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  1. seanwee

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    Some daps have adjustable line out, most are fixed. Gain shouldn't change it since that affects the amp section.
  2. seanwee

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    M15S if new. If used your options open up greatly and at least according to @RIGATIO, the AK SP1000 is better at $1000. Top of its own price category (~$750) would be the Hiby R6 Pro II, which soundly beats it's 4499EX competitor like the M23. I also thought it sounded better than the DX260...
  3. seanwee

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    It sounds better than the mediocre ones in its price bracket or even more expensive ones. It's not the top of it's price bracket.
  4. seanwee

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    It staggers and averages the outputs from the dacs. From their marketing I'd expect: Normal mode runs 4 dacs per channel, 4 x2 channels 2x FIR runs 2 dacs in parallel per channel and averages them 2/2 x2 channels 4x FIR runs 4 dacs in parallel per channel and averages them 4/4 x2 channels...
  5. seanwee

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    I found the difference extremely noticeable on my Elysian Annihilators. I prefer FIR off, 2x and 4x apply more and more smearing of the sound, kind of like Temporal Anti-Aliasing. It muddles the details, softens and veils the dynamics which I think worsens the sound. If you have a warmer...
  6. seanwee

    FiiO M23, AK4191EQ+AK4499EX, THX AAA-78+, Dual Type-C Ports, Dual-Core Fast Charging, 1000mW+1000mW @32Ω

    Just listened to the M23, it's in line with its pricing. Not on the same level as M15s but definitely closer than the M11 plus ESS. Initial impressions are that the tonality is close, but the M23 is softer, M15S is crisper. Soundstage isn't as wide on the M23, and it doesn't have the...
  7. seanwee

    Cayin N3Ultra: an Entry-level Portable DAP that Delivers a Complete Vacuum Tube Audio Experience

    Or maybe they are the old guard who still carry around their entire library in 1tb/1.5tb microsd cards and so don't really need any of the other features. I rarely connect my dap to WiFi (EM noise precaution, senseless purist mindset), but I am growing more accustomed to using streaming...
  8. seanwee

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    There are a few notable caveats for the R6 Pro II: Power: I find the balanced output to be JUST enough for planars if you listen at louder volumes. Battery life: 5-7 hours depending on how much output power you need, for me it was just shy of 5 hours. Sound wise it's overall better but I...
  9. seanwee

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    In my opinion, the FiiO M15S and Hiby R6 Pro II are better sounding, mainly in the dynamics and soundstage department. Software should be fine, it's been a long time since any android dap has bothered me with slow UI or glaring bugs.
  10. seanwee

    Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread

    In the budget category the CS43131 is your best shot. AKM doesn't really make ultra low power chips. And saber is well, saber sounding, until you get to the 9038q2m ones.
  11. seanwee

    Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread

    Most of campfire audio's lineup is as bad as KZ, just without the occasional gems. Only they are demanding the price of gold only to sell coal wrapped in gold foil. Masochists still buy them so
  12. seanwee

    FiiO M23, AK4191EQ+AK4499EX, THX AAA-78+, Dual Type-C Ports, Dual-Core Fast Charging, 1000mW+1000mW @32Ω

    I'm also very picky lol, with very discerning gear and know my songs well so even small differences are noticeable to me. I won't look in poorly recorded songs where there aren't differences to be found, that's just a waste of time. Why get a supercar only to be limited by traffic? Anyhow...
  13. seanwee

    FiiO M23, AK4191EQ+AK4499EX, THX AAA-78+, Dual Type-C Ports, Dual-Core Fast Charging, 1000mW+1000mW @32Ω

    Higher end daps use more capacitors and definitely burn in around 100 hours for most. I've tried a lot of daps out of the box vs the store demo and usually it's the bass and smoothness that improves most noticeably.
  14. seanwee

    Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread

    The PR2s are as hard to drive as my Anandas... I had the JM6, JM10, JM20. All don't power it sufficiently. I needed to step up to the Hidizs S9 Pro for it to sound unrestrained. And even then it still scales with better sources.
  15. seanwee

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    Why not N3 Ultra? Unfortunately so. I'll try with a few other sources like @RIGATIO mentioned.
  16. seanwee

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    Yeah, I also don't think it should sound like that at all, that's why I'm asking for advice. I'm all ears if you have any.
  17. seanwee

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    If you want dynamics the M15S is the undisputed champion (so far) in its price range and then some. As for the WM1A M2 vs DX260 I would personally go with the DX260, the sound is more refined, more nuanced and detailed. Soundstage is also bigger. I tried the DC Elite for a short while and...
  18. seanwee

    FiiO M23, AK4191EQ+AK4499EX, THX AAA-78+, Dual Type-C Ports, Dual-Core Fast Charging, 1000mW+1000mW @32Ω

    He also mentioned that the ZX507/707 are better which brings into question his gear. It could be that his gear pairs better on warm/dark sounding daps.
  19. seanwee

    Reply to review by 'seanwee' on item 'FiiO M23'

    Clearly a preference to warmer darker signatures. Maybe his gear? But yeah the ZX507 and 707 aren't very impressive technically (dynamics, clarity, detail, soundstage, etc) for the price point.
  20. seanwee

    FiiO M23, AK4191EQ+AK4499EX, THX AAA-78+, Dual Type-C Ports, Dual-Core Fast Charging, 1000mW+1000mW @32Ω

    Haven't had any issue because I usually keep a 15% margin from the max volume but I have noticed it's louder at the same volume setting. But yeah, makes sense. Maybe you could try applying a preamp value of -5.
  21. seanwee

    FiiO M23, AK4191EQ+AK4499EX, THX AAA-78+, Dual Type-C Ports, Dual-Core Fast Charging, 1000mW+1000mW @32Ω

    Always open to try new players, but in this case I didn't like the "analog-ness" of the sound with this particular setting. Oversampling is a controversial subject in terms of benefit/harm but turning it to 16x and off I much prefer having off, the sound blooms and has a blurriness to it. The...
  22. seanwee

    FiiO M23, AK4191EQ+AK4499EX, THX AAA-78+, Dual Type-C Ports, Dual-Core Fast Charging, 1000mW+1000mW @32Ω

    Been comparing sources for a long time now. Depending on your iem/song/loudness it will be easier or harder to hear the difference. I listen loud with super revealing gear on select songs in my album that are very sensitive to differences in spaciousness, attack, detail, crispness, extension...
  23. seanwee

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    Not sure if anyone here knows about video game anti aliasing solutions but FIR sounds like the audio equivalent of TAA. Ie it smooths/blurs out everything by averaging samples in the temporal domain, be it peaks, dynamics or details. It ruins the dap imo which is why I'm curious if anyone...
  24. seanwee

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    Yeah unfortunately dynamics is one thing the DX260 is quite weak at relative to the M15S and R6 Pro II. It's makes a bigger difference than the M15S and R6 Pro II slight roll off in the treble and bass respectively. If you asked me to guess the dacs used in the players I would have guessed...