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  • Users: Tuberoller
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  1. Tuberoller

    This "dating" thing sucks....hard.

    Here I sit on a saturday night,poking away at this stupid phone/PDA instead of "squeezing some bedsprings" like I planned to do. I hooked up with the hot nurse from my flu thread but I had to boot her today since I found her to be completely,utterly annoying outside the bedroom. As I'm poking...
  2. Tuberoller

    Carry something useful in your bag/purse

    I had to go into work today for a few hours and saw the results of our department's latest Rediness drills and citizen surveys. The drills went well and I'm sure the fine citizens of Chicago would fare well (as possible) in the event of a catastophic(sp?) event. What did'nt look so good was the...
  3. Tuberoller

    Where is Nightfall?

    I'm kinda worried about my buddy Jeff. I have'nt heard from him since he came to Chicago with the Montana gang(Todd the Vinyl Junkie,Scott, Kim and Tom) to see the Lions get wasted by the Bears. Anybody seen or heard from Jeff? I've been away from a PC for some time and can't check my AOL mail...
  4. Tuberoller

    Flu Vaccine making folks really,really sick

    I have always had to have flu and Pneumonia vaccinations as a work precaution,now I have to have them more for the reasons of being a CHF patient. I had my shots two days ago and today I'm in the hospital with major pain in both arms as well as severe body aches,fever and fluid loss. My doctor...
  5. Tuberoller

    This is why I hate Craigslist

    Check out This for sale ad . This guy does'nt even know what he's selling and doesn't know the brand. To find a good deal,you gotta check every single ad,every day. I don't really hate Craigslist but I'm getting there.
  6. Tuberoller

    Anyone here ever consider a career in the trades?

    I frequent a few forums around the net and it's interesting to observe the career paths of the folks using those forums. On the military sites,I've observed that most folks are skilled tradesmen or business owners in the trades and on the audio sites there are lots of "professionals",or college...
  7. Tuberoller

    Banks or Credit Unions for lending purposes?

    Money management is my weakness. I don't mind earning and spending it but anything other than my stock trading hobby is bad news when I'm involved. I'm embarassed to admit that I've never filled out a loan application and have never personally applied for a loan. My wife did all the dirty work...
  8. Tuberoller

    Important Warning to Oxiclean users

    I've been recommending Oxiclean as a great product with many applications,including cleaning records and treated Fire and Flame Retardant clothing. The product I recommended then was free of detergents and additives and rinsed very clean. I touted Oxiclean as being the best product I'd ever used...
  9. Tuberoller

    The Very Best Driving shoes I've ever tried(for the car guys/girls)

    It's extremely rare that a really fast driver will share a tip that he knows makes him better and faster. This latest bit was no exception and even my good buddy,driver Phil McClure and my driving instructor Michael Culver from the Skip Barber driving school initially refused to share this...
  10. Tuberoller

    What do ya'll think of this? (for the car guys and girls)

    I been itching to get me a cool crusier for a while now and I've always loved the mid 60's Lincoln Continentals. I found one on ebay in This listing and had a buddy of mine swing by to take a look. He says it's much cleaner and nicer than it appears in the photos and the owner is willing to do a...
  11. Tuberoller

    What else (besides games) do you use you PSP for?

    I'm thinking of getting myself a PSP for my birthday next week but I'm a cheapskate and my new car won't be here for another two months anyway. My son has a PSP and uses it to watch movies and play games,which is cool. I'm not much of a gamer but I do like the movies and the screen quality. What...
  12. Tuberoller

    For the Motorcycle Racing Fans,Cool videos

    There is a long,long list of videos linked to the site but This video is a pretty good one and illustrates a few things very well. First it shows a great pass on warm tires vs. cold tires. The passer was on a 1000 and both the video bikes are 600s. Secondly it shows how quick a fast 600 really...
  13. Tuberoller

    "Over There" TV series

    FX has seen fit to "screen" the pilot and a few early episodes for veteran's groups around the US and tonight the group I belong to was chosen to offer opinions. I hesitate to call this a real screening because they went through a ton of trouble and sent a FX Exec as well as a complete A/V setup...
  14. Tuberoller

    WOOOOOOT!!!!! I finally won a Race!!!! WOOOOT!

