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  1. scriabinist

    Thebit OPUS#2 Dap - out September/October 2016.

    Thanks for your replies!
  2. scriabinist

    New April Music Stello HP100 MKII

    Hi, resurrecting an old thread. Does anyone know if the voltage is user-serviceable like their MK1 units? Is there a switch on the inside to flip between 240V and 110V?
  3. scriabinist

    Trafomatic Head 2

    This amp, given its quietness, pairs wonderfully with Grado low sensitivity cans. I'm listening to a 125e on these, and it's simply wonderful! I have all the flagship headphones, yet I'm really enjoying listening with the 125e, just shows that high cost is not a sine qua non for a great sound...
  4. scriabinist

    The Stax SR-L500 and SR-L700 Impressions Thread

    I would take this L700 any day over HD800. There is no contest. More resolution, more exiting. And the bass is actually BETTER than HD800 after repeated listening (hours went by as I enjoyed it too much). Sub bass is phenomenal. The midrange is smooth, ever so slightly recessed or may be its the...
  5. scriabinist

    The Stax SR-L500 and SR-L700 Impressions Thread

    I have a pair of L700, paired with 323S amplifier and Luxman source.   Very balanced, extremely resolving (as you would expect from an electrostat), and 'smooth', without any harshness in the treble. Bass is good, not as 'punchy' as my HD800, but it's really clean.   I like this headphone!
  6. scriabinist

    Trafomatic Head 2

    Fantastic amp with HD800. No brightness at all, and GREAT bass! And this amplifier is ultra-quiet. No hiss, or hum, and it's a tube amplifier!   I use this with a Calyx Femto Dac, and the sound is great.
  7. scriabinist

    New Fostex RP open-backed planar magnetic headphone, TH500RP! Available now!

    I run my Th500RP via my Burson conductor virtuoso, and using a tube DAC to warm up the sound a bit. It sounds absolutely wonderful, very intimate, soft, yet the transients are still fast like a Planar should sound like. Vocals are creamy. This is my bedroom setup. My main system is a HE-6...
  8. scriabinist

    Trafomatic Head 2

    Thanks for the info. I have ordered this amplifier, will report back on how it pairs with Denon D7000 / HE-6 / Fostex TH500RP / T1.
  9. scriabinist

    Trafomatic Head 2

    Could Sasa or someone inform whether I could connect my HD800 via a Balanced connection to the Head 2? I see it has a 3pin-XLR rather than a 4pin XLR.....   Does this amplifier do balanced output for headphones?
  10. scriabinist

    Sennheiser HDVD800 Headphone Amplifier

    Has anybody compared the HDVA800 / HDVA600 with the Sugden HA-4?
  11. scriabinist

    Calyx FEMTO DAC

    Yes, keen to hear if Matias or others use a power conditioner to eliminate any hum - definitely audible on my unit. As I mainly do headphone listening with the unit closeby, I'd like to eliminate it.
  12. scriabinist

    Calyx FEMTO DAC

    Hey Gandah, thanks for your reply. BTW, did you upgrade Femto's firmware to 3.3.0?  And does it change the sound at all? In general, do DAC firmware upgrades change sounds?
  13. scriabinist

    Calyx FEMTO DAC

    Hi,   To those who have this Calyx Femto Dac, could you confirm that it has a 'humming' sound, quite audible within 1 meter in a quiet setting, not so audible outside about 3 meters from the unit. It's a beautiful sounding DAC, but I'm wondering if this 'hum' is normal for this unit.  ...
  14. scriabinist

    Oppo HA-1 Impressions Thread

    SSKOM or anyone, how do you connect the DAC to an external headphone AMP (eg. Sugden) for the best effect? Via the analogue out in the back with theatre bypass or variable, or via the headphone out at the front? Thanks guys.
  15. scriabinist

    Icon Audio HP8/MP 3

    Thanks Richard. Which version with the amp did you get? The one with the power switch at the front (older) or on the side (newer)? Which tubes are you rolling? Thanks.
  16. scriabinist

    Best headphones for listening to jazz vocalists??

    TH500RP for silky vocals, where the vocalist's larynx and your ear canal are one. Sorry if that's a bit gross.
  17. scriabinist

    Buying a new headphone for ≈ 600$ ? ( Mainly Alpha dog VS ZMF Vibro )

    I recommend the TH500RP - a smooth and refined sound with just the right amount of base (not too much). Also, beautiful to look at.
  18. scriabinist

    REVIEW: Firestone Audio Tobby DAC

    Could anyone please tell me if they can hear a small humming sound when you turn the TOBBY on (blue light on)? It goes away when you turn the unit onto standby.   Thanks.
  19. scriabinist

    New Fostex RP open-backed planar magnetic headphone, TH500RP! Available now!

    I got these TH500RPs for a week now and have been listening to them for hours on end! What an enjoyable listen, and a sound signature that's so rich, smooth, refined, and refreshingly different from my other modern headphones that all seem to either have a slight or moderate bass boost (Audezes...