Recent content by Thrashattack92
  1. Thrashattack92

    Is it worth buying a good amp for my HD 555s?

    My audio jack broke off inside my laptop so I guess I'll have to buy an external sound card. I was wondering if it was worth spending some money on a good amp for these headphones or whether it would be fine to buy a $10-20 on amazon. I wouldn't wanna spend over $100 on one though.
  2. Thrashattack92

    Does an iPod classic not have enough juice to run HD555s?

    I would like to spend no more than $200 but don't plan on buying a new set of headphones too soon since I just got these today. And I would like for them to be at least semi portable even though I will mostly use them at home.
  3. Thrashattack92

    Does an iPod classic not have enough juice to run HD555s?

    What about the Cmoy amp? I may be able to buy a better one, what would you reccomend?
  4. Thrashattack92

    Does an iPod classic not have enough juice to run HD555s?

    Thanks. If I was to purchase an amp, could you recommend one with a good intersection of price and quality? Like, less than $50 perhaps.
  5. Thrashattack92

    Does an iPod classic not have enough juice to run HD555s?

    I don't have much of a budget at all right now, I'm a high school kid. But I may be able to save up a little. What I really want to know is whether the phones will be underpowered and not sound as good as they should coming from my iPod.
  6. Thrashattack92

    Does an iPod classic not have enough juice to run HD555s?

    Should I buy a (cheap) amp to power them? Or will they sound fine on the iPod by itself?
  7. Thrashattack92

    My First Good Set Of Headphones: How big of a difference should I expect?

    Haha, thanks a lot for all the advice. And I had previously thought the V150's were the best headphones I had owned...Haha my poor virgin ears, I guess. I'll let you all know what I think about 'em when they get here.
  8. Thrashattack92

    My First Good Set Of Headphones: How big of a difference should I expect?

    I'm making an upgrade from Sony MDR- V150s to some Sennheiser HD555s that I got for $80 on Amazon. I'm hoping for a big increase in sound quality. What do you guys think? I've already got a bunch of FLAC quality music, so I won't have to worry about crappy bitrate.