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  • Users: mrkangpae
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  1. mrkangpae

    What's up with E4 prices?

    Am I on crack or am I right that the E4 was selling for around $180-190 a few months back? Does anyone know what happened to the price of the E4?
  2. mrkangpae

    Foreign headphones: Nakamichi SP-K300

    My friend is in Japan and is considering purchasing these headphones. Has anyone heard *anything* about these cans? Thanks for your help.
  3. mrkangpae

    Impressions: ESI QuataFire 610

    So I know many of you wish there were more reviews on the higher-end external soundcards and computer peripheral recording equipment. Here's my first contribution. Do not purchase the ESI QuataFire if it were the last soundcard on the face of the planet. For the 10 seconds I listened to it...
  4. mrkangpae

    Exciting USB/Firewire source recommendations

    Hi all, I'm currently running an Audiophile USB to a Gilmore Lite to DT880s. I've found the Audiophile to be a little too laid-back synergize well with the Lite/880s. I've heard the Lite/880s through the ESI Waveterminal U24, and the setup sounded fantastic. The U24 has a much punchier...
  5. mrkangpae

    Stanford Head-fiers

    Hi guys, spike33 and I are thinking of doing a comparison between the 501, 880, 5k, and 650. We already have the 501/880 in possession. I'm considering purchasing the 650 for the comparison, but I'd like to audition it before I do. Is there anyone at Stanford who has a burnt-in 650 and...
  6. mrkangpae

    Pot imbalances

    I've noticed a trend in pot imbalances. So far, I know of three cases of pot imbalances. All of them happen at low volumes; all of them happen to overjuice the left channel. Is this just some freak coincidence, or is there some sort of reason why pot imbalances tend to favor the left channel?
  7. mrkangpae

    HD555 grill material?

    Anyone know what it is?
  8. mrkangpae

    How is the Alessandro MS-1 based of the SR125?

    I don't get how Alessandro can sell the MS-1 for so much cheaper than the SR125 ($100 vs. $125) when the MS-1 is based off it. Anyone know?
  9. mrkangpae

    Speaker amp onboard headphone amps

    Hi guys, Does anyone know if the onboard headphone amps for Marantz Amps are any good at all? Thanks!
  10. mrkangpae

    Worthy Sub-$250 Cans

    Who here can claim the title of Most Worthy Sub-$250 Cans! HD580 HD595 A900 DT880 SR225 I'm looking to upgrade, and I'm leaning towards a DT880 right now, but I'm worried because the DT880s don't get too much publicity here; I've seen good reviews on them, but by no means Phenomenal...
  11. mrkangpae

    Sony D-NE900 + PIMETA + HD580?

    Is this source equipment good enough for the 580? Thanks!
  12. mrkangpae

    Someone make my decision for me please :)

    Hi guys, I just recently bought a Senn HD555 for $120. But I (more) recently found that I could get a Senn HD595 for $200. I will not be upgrading for a while; the next time I do I will likely not go any further on Senns. Any opinions on if I should or shouldn't keep the HD555 and why...
  13. mrkangpae

    Amp components?

    Hello, Are there any good websites that explain what each of the components of an amp does? Thanks!
  14. mrkangpae

    Does anyone know this performer

    Dong-suk Kang, violinist. Just curious. Anyone like him?
  15. mrkangpae

    The Ety 4S converter with non-Ety headphones!

    Hi guys, This may seem like a silly question, but I'm just not really well-read in this area. I was wondering if anyone knew precisely how raising the impedance on headphones affects the frequency response (or general sound quality). The reason why I'm asking this is because I'm actually...
  16. mrkangpae

    Suggestions for an external sound card with lineout?

    Hi, Just wondering if there are any good sub-$100 external sound cards with a lineout (I was told that the M-Audio Transit only has a head out and digi out). I know the Optoplay fits the description, but I wanted to know if there is anything else I could be considering. Thanks!
  17. mrkangpae

    What differentiates portable lineouts?

    Is it just the internal DAC? Do players really differ much when using a lineout/amp? Thanks!
  18. mrkangpae

    Question! PCDP versus Soundcard

    Hi guys, Just wondering... can soundcards get anywhere near audiophile quality sound? Do they beat better PCDPs? Thanks!
  19. mrkangpae

    Would better interconnects be worth it for my system?

    Sony DNE900 => PIMETA => Senn 555 I'm debating between the cheapest interconnects I can find, or maybe Cardas/Silver interconnects (~$20-30).
  20. mrkangpae

    JMTAudio Portable PIMETA versus Maxi Moy

    Hello, Has anyone heard either the Portable Headphone Amp PIMETA and/or the Shellbrook Lab Maxi Moy? I'm wondering how they line-up against each other. Thanks!
  21. mrkangpae

    The Overlooked Sennheiser HD555

    Heylo, What do people think of the Senn HD555s? Do they measure up anywhere near the level of the HD580/595/600/650s? Thanks!
  22. mrkangpae

    Sony D-NE10 vs. D-NE20 vs. D-NE900

    Hello, Is it worth getting the D-NE10/20 over the D-NE900? Are they any different in terms of their head/lineout quality? Thanks!
  23. mrkangpae

    In need of amp advice!

    Hi guys, My friend just bought a CMoy that runs on 9V battery. He's wondering: 1) Whether it would be better for him to use a 12V or 24V wall wart and 2) Where he can buy a good one. Thanks guys!
  24. mrkangpae

    iRiver SlimX! Driving it into the ground once more...

    Hello, I realize this issue has been driven into the ground pretty much, but I can't seem to find anything on whether or not the infamous "SlimX hiss" applies to the lineout as well. Anyone? Thanks!
  25. mrkangpae

    iPod... edible

    rofl, I didn't notice this until a friend pointed it out. Disclaimers: " 1. Music capacity is based on 4 minutes per song and 128Kbps AAC encoding. 2. Do not eat iPod shuffle. 3. Rechargeable batteries have a limited number of charge cycles and may eventually need to be replaced...