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  1. Demolition

    Good/Inexpensive Speaker Footers Online?

    Quote: Originally Posted by VicAjax does anyone know where i can buy an 8 pack of footers to place under my speaker spikes, so i can protect my oak floors? If you really must have brass footers, then you can get them from Audio Advisor in a four-pack for $30 US. Personally...
  2. Demolition

    Monday Night Football...Ultrasone sighting?

    Ultrasone issued a press release about it last month.
  3. Demolition

    Anyone here tried snuff?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Duggeh As for the snuff, apparently its the safest way of taking tobacco (which, perhaps isnt saying much) but really, compared to cigarette smoking, its not dangerous at all, even compared to a fatty take away its comparitively safe on an occasional basis...
  4. Demolition

    Just need a quick question answered about FedEx.

    It depends on which shipping method is chosen. If your shipper uses International Priority shipping, for example, customs-clearance is built-in. The recipient (i.e. you) won't have to pay brokerage fees. However, if they use a cheaper method, such as International Ground, then you will have...
  5. Demolition

    Got My Wisdom Teeth Out - What's the Deal?

    Quote: Originally Posted by mrarroyo When I had my 4 wisdom teeth pulled (at the same time) two of them were serverly impacted and growing sideways. The dentist had to literally break the tooth into pieces to remove it. I was not out and I swear to this day I saw smoke comming out of the...
  6. Demolition

    Speaker Cabinet Builders

    Quote: Originally Posted by Wodgy Lee Taylor does high quality work. He used to have a larger commercial operation dedicated to making DIY speaker cabinets for people, but I can't find the main web page any longer. Just FYI: North Creek is closing down its DIY speaker and parts...
  7. Demolition

    Canare Star Quad Voltage Rating

    There are some 4+ conductor cables from Belden that might work. For example, Belden 83804 is the 4-conductor version of the 83802 (2-conductor) cable which is popular for use in DIY power cords. 83806 is the 6-conductor version. These are all 12 AWG and are rated at 300V. 83754 and 83756 are...
  8. Demolition

    Holy vintage gear, Batman!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jeff Wong Bamboo stylus. Actually, the caption for that photo states: "These are not bamboo or steel styli. These are cactus spines ('saboten no toge')."
  9. Demolition

    Curse you Monarch Computer!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by yblocgerg You should have thought this through before purchasing a non-retail drive that you can't replace through the retailer. Are you implying that PsychoZX is somehow at fault for the dead hard drive? I'd say that anyone who orders a product...
  10. Demolition

    Any RA mini plugs besides Switchcraft & Neutrik?

    The Calrad 30-702 (bottom right of the page) is a plastic right-angle mini. Should be easy to find since Calrad has distributors all over North America.
  11. Demolition

    Does a right angle 1/8 to 1/4 headphone adapter exist?

    If I understand correctly, you're looking for a right-angle male 1/8" to female 1/4" adaptor. If so, then CablePro makes one. See this page.
  12. Demolition

    source for very thin copper?

    Another place that might be worth looking at is MonsterSlayer/550 Silver & Supply. A 6" x 18" half-sheet of 26-gauge (0.0159") copper is $3.95 US. 28-gauge (0.0135") is the same price.
  13. Demolition

    ID these head-fi'ers??

    Burkhard Schultheis on the left (mit Sturzhelm, AKA Jecklin Float) and Axel Sommerfeldt on the right (the foam wrist support gives him away). If Burkhard and Axel are Head-Fi members, perhaps they'll pop into the thread and say hello.
  14. Demolition


    Another option is Bright Star IsoNodes. Similar to Vibrapods, but slightly cheaper. I haven't noticed a marked difference in sound quality with IsoNodes under my equipment, but feel that anything that isolates them from vibration can't be doing any harm