    OK,so I did'nt actually win either of the heat races but my 2nd place finish in the first heat and 3rd place finish in the 2nd were good for the overall win. The first win for Beltfeed Racing and me as a driver. Yeah,I'm gonna blow my own horn for a bit cause I worked really hard at this and...
  15. Tuberoller

    Happy Birthday Fyrfytrhoges!!!!!!!

    Sorry this is late. I been on a PDA for the last few days and starting new threads using that thing is a near impossibility. Anway,I hope you had a great 34th birthday and I hope the reason you're not around now is because you're enjoying your really hot birthday sex. I gotta find a goofy...
  16. Tuberoller

    The cops come through(a short story with a happy ending)

    If you guys have noticed a shortage of reviews coming from me,there is a reason for this. My Toshiba laptop was stolen about six months ago with all my reviews stored on the drive. I was way too embarrassed to let anyone know that my Notebook had been stolen,especially considering the...
  17. Tuberoller

    For the car Guys and ladies(dial-up warning) pics of 2006 Z06 and 2006 STS-V

    I'm sure you all know the details by now: 7.0liter ,500 horsepower,six speed trans(sequential 7-speed to be offered in 2007)aluminum chassis and frame rails. Dry-sump oiling system,magnesium fixed-roof, 0-60 in 3.6 seconds,1/4 mile expected in 11 seconds flat. I'm about to make a wet spot...
  18. Tuberoller

    Was that the best Rosebowl ever?

    What an awesome game. I don't think my wife and I ever stop yelling or jumping up and down. We were having a kiddie party earlier today(for the 5 year old neice) and were both in a funk. That game certainly perked us both up. I'm kinda hurt for all the Michigan fans(Tom,Jeff,Jude ) but Texas QB...
  19. Tuberoller

    Roku Soundbridge M1000 impressions(dial-up warning)

    Well,all was going well through set-up and when I finally got music,the left channel of the M1000 was dead. I have two units so I know the one I bought at Best Buy is faulty. I'll take it back tomorrow and exchange it for a new unit,if they are not sold out. edit: nevermind,as Bundee pointed...
  20. Tuberoller

    Stupid Questions from a non computer-audiophile

    I got a few questions for you Cumputers-as-Source experts. I'm kinda illiterate so I need the answers in layman's terms. I can do hardware and software installs so I mainly need recommendations for such.. I'm interested in doing the very highest quality lossless rips to a large (200G)Drive...
  21. Tuberoller

    Annoying Houseguests

    This the time of the year I find my house full of folks I really would rather not entertain. My daughter's boyfriend immediately comes to mind but there are plenty of others I do not want in my home. My wife chooses to invite her obnoxious uncle who comes by and sits at my table and tells...
  22. Tuberoller

    Oh how I love Jello!!!

    How many ways can I proclaim my love for Jello? I think I might compose a poem to express my love of that precious jiggly substance which so smoothly slides down my throat to my eagerly awaiting stomach. OK,I'm back. I got a big bowl of Strawberry-Banana jello propped in front of me and I'm...
  23. Tuberoller

    G08 owners: I think there's a flash update available.

    Sorry to alarm you guys in any way but I talked to a reveiwer today who is about to publish a very,very positive review of the G08 and we talked about how great it sounds and some small "quirks". We got around to talking about the display and the display functions as well. He did'nt know how to...
  24. Tuberoller

    I'm addicted to these "toys"

    A while back one of our members from Hong Kong sent me a PM asking if I wanted to check out some "action figures" that his company manufactures. He has'nt posted in a long while since the whole "English Only" dispute but he and I have talked on the phone and I've purchased about two dozen of his...