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  1. gordonli

    Oriolus Isabellae DD IEM discussion thread

    Just came back to this iem after a year or so with it unused, and have gotten perspective on it. For me it exemplifies retro and lo-fi, warmness, analog, nostalgia, introversion (due to intimate stage) and the color of amber. Good vibes, light and comfy (edit: to clarify, light and comfy in the...
  2. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    I must be missing something. Im almost sure youve already tried this, but. Why cant you roll a tip which doesnt fully seal for you, like one size smaller? Close to eardrum, check. No plugged in feel, check. No bass, check... :) but this would be the cheapest way about it, and you can add some...
  3. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    The final shot in the dark purchase was the Elfinear DIY 500 ohm 15.4mm. (Found it on WoodyLuvrs timeline.) The shells are so cute! :scream: I was deciding between the 500 and 600 ohm and the seller recommended this over the 600 when I...
  4. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Next of the fun buds arrived. This one from OngOng Store. Typing these impressions as I listen. The 15.4mm 300 Ohm light blue PET is inside according to the seller when I asked. I am lazy to diy myself :grin: Standard MX500 shell. Cable is...
  5. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Do we have a Pinna gain gang? I am in it if we have one! :grin: Anyway, IMO there should be some pinna gain, but maybe some of these buds go too far. IMO again, the LBBS has a touch too much (my treated speaker setup do not gain like that) but probably within the realm of neutral
  6. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    64mW into 32 ohm is 118 dB. that is more than enough power to "scale" most earbuds. whether that is clean & audibly distortionless amplification is another matter...
  7. gordonli

    Audio Measurements on a Headfi Budget

    one reason I can think of is it may have been calibrated in batches (though I dont know the process behind batch calibration but it happens like with umik1), so as cglinux said, a narrowband calibration may be less accurate than smoothed
  8. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Quick impressions of Fengru DIY QGM S300, black edition, which I think is different from the white version which may be the same as White Lotus which I haven't tried? (Balanced vs bass version Qigom S300s?) I picked these up for fun among other for-fun buds yet to come. Build quality seems...
  9. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Found a review of DQSM PD21 in chinese. My guess is 'elasticity' is what we call dynamics/transients, 'dive' is extension, but 'momentum'...I am at a loss haha. Also of interest is comparison to the Longyao Yinman flagship DR09 (only on Taobao)...
  10. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    @o0genesis0o funny you mention the pd21 The tops of my PK-ish wishlist: 1. fiio ff5 (I hope the size is similar) 2. fiio ff3 - 14.2mm, 45 ohm, 105db, CCAW voice coil, bery plated dome, PU gasket diaphragm - exclusive steel shell. 3. dqsm pd21 - 14.5mm, 32 ohm, 116db, CCAW voice coil, N52...
  11. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    14.2mm driver, so is the shell on the smaller side? That would be great
  12. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Thanks guys!! This will surely be helpful to me in choosing a high impedance bud!
  13. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Has anyone heard both Yinman 600 and Toneking TO600 and can share impressions please? Im in the market :D
  14. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    interesting stuff. Ive tried variouss targets with IEMs but always end up to some degree going by ear
  15. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Glad to hear it. Unfortunate about the volume but it does take a hit when you boost freqs (you can as @Ronion suggested not boost 9.5khz, and also reduce subbass). Ive read and enjoyed your post haha, I think on Rikus thread. Also did you say youve read the entire this thread!
  16. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    If you have Peace then the GEQ is better, more powerful than the PEQ. I think you did it right but just check the screenshots below. I should mention I set a default -0.2dB preamp to avoid clipping Windows Climiter (some recommend deeper to avoid intersample peaks in DAC but with this EQ...
  17. gordonli

    Trying to Convert A Graphic EQ to Parametric

    Many thanks for sharing your solution! I may have a similar issue in future going from EAPO's powerful GEQ to something more portable (though probably less precise), and this looks good. In the last step, as an alternative to AutoEQ, REW's (Room EQ Wizard) 'match response' function may also...
  18. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    thanks, thats interesting, I will try that! also (and i doubt it) if anyone really wants that eq I can do this to convert to a PEQ
  19. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    ah, I apologise, I dont think my filter settings will work outside of EAPO now that I have a look at the documentation. the GEQ implementation of EAPO does not appear to be standard, and no BW value for a PEQ. I may have a closer look later as I am not very clued in on filter design edit: also...
  20. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    (I know its been done to death) Ill just casually vomit out my take on neutral EQ for my K's Bell-LBs (lbbs) unit, in case someone is new to EQ, and has a similar ear and unit to me. These were the devil to muck around with, but the technicalities are well worth it IMO. Very good detail and...
  21. gordonli

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Got the Smabat M2s Pro (stock driver) recently and have been listening for the past few days. I like this earbud a lot, especially the soundstage, which is unique among the devices I own. Very wide, which can sound like behind my head in some recordings. Maybe could even say its deep, but...
  22. gordonli

    The most reliable/easiest way to EQ headphones properly to achieve the most ideal sound (for non-professionals)

    @DivineCurrent Nice recommendation. Maybe its just me but these programs can be hard to find, tucked away in dark internet corners
  23. gordonli

    The most reliable/easiest way to EQ headphones properly to achieve the most ideal sound (for non-professionals)

    If it could help someone else, I just want to recommend software I have found helpful in equalizing my sets to neutral. I have been using the NCH Tone Generator to great success (some kind of freemium, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android), or as a completely free alternative the Tolvan Data Tone...
  24. gordonli

    Audio Measurements on a Headfi Budget

    @csglinux Thanks for all the advice. That tour looks amazing, though a smidge beyond my ambitions at moment, wish you all the best with it.
  25. gordonli

    Audio Measurements on a Headfi Budget

    Sorry if this is violating forum etiquette, but I'm interested in buying one of these aliexpress 711 couplers with mic, and I couldnt find whether their mic calibration files come with a sensitivity factor or not, because I'm just as interested in finding out my listening SPL, as I am in...