Head Gear Reviews by wolfjeanne
  1. Simgot EN700 Pro

    4.00 star(s)
    EDIT: 6 months later, I still stand by what I wrote here. One update though is that the strain reliefs on the left side broke at the housing. The plastic was somewhat brittle it seems. Luckily simgot's customer service was amazing - super quick, super friendly. They sent me a replacement cable in black and I have no complaints with that one. I have not written a full review in a while because I have been quite busy and honestly did not buy any new stuff that got me overly excited. I still mainly use my Philips Fidelio L2; when I needed in-ears, I...
  2. Sony MH1 Livesound Hi-Fi Stereo In-Ear Headphones

    4.00 star(s)
    I've had these Sony MH1C's  for quite a while now - which in itself says something about their durability, and I've grown to like them. 1 First things first though, let's start of by saying that these IEM by no means compare to competitors twice their price; at least not to good offerings in that price range. This might have been true when you could buy them for a lot less, but at their current price I bought them for - 30 euro's - they are very good for their class. If you have more money to spend or want a neutral sound, you can find better...
  3. Philips Fidelio L2

    4.50 star(s)
    Update 2: . I've been using these for over 2.5 years now, so an update might be appreciated by some of you. Let me first say some words on the durability, since most tests don't cover such a long period, and then comment on their sound and value for money.   The pads were what most people, including me, were most worried about in terms of durability, but the left one is only now showing some wear, and the right one is still completely fine. Moreover, some posts over on the L2 thread suggest that replacement is actually quite doable. The headband is...