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  1. Paco62

    Samsung Galaxy S4 compatible portable DAC/AMPs?

      So I downloaded USB Audio Player Pro and it works fine.  It down converts my 192/24 to 96/24, but my understanding is that is a limit of USB.  It's a shame too, because Poweramp is a really slick player and USB Audio Player Pro's interface feels like it was really effective about 2004. I can...
  2. Paco62

    Samsung Galaxy S4 compatible portable DAC/AMPs?

      I am running into the same thing.  PowerAmp shows an output of 96/24, but E17 shows 48/16.  I have not tried USB Audio Recorder, but will mess around with it later to see if I get the same thing.  Kind of stinks if that is the case because PowerAmp is pretty sweet.
  3. Paco62

    Fiio E18

    For what it's worth, I chose the E17 over E18 mainly because it works with Galaxy S4 and I can (and did) pair it with the E09 for my computer and the reviews I read mention that it has the same sound signature as the old E7 (which I own), which I really like.  I also, wasn't that interested in...
  4. Paco62

    FiiO E17 and High Resolution Music Files

    Thanks for the feedback.  For me it was a consistent background hiss, sort of like a cheap, vinyl picture disk might sound.  I only found it on a couple of my tracks, but didn't go through a whole bunch of them.  I agree on the minimal, if at all noticeable, sound difference and am happy with...
  5. Paco62

    Setting the volume on computer or player

    This could just be my paranoia, but I have always shied away from putting my player volume at 100% when using an amp.  I usually keep it a notch or two below 100% because I always thought that could lead to distortion (completely possilbe that I am way wrong on that theory).  For example, I have...
  6. Paco62

    FiiO E17 and High Resolution Music Files

    I have been auditioning my E17 over the last few days and was attempting some side by side comparison of the USB input at 96/24 vs. the optical input at 192/24.  I was using 192/24 source tracks purchased from HDtracks.  At least for my desktop, an HP Pavilion Elite (fairly old, stock, big-box...
  7. Paco62

    FiiO E17/E09 and Samsung Galaxy S4 Smart Dock

    I have searched the numerous threads regarding Samsung and E17, but have not found anyone specifically referencing this, so I thought I would post and see if anyone has any experience.  Would the E17 work with the S4 when it is connected to the S4 Smart Dock?  Logic (non-engineering, user logic...
  8. Paco62

    Motown had The Funk Brothers. Stax had Booker T. & The M.G’s. Rock ’n’ Roll had The Wrecking Crew.

    Thanks for the great post.  I am now a backer!  Can't wait to see the film.
  9. Paco62

    Samsung galaxy nexus

    Voted and subscribed.  I find it amazing that Google doesn't seem to think this is much of an issue, but it's a key difference between Android and Apple.  This functionality, through the Iphone's port, is why they have all sorts of gadgets and docking stations.  We will never experience anything...