Recent content by PanicAudio
  1. PanicAudio

    The NEW ATH-ES700..

    I am really digging that design, Audio Technica really makes some great looking stuff, never been not pleased by their products. 
  2. PanicAudio

    Please help me find the right pair of headphones!

    Well if you are into style and sound quality I would have to say go with the BnW P5s although I dont know how well they really lend themselves to the music you have just listed. I do find the P5s to be well rounded though. Many of the music you listed is bass based so maybe the V Moda M80s would...
  3. PanicAudio

    Sennheiser amperior or vmoda m80 for metal?

    Quote:   As far as rock and metal I find the Grado Sr80s and the V Moda M80s to be very nice. Of course they work great with all types of music, but the "attack" is quite enjoyable on both (especially on the SR80s), but metal was nice. Although if you are going to wear them at school, I...
  4. PanicAudio

    Noob needs headphones

    Quote:   The ATH-M50, or the Senn Momentum is a strong choice and you will never look at a pair of Dres again. 
  5. PanicAudio

    After a year of lurking... (Hi, and a recommendation request)

    Well if you didnt have the HD25's I would be rather inclined to suggest the Grado Sr80s or something like that. Audio Technica could offer a nice change from your Senn headphones and they of course generally dont need to particularly amped or anything (in many cases). 
  6. PanicAudio


    Quote: Yea it will be totally compatible with all of that, V Moda makes a bangin product and I have never hesitated to give their headphones a try. Also for what you get for the price its something to behold. 
  7. PanicAudio

    New guy here. Looking at the Audio Technica ATH-M50's

    I do not personally own the ATH-M50s although I have listened to them on more than one occasion and I have to say for the money it is hard to beat them. Not to mention they look quite nice.  As far the symbols that could technically be from the recording of the actually CD, and the headphones...
  8. PanicAudio

    Hi guys. New member looking for headphone advice here :)

    Their is a headphone buying guide sticky I believe, or well atleast their is a list found on this site if its technically a sticky I am not so sure. The guide places the headphones into price ranges which is what your looking for it sounds. 
  9. PanicAudio


    The V Moda M80s, or the BnW P5 headphones will work perfectly for what you are looking for, although the V Modas are cheaper, and truthfully probably offer more bang for your buck (despite I like the BnW more but I am a bit biased). 
  10. PanicAudio

    What to get for a first pair of decent headphones?

    ATH-M50 is a very solid headphone (as others have already stated) although if you like to carry them out, I would suggest the BnW P5 headphones although you would have to get them used to fit in your price range. I know their are many mixed reviews of them on this site, but I really quite like...
  11. PanicAudio

    What fits?

    Yea having owned the Senns HD595 I have to say they work great for laptop listening, and are really quite comfortable. They will for sure las t a long time especially if you dont plan on wearing them outside, as casual listening cans generally (more or less) hold up quite well, especially ones...
  12. PanicAudio

    Comment by 'PanicAudio' in article 'Glossary Of Terms'

    This is so incredibly helpful, explains so much, and gives a great crash course of terms that any audiophile (should or already does) know.
  13. PanicAudio

    HiFiMan RE-600 Review

    That was a great review. I generally stay away from any "in ear" design earphones as they never feel quite like and just overall uncomfortable. That being said, these are rather interesting. I will certainly keep a look out for them, and maybe revisit in ear earphones. 
  14. PanicAudio

    Hello everyone

    Ahh what is "hps" Im guessing headphones (something). 
  15. PanicAudio

    Hello everyone

    When I first joined here I dont believe the "introduction section" and if their was I missed it. Ahh so subsequently I made my intro post in the wrong place so here it goes.      Hello I am new to Head-Fi but I have been a lurker for a good while, always so much information here. I have...