Recent content by Szymon The Crackhead
  1. Szymon The Crackhead

    Feedback by 'Szymon The Crackhead' on listing 'Audiosense DT200'

    Friendly contact, fast shipping, 100% recommend :)
  2. For Sale / Trade  Tanchjim HANA 2021 + Linsoul HC08

    115.00 EUR
    Excellent/Like new
    Or best offer
    Ships to
    1. Europe
    Hi! I'm interested in selling what is by far the best looking IEM I have ever owned - the Tanchjim HANA 2021. It's got excellent detail retrieval and truly intoxicating imaging. I am only selling it because it simply has too strong a bass response for me - I prefer neutral or rolled-off bass...
  3. Szymon The Crackhead

    FiiO 2022 new product schedule(From JamesFiiO)

    I really do not like the look of your new products. BTR5, M3 Pro, M15, they all looked like something Apple or Samsung could make. BTR7, M11 Plus and M17 look like CAT phones.
  4. For Sale  Spring cleaning - selling my collection of IEMs, Earbuds, Headphones and Sources

    0.00 EUR
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    1. Europe
    Hey guys! I have been in this hobby for over a year now. At first I was scared of "budgetfi hell" that many warned me against, but then I realised that it's the best way to actually learn what you like without spending mad cash - get a bunch of good budget gear and try different tunings. So...
  5. Szymon The Crackhead

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    Hi Wendy! What is the difference between this one and the 2021 Aurora? Did the tuning change?
  6. Szymon The Crackhead

    Shanling UP5 - Our new flagship portable Bluetooth DAC/AMP

    Guys, I need one question answered, preferably @Shanling can chime in: How is the auto-off behaviour on this device? I have a BTR5 and as long as it's connected through Bluetooth to my phone, it will NEVER turn off and I hate it. Is there an option for the UP5 to turn off after 5 minutes...
  7. Szymon The Crackhead

    Reply to review by 'Szymon The Crackhead' on item 'CCA CRA'

    @Hark01 thank you! It does suck for me, but I know how subjective this hobby is and I know some people I trust not to be shills who love this set, so I tried to bet as fair as possible and try to see what they might like about it. :D
  8. Szymon The Crackhead

    Review by 'Szymon The Crackhead' on item 'CCA CRA'

    hype /hʌɪp/ noun extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion “The CCA CRA was hyped as an IEM that outperforms significantly more expensive earphones.” Man does it feel difficult writing this review. I am not quite sure why. Maybe I’m subconsciously scared of the blowback for trashing the...
  9. Want To Buy  Moondrop Starfield

    60.00 EUR
    Or best offer
    Ships to
    1. Poland
    Hey guys! I'm looking to acquire a Moondrop Starfield. I want to buy it as it's a very popular IEM and I'd like to use it as a reference for reviews. I have tried an Aria before and I didn't like it, so I don't want to pay full price for brand new Starfields, but if anyone has them in Europe...
  10. Szymon The Crackhead

    Rate the video games you're currently playing

    I do not own a PlayStation console, so playing on the PC, DS3 seemed like the perfect choice. I plan on playing DS1, DS2 and then Sekiro later, possibly venturing into other “souls-like” games like Ni-Oh if the audience likes it on my stream 😅
  11. Szymon The Crackhead

    Rate the video games you're currently playing

    I’m currently playing Hades and Dark Souls 3. Hades is certainly an experience. One of the best games I have ever played for sure. I already got all the achievements and I’m working on 100%-ing it completely, as well as doing some speedruns. The game is fun, challenging, hilarious, goofy, well...
  12. Szymon The Crackhead

    The discovery thread!

    Buy a good headphone instead. Geek Wold is a meme.