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  1. synaesthetic

    Help me build a new (budget) computer.

    I've got a 3 year old Shuttle XPC at the moment and it's on its way out the door. It's starting to have a lot of problems, and anyway there's very little room for upgrades (or even physical room to put a decent video card in it). I used to be up on all computer knowledge about 8 to 10 years...
  2. synaesthetic

    Recommend me some industrial!

    Yeah, I already got the basics down... I have plenty of Skinny Puppy and Front Line Assembly albums, and love them, but am always looking for new stuff I've not listened to yet. I have some NIN as well, but I don't really care for NIN that much. I'd like more industrial industrial, and not so...
  3. synaesthetic

    A question for those who have used SFI ortho drivers...

    I'm wanting to get a few of these and play with them, but I am curious as to how they should be used. Should the drivers be used in a closed-back, semi-open or open-back housing? I see some people have made headphones using them with wood that doesn't appear to be open, and Fitz was going to...
  4. synaesthetic

    gapless and iPods

    Quick question... Is the gapless support of the iPod a hardware feature only found in the newer players, or can it exist on older iPods with the most recent firmware installed?
  5. synaesthetic

    A728 disappearing tags

    I'm still having this problem and I hope someone knows the answer. Some of my tracks are flat refusing to display tags on my A728, no matter how I put them on the player. Be it drag and drop or through an app like MediaMonkey, the A728 stubbornly insists that these files are not tagged when I...
  6. synaesthetic

    Which silicone tips fit Denon C551?

    Now that I've got my sexy, sexy Etymotic HF5s (both sexy in looks and sound, that is), I have no use for my barely-used Denon C551s. The sound just wasn't my cup of tea... Anyway, I have decided to give the C551s to a friend of mine who I am positive will greatly appreciate them, as she is...
  7. synaesthetic

    K601 or DT880?

    After some extensive research on my next move up the head-fi ladder, I've come down to these two headphones to upgrade from my AD700s. They will be fed by a CIAudio VHP-1 headphone amp playing an assortment of lossless and high-bitrate MP3, in addition to movies, anime and games. Genres of...
  8. synaesthetic

    Which headphone?

    A dilemma that has plagued many a Head-Fi'er I'm sure. Now, I'm almost totally satisfied with my Audio-Technica ATH-AD700s. They sound great and are very comfortable for long-term wear, other than a bit of mashing on my right ear when they're not perfectly situated (only my right ear, not my...
  9. synaesthetic

    are comply tips washable?

    They don't look totally smooth like Shure olives...
  10. synaesthetic

    More bass... (but not too much)

    Lately I have been finding the bass produced by my AD700s to be, well, lacking. Especially for gaming. I think the new Denon earphones are messing with me... As succinctly as I can put it, I'm wondering what I can go to next. I'm still thinking about an '03 DT880, but I'm not too sure it'd...
  11. synaesthetic

    Tips for Denon AH-C551

    So I picked up a pair of these real cheaply off the Internet a few days ago... got them today. The sound I am pleasantly surprised in, and the build quality is great. Love the cord, even though it's a modular cable, it's actually the perfect length, for once. But I hate the sleeves! They're...
  12. synaesthetic

    More IEM questions...

    So I received my (new version)... and I don't really like them. It's difficult for me to get a good fit with them, and the sound is a little boring. The "iPhone" compatible plug REALLY irritates me as well. It's so small and thin, it can be annoying to pull out of headphone jacks...
  13. synaesthetic

    FreQ vs. LiveWires

    After too many fit, comfort and cable issues to be satisfied with the ER-4P, I'm looking hard at customs. None of the UE customs are affordable to me, so I'm looking at the popular inexpensive options, the FreQ and the LiveWires. I'm wondering here, from those who have heard both Etymotic...
  14. synaesthetic

    Do any Head-Fi'ers like Chiptunes?

    By chiptunes, I mean generally music that is either from old vintage video games, or new music that is created to sound like old video game music. I love chiptunes; some of these old games have some extremely impressive music considering what kind of sound processing hardware they had to work...
  15. synaesthetic

    IEM search...

    I'm quite satisfied with my ER-4P for many types of music, but the more I branch out into metal, the less I become satisfied with them. They work great for ambient music, female vocals and a lot of post-metal, but as I've been broadening my musical horizons, they've only been so-so for dealing...
  16. synaesthetic


    Meet the newest member of my household, a very pretty grey with calico kitten by the name of Sophie. She's about two months old now and gets into pretty much everything! Even at such a young age, she already demonstrates her impeccable taste in good sound, sitting between the earcups of my...
  17. synaesthetic

    Tag issues with A728

    So far I'm loving this player, but it's displaying some of the irritating tagging behavior that my old Sansa player did--a common thread between the two, considering both players are drag-and-drop capable. Most every tag is displaying properly, but a few are not. They are not displaying their...
  18. synaesthetic

    Best protective case for Sony NWZ-A728?

    It's far too pretty for me to let it go unprotected. =( I need some suggestions. You guys helped me find the awesome Agent18 EcoShield for my old iPod Nano, help me find something to clothe the newest member of my audio family. =)
  19. synaesthetic

    DAP with best headphone out?

    Curious to see what others think. =) I still haven't found anything that sounded better right out of the headphone amp than my old Sharp Auvi DS8 minidisc player, though truthfully I have not heard a wide variety of players.
  20. synaesthetic

    Is it possible to fix the bass rolloff on iPod Mini HP out?

    Note that I do not wish to use the line-out; I'm tired of carrying all that extra bulk of an amp and a DAP. Since I don't want to carry a headamp around anymore, this would be a crucial bit of information to help me decide whether I should spend my money on a used second generation Mini and a...
  21. synaesthetic

    Portable Source for ER-4P (unamped)

    I'm trading in my iPod Nano + Headphonia portable amp rig to attempt and consolidate what I carry around in my pocket. While I am very, very fond with how this combo sounds, I am not fond of how much bulk and tangle I'm carrying around. Not to mention I'm not fond of the Nano's 8gb limit. So...
  22. synaesthetic

    I'm interested in vinyl!

    Well I pretty much have my digital listening covered well. The computer takes care of that quite handily. But I've always been a fan of vinyl, and I'd really like to know of a cheap introductory turntable that won't break the bank or sound like poo. I had some random component TT from a...
  23. synaesthetic

    Old Stax

    Just out of curiosity, and wanting to get a little electrostat in my musical diet, which of the more vintage Stax headphones are worth owning? What prices should I be watching for on these old headphones? Also, will the energizer units work with any regular integrated amplifier or does it...
  24. synaesthetic

    Strange soldering iron tip damage

    I wish I had a camera to take a picture of this but alas I don't have one near to hand. My soldering iron's tip has somehow... shattered. A large chunk of metal apparently fell away from it at some point during the work I've been doing on my desktop PIMETA. The iron still works...