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  1. Nordwestlicht

    You Know You're an Audiophile When.. Version 2!'re in need of a different-style beyer C.O.P. nearly every single day of the month...   Shining Kakapo Money Purple Rain Darth Beyer Steel of Elegance Gentlemen's Delight The Godfather LUNATIC Nebula Maculosa Ring of Death WANT. BEER. NOW. Blue Jeans...
  2. Nordwestlicht

    Sennheiser HDVD800 Headphone Amplifier

    Quote:   I think you're right, Frank.   Sorry for my disturbance here. I won't reply to "R Giskard/Antun", because it's useless. He has his opinion, I've got mine... and we won't find the 'lowest common denominator' here...   Again:   Sorry for the disturbance!   I'll...
  3. Nordwestlicht

    Sennheiser HDVD800 Headphone Amplifier

    Quote:   Sorry, what? You mean exclusive snake-oil stuff? That's so ridiculous! What does copper do wrong? Right, nothing! Only believers without any proof complain about OFC, as always. Or do you have a real proof that it's not good or that there is a material that 'sounds' inevitably...
  4. Nordwestlicht

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Quote:   First: Yeah! The HD800s are GREAT!!! My favorite and beloved headphones that I even like slightly better than the SR009 + T2 combi (I had the chance to compare both), because the HD800 sounds more "rough" and with a different spacious feeling and does not have those...
  5. Nordwestlicht

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Well, well, well... my Picard 0032200-08 (high class workmanship from Germany) stomps all of your amps... very very very easily!  
  6. Nordwestlicht

    Sennheiser HDVD800 Headphone Amplifier

    The output impedance never can be 'wrong'.   It's a matter of personal taste. But why should I spend so much money for an amp like the HDVD800 when I can get the sonical results for much lower costs?!   I'm German and that maybe partly means that I'm practically oriented and simply don't...
  7. Nordwestlicht

    Sennheiser HDVD800 Headphone Amplifier

    The output impedance of the HDVD800 is 43 ohms. (Sennheiser was asked and someone measured it)   And IMHO that's the main, well maybe it's even the only reason, why the HDVD800 sounds slightly different compared to other amps, I mean really audible for the human ear.   (Sometime this...
  8. Nordwestlicht

    You know you're an audiophile when...

    You know you're an audiophile when you're fed up to the back teeth because of being an audiophile.
  9. Nordwestlicht

    Denon Officially Announces Its New Headphones!

    Where are the new Denons "made in"? China? Has someone already answered this question?  
  10. Nordwestlicht

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Quote:   I agree, for a headphone out of its price category it has a very good bass texture, which shines more, because it's lifted, compared to more linear sounding headphones.
  11. Nordwestlicht

    Beyerdynamic T90 Discussion and Support Thread

    Quote:   I've experienced the same with the T70 and DT880/600 // DT880/2003 and especially with the T1. Strings have a nice silky touch. That's how I'd describe it. On the HD800 they sound more aggressive... and to me more realistic, than on the T1. Same goes for the sound of the...
  12. Nordwestlicht

    Sennheiser HD800 Appreciation Thread

    @all   Why seem most of you not to consider, that the brain can have a huge influence on the perception of sound?   Especially on such detailed headphones like the HD800s.   I mean:   You can listen to the exactly same setup at the same volume and of cause to the same recording...
  13. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    I think you should learn to read what I've written in the wohle and not just pick out sentences you like, while ignoring the context. But after all you don't seem to be capable to manage this task... To your question: USB cables produce very huge differences in the sound!!! And more so, if the...
  14. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    I'm laughing my ass off! I've seen so much "proves" (well and bad made ones) in my life, which can look nice and prove nothing what they are intended to prove. But with the right flowery text someone will buy it for sure... :D :D :D You're aware that the graphic you present is made by the...
  15. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    Btw. that's it for now from my side. Maybe you could show our discussion here to others, so that they can get the giggles about it. Probably we should make our own audiophile comedy-show sometime together. :D The best wishes, Frank
  16. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    Well, I learned English in school, as well as French and Latin. My primary languages are German and Dutch. Maybe my English is (sometimes) too bad and you get me wrong because of this. I don't know. I always wrote "I think", "it seems to me" and something like that regarding your person. I made...
  17. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    Again, my addiction to answer to your comments... :D The data (balanced/unbalanced HD800) you present is well known to me. I tend to believe that those different FR charts have more to do with individual headphone exemplars or maybe even other effects, too. Look at e.g. Tylls different...
  18. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    Some people...? fine... I can also create some nice data. There is no objective data with an obligatory conclusion in this field. What does that data prove for the single listeining individual human being? Nothing at all. It's opinion vs. opinion, as I said. Something might have an effect. But...
  19. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    Maybe good or not good for you, that you spend money for audio gear to get a placebo effect. You believe in this and you're not alone in this "club". I don't because it's often technically nonsense and not to barely audible. And for sure it's -when audible- different, but NOT BETTER. That's my...
  20. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    Holy moly, where is my last comment gone again? Come back, comment, please! ;-) Damn java crap...
  21. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    I've tried out several tube amps, but that's longer time ago. All of them added noise and other characteristics to the sound. If a tube amp is well built, with low distortion, it should sound like a good SS amp. And why in this case buy old technology? But some (many?) people also prefer vinyl...
  22. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    Btw. serious listening comparisons require basically three things: 1. A quiet room and atmosphere. (for concentration) 2. A fast changing between the tested components, using short (max. 2min) sound impressions that have to be repeatedly compared. 3. The same volume level on both devices! If...
  23. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    Some aftermarket products are indeed better than the original ones. That's true. But that another cable for the HD800 is better than the stock one, is not true. It's simply imagination. I've tried out e.g. the Black Dragon V2 vs. the stock cable. Nothing happened. A waste of money, if I had...
  24. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    I very much doubt the advantage of OCC copper used in such a cable, same goes for silver. Why?: For the lenght (about 3 meters) it simply has no relevance, unless you use a 50 meters long cable or so... and you can of cause simply use a thicker cable for lower resistance (which wouldn't be very...
  25. Nordwestlicht

    Reply to review by 'nordwestlicht' on item 'Sennheiser HD 800 Headphones'

    So much text, here my short summary: 1. A clean zero ohms amplifier is all the HD800 needs, in the first place. (If you want to hear at very loud levels, your amp needs more power of cause.) 2. Different cables are snake oil, unless you realize a different resistor with them, what would make the...