Music, Programming, Computers in general, Drawing, Gaming
Programming, Computers, Hardware, Game Development, anything DIY, Electronics, Drawing, Painting, Photography, Aviation and much more than I can count or remember at the moment..
Headphone Inventory
Future Sonics atrio m5 (black)
Grado SR225
Beyerdynamic DT990 600 Ohm
Headphone Amp Inventory
Schiit Audio Asgard 2
Source Inventory
Asus Xonar D2 (computer headphone source)
iPod Touch 3G 64G (portable)
Musical Fidelity M1 DAC-A (speaker rig)
Rega RP3 TT With Cambridge Audio Azur 640P Phono Stage (speaker rig)
Cable Inventory
Ultralink mini jack to RCA interconnects
Chord Company Crimson interconnects
Tellurium Q Black (speaker rig)
Other Audio Equipment
Musical Fidelity X-Ray v3
Xindak XA-6900 with Amperex ECC88 NOS tubes
Audio-Related Tweaks
Blu-tak mod for AKG K81DJ
Music Preferences
Metal of all kinds - Black, Pagan, Death, Folk, Thrash, some Doom, Power and Heavy.
Some classical rock
Some electronic music
Some classical
And good music generally


Headphone Rig - Winamp -> Asus Xonar D2 (ASIO) -> Schiit Audio Asgard 2 -> Grado SR225 / Beyerdynamic DT 990 600 Ohm
Portable Rig - iPod Touch 3G 64G -> Future Sonics atrio m3/Car AUX via LOD