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  1. riangle

    Sennheiser 598/558. Reliance on an AMP, iBasse P3 Heron sufficient?

    A piece of tape? Well shucks, that makes my choice much easier. As much as I love to. Spending $500 on a pair of headphones isn't something I think i can let myself do. I'll certainly look into them a bit though. thanks
  2. riangle

    Sennheiser 598/558. Reliance on an AMP, iBasse P3 Heron sufficient?

    Back 5-6 years ago I spent a fair bit of money getting a nice set-up. At the time I purchased a few sets of headphones. Out of everything I've spent my money on, however, I have yet to find a pair of cans that have served me as well as my old(and now in tatters) Sennheiser 595s. I'm looking for...