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  1. israikc

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    I think the size of the 1AM2 is fine. It’s the weight that is the biggest issue for me, borders into the portable/transportable.
  2. israikc


    So, the other day I changed the tips on my Z1R from the medium stock silicone to the triple comfort medium-large tips and so far it’s been great! For me the sound remained the same but the IEMs no longer slide out after a while. Also, seems it has helped with the right IEM not digging into my...
  3. israikc


    Yes, I would. Along with my IER-M7 and the Xelento, these IEMs have had the “unfortunate” side effect of not allowing me to spend more money on other IEMs since something “better”, for me, does not seem to exist.
  4. israikc

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    What do you mean “bluetooth does not work”? As in if you’re using the M2 as DAC, the sound is not being output to bluetooth?
  5. israikc


    Haven’t heard the M9, but given that the mids in the Z1R are handled by the full range driver I’m going to say no.
  6. israikc

    Beyerdynamic Xelento!

    The Xelento are very efficient, so you should not have issues driving them with pretty much anything that has a 3.5mm socket. I use mine with either my Sony WM1AM2 or straight from my iphone using the Apple USB-C to 3.5mm adapter.
  7. israikc


    It happened to my IER-M7 cable and the solution I found was to clean it thoroughly with isopropyl alcohol and to use a silica gel packet inside the case I use to store them. Following those steps they're not sticky anymore!
  8. israikc


    Welcome aboard! I too use the included silicone tips, medium. I tried others but the fit seems to be best with those.
  9. israikc

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    Only when streaming, the battery usage when listening to Apple Music while on airplane mode seems on par with the Music app, maybe a little worse but not a huge difference.
  10. israikc

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    Quick update on my journey with the WM1AM2: The battery life while on airplane mode, regardless of using the music app or apple music in offline mode, is awesome. As soon as I turn on the wifi to download music through Apple Music the battery seems to evaporate into thin air. The sound quality...
  11. israikc

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    This all sounds exactly how regular people describe the likes of us: Normal people use their equipment to listen to music. Audiophiles use music to listen to their equipment.
  12. israikc

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    But that’s what the filters are there for, to avoid sound output issues introduced by noise in the circuitry. Also, I would think the Sony engineers would not support any given codec if it could compromise sound quality beyond the codec’s specifications.
  13. israikc

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    How could uncompressing a lossless audio file affect its properties like bass? Genuine question.
  14. israikc


    Thanks for your input, I appreciate it! I do agree that the “togetherness”or coherence of a good one DD solution is unmatched by multidriver IEMs. My best IEMs right now are the Beyerdynamic Xelento and the Sony IER-Z1R and switch between them if I prefer comfort or sound, respectively. I’m...
  15. israikc


    If it works for you, go nuts! I saw on your signature you have the Sennheiser IE800S, how do they compare to the Z1R?
  16. israikc

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    No one’s ever joking here, just different levels of “crazy”
  17. israikc

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    The main reason is we’re all insane here. Some more than others.
  18. israikc

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    Update on my journey with the WM1AM2 (rolls right off the tongue, doesn’t it?): I think the extra clarity compared to the ZX307 and the extra bass definition from the WM1A is really good what holds the sound together for me. Currently listening out the 4.4mm connection with Beyerdynamic...
  19. israikc

    Beyerdynamic Xelento!

    I use Spinfit CP100, medium. I’d say the sound is the same as the included silicone tips but with a better fit. So far so good!
  20. israikc

    The Continuation Of The Sony Walkman 1Z/1A Thread!

    I have both the 1A and IER-Z1R, and the pairing is awesome! Also the battery life is great.
  21. israikc

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    I have the M7 and the AM2 and they go great together, but the M7 is an all-rounder IEM that does everything “just right” but nothing stands out. If I were to describe its sound in one word it would be “boring”. Nothing is overdone nor completely absent either, it’s just there. Great if you just...
  22. israikc


    Yes. If you pair them with an overtly warm source then you’re just going to have a bass fest and nothing else. Of course, if that’s what you’re after then great!
  23. israikc


    IMO the bass on these is very close to perfect, and are not for bassheads at all. Sure it can be big when it needs to be, but never overstays its welcome. I’d argue the XBA-Z5 were more basshead IEM than these by a long shot. And also the dip in the mids is not as pronounced as we (owners of the...
  24. israikc


    The fit is tricky and you have to be willing to tip roll and experiment a lot to find the right tip for your ears, but once you do most if not all of the fitment issues dissapear
  25. israikc

    SONY NW-WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2

    My journey into the 1AM2 continues. The bass is better handled than on the 1A, warmer without losing details elsewhere in the frequency range. Also, for those wondering how a ZX307 looks like stacked on a 1A stacked on a 1AM2, here’s a picture showing just that.