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  1. ekkstra

    Help needed to choose a decent IEM.

    TRN V80 might be another choice, haven't heard or read about it's soundstage though. AliExpress has it for $20.
  2. ekkstra

    Arizona Head-Fi MiniCon the Fourth: October 5th, 2019

    I plan to be there! Will be first meet up, looking forward to it!
  3. ekkstra

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Spaces by Yosi Horikawa
  4. ekkstra

    Massdrop x THX AAA™ 789 Linear Amplifier - Impressions Thread

    That's great! Mine won't be here for a while, received a delay email from Mass(drop) about not being shipped til September. In the mean time though...
  5. ekkstra

    Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...

    How's the P20 treating you? Is the hybrid balanced tube amp good as they say? Thinking about getting one, to be my first tube.
  6. ekkstra

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Far Away by Jose Gonzalez
  7. ekkstra

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Bang Bang by Nancy Sinatra
  8. ekkstra

    How far have you gone?

    I'm pretty new here but I've been on/off this hobby a few years now. The total I've spent since I joined here are more than I have in the last few years put together. Since April, I've gotten two headphones, one DAC and AMP totalling $1400 compared to last few years of less than..$600. I know...
  9. ekkstra

    Massdrop x THX AAA™ 789 Linear Amplifier - Impressions Thread

    Yeah I've read frequently around that the SU-8 is a solid choice to pair with the 789, especially with the fixes that were made with version 2. Wanted to see if there were any other contenders but this just further justifies keeping it for a good while. The color mismatch will probably won't...
  10. ekkstra

    Massdrop x THX AAA™ 789 Linear Amplifier - Impressions Thread

    Was able to get one at the latest drop in late May but will have to wait until August to be shipped though. My question is the Airist R-2R DAC a sidegrade compared to the SMSL SU-8 to pair with THX 789? Airist is live on Mass(drop) so I was curious about it. I'm researching the JDS Labs' El...
  11. ekkstra


    Newegg Flash has the Jabra Elites 65t for sale $150 with $25 promo gift card - Though I've never tracked these, don't know how much they usually cost. Amazon has them for the same price as well, no gift card though.
  12. ekkstra

    Tinnitus..............Do You Speak It ?

    It's like the film 'Baby Driver (2017)'. The protagonist has tinnitus and uses music to drown it out, so yeah I'd say it's a partial cure. (I recommend the movie btw) I have tinnitus too, though I'm sure being in the military didn't help.
  13. ekkstra

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Lonely Feelings by Love Supreme For all you Black Mirror fans
  14. ekkstra

    Elder Scrolls 6 hype?

    Remember that they are also working on Starfield, a whole new game from their usual line up (Space RPG). Probably will show that in E3 more than ES6 this year. Not sure which of their studios is handling either one. Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim with mods should keep you busy until then.
  15. ekkstra

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    'Time' & 'Money' by Pink Floyd is a true tester for trying out new headphones. Would definitely recommend.
  16. ekkstra

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    First time listened to 'Letter' by Yosi Horikawa.
  17. ekkstra

    New Member Introductions thread

    Spanish Grand Prix is on Sunday! I try to find a live stream but unfortunately it's not covered as much in the US. Then again the YouTube highlights usually gets me by. I'm the same way about researching, anecdotal experience from other people are subjective/vague like you said and is never...
  18. ekkstra

    New Member Introductions thread

    There's going to be new regulations in 2021 for F1 with limits on budgets and investments, supposedly to have more competitions and more overtaking between the teams. Less manufacturer influence and more on the Team effort to win. We'll see! Magni 2 Uber is great and does its job. It's kinda...
  19. ekkstra

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hey, thanks! The HD6XX are definitely better in terms of soundstage, detail and being overall neutral. They are considered the best in the $200 mark because they are basically HD650s ($300+) in sheep's clothing so they punch above their price range. I can't fully judge these since it's the only...
  20. ekkstra

    New Member Introductions thread

    I just started peeking into this hobby not too long ago. Really interested to see where it goes. My first 'serious' headphones were the ATH-M50s for $130 bucks (yes, the old M50s, not the Xs) they're 7 years old, beat up and wanted to try another pair. Then I found the HD 6XX on Massdrop a...