14. orby

    Headphones >$250 (specific needs)

    Your post, oldsoulrevival, would perfectly describe the situation I was in when I had to choose a headphone for myself. After listening to headphones (the AKG K-271 and some beyers, 770pro, 880pro and 880 2005 edition) in my favourite stores fore quite some time, my decision fell on the AKG...