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  1. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    Great! We even have tube experience in common! Thank you ; - ) I know very well the problems of objective testing, since bias and stereotypes have been part of my research. But I also know that it is possible to overdo this - "objectivism". Audio needs to build on subjective experience not just...
  2. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    Sonic defender, I try to go where my ears lead me, but I have also gone into ditches or rabbit holes before, like in the 80ies when I believed digital was more or less perfect, a bit was a bit, and so on, and later rediscovering LPs, and even switching from solid state to tube components. I...
  3. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    thanks I will look into it - they weigh ca 40 grams less than the closed version I note.
  4. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    Coloured - as in tuned-down treble? Or also in other respects? Muffled - could it be from short term listening, with mediocre non balanced cable and amp, and so-so digital input? I also thought they were muffled at first. Still, alternative suggestions - better headphones - are welcome. The...
  5. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    Thanks for suggestions! Romantic - wow! Naive me, I didn't even know the AQs were romantic! The grass is often greener on the other side of the fence. Sonic defender - Are you mainly suggesting more 'accurate' headphones, maybe like the AKG 701 and Sennheiser 600, flagships at their time...
  6. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    So let me rephrase - all in all I am fairly well satisfied with the headphones, especially compared to the ones I used before. And - blush - I admit to a little feeling of love, sometimes, with the comfort of using them.
  7. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    Yes maybe the love is a bit exaggerated, I should listen to some alternatives. Suggestions? Most of what I say about good source and balanced operation would apply to these also I guess.
  8. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    I should add that my observations, above, are subjective even if experience-based. I am mainly a speaker guy, listening to headphones only sometimes. I realize now, I could check some of my statements, comparing the headphones to my most "sharp" speakers, the small Korean made Arche FR2 single...
  9. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    I have 300 LPs recorded to double speed DSD 5.6 mhz files, and even more earlier recordings to single speed DSD 2.8 mhz, first made on a Korg Mr1 and later a Tascam DA-3000, over the last fifteen years. Using a top quality analog system (Lyra Atlas cartridge, Aesthetix Io Eclipse preamp, etc)...
  10. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    Also, the headphones clearly get more air under their wings - sound better - playing DSD recordings with the digital volume control disabled, compared to PCM with the digital volume control in the circuit. This is a clear step up, on the Teac as well as my small desktop Topping e30ii DAC, and...
  11. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    The Audiotaylor Jade headphone amp is an OTL (output transformer less) amp using one driver and one output tube. It sounds better than any solid state outputs I have tried to the hawk and owl so far, using standard new production tubes. It goes a further step up with the best NOS tubes. In my...
  12. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    Sorry if I repeat myself. But maybe a point we all could agree on.
  13. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    One of the early reviews of the Nighthawks - was it in Stereophile, TAS, cant find it now - tried them with balanced output and cables, and said, now they come into their own, and sound much better! I agree. I think some reviews and common impressions - they are too dark, too murky, etc - have...
  14. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    My Teac NT-505 is a very good mid-level DAC/Streamer which includes a solid state headphone amp. Some reviewers have written that this is also very good. Sorry to say it, but that is not correct in this case at least. The Audiotailor OTL Jade headphone amp is on another level. Beyond the Teac...
  15. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    Someone compared them to a bathrobe. Relaxed sound. Treble somewhat subdued. Yet these birds need air to fly well. They are clearly better-sounding, more open and dimensional, with balanced output and cable. With top quality recordings and balanced operation they go two or three steps up, in...
  16. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    After trying Stax electrostat headphones with their own preamp years ago, and - to my surprise - not quite liking it, I went up the line to good conventional headphones, Sennheiser 600. This sounded quite good especially with balanced cable from my OTL headphone preamp. But I never fell in love...
  17. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    This debate makes me wonder, what is Skylar doing now, and is there anyone else developing the hawk/owl concept further?
  18. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    My Nighthawks are more worn than the owls, with more signs of wear. I wanted to inspect them for possible rot but we have left them at the cottage which we just closed down since it is not isolated for winter use. Maybe not a good idea since this is by the coast, with more humidity in periods. I...
  19. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    Thanks I get it. Not so much humidity, except heavy rainfall episodes, here in Norway - and my owls have only been lightly used. They have been laying on my desktop almost unused for some months now, I notice they attract dust, and have put them in their (nice) box. Probably best practice...
  20. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    Thats good news. Break - I can understand - but rot - ? No sign of this creeping danger on mine...
  21. oghoter

    AudioQuest NightOwl - A closed-back NightHawk

    I looked at mine. There, the connector cables are intact. It should be fixable, but I dont know how to do it. Hope you solve the problem.
  22. oghoter

    REVIEW: Audiotailor “Jade” Vacuum Tube Headphone Amplifier

    So far, no comments on using Jade as a gain stage in a speaker system. No one else has tried this?
  23. oghoter

    REVIEW: Audiotailor “Jade” Vacuum Tube Headphone Amplifier

    Thanks! i will check. The CCS with Alexis Corner LP om Vertigo sounds good - thank you. Even the C flute (that I play) is well recorded (e g on Satisfaction). I have good Mayall LPs from this period, but was not aware of this - although I have other well recorded Vertigo LPs - so thank you.
  24. oghoter

    REVIEW: Audiotailor “Jade” Vacuum Tube Headphone Amplifier

    Dear @Joe Lau, @MDR30 (and others) Here is a question for you. Over the years, I have found that Jade can do a good job, in two roles. The first is the 'intended' role as headphone amp. The second is an 'additional' role as gain stage in small speaker systems. It can help in this role also. I...