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  1. unknown123

    Have I lost the plot?

    I was avoiding ipods too, but I finally got a touch and I love it.
  2. unknown123

    It's Official!

    Since you asked, I also graduated this year. It is overrated.
  3. unknown123

    hd595 or d2000?

    My brother has my old 595's and I have D2000's. For me its the d2k hands down and its worth the extra money.
  4. unknown123

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    Nice pictures. Quote: Originally Posted by milkpowder The words on this one were a little distracting though. Hope that's for a class and not your personal journal or something.
  5. unknown123


    I really enjoy my d2k's they are the best headphones I have heard yet. I also don't think they are too bass heavy, and I listen to just about everything but rap. Maybe this should be the D2000 appreciation thread.
  6. unknown123

    anyone been to a silent disco?

    I'll second the previous post.
  7. unknown123

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    lol Shall I tone it down for you all? *edit* less offensive? =) I guess it did get a bit colorful, I was going for something but I guess it didn't work.
  8. unknown123

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    I haven't posted for a while so here's a couple pics Veterans cemetery during Memorial Day. Some of the desert out here.
  9. unknown123

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    Little mantis my dad just found outside while spraying the driveway.
  10. unknown123

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Thrice - Vheissu - Image of the Invisible (at the moment)
  11. unknown123

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    Some nice pics guys. I need to get out and take some more soon.
  12. unknown123

    Any former iPod haters who ended up getting an iTouch?

    I went from a zen vision m 30gig, to a 16 gig ipod touch and I couldnt be happier. Its a cool little gadget, especially jailbroken.
  13. unknown123

    Melodic/death/metalcore metal reccomendations??

    If you like Darkest Hour I'd imagine you would like The Bled. - THE BLED - TUCSON, Arizona - Rock / Experimental / Hardcore - Check out "Sound of Sulfur" on their myspace, their albums Pass the Flask and Silent Treatment are both equally awesome imo.
  14. unknown123

    Do you hear the difference? A test

    Got it right with my d2000's out of my 2move, the highs were higher and the bass more prominent in the 320.
  15. unknown123

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    Congrats on the new camera.
  16. unknown123

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    Ok so I couldn't hold off, here's my first crack at a 3 shot panoramic. *Raptor that 2nd shot is awesome by the way.
  17. unknown123

    Best Phones for My Self Help Tapes

    Haha, funny stuff. Don't cheap out on your pop tarts! The fakes just don't bring the same joy that the real deal does.
  18. unknown123

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    ^ The 3rd shot down looks real cool. This should be the last from me for a little.
  19. unknown123

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    Here's a couple more.
  20. unknown123

    Post Your Photography Here #2

    Thanks, I'm shooting with a Nikon D70 and was using a Nikon 85mm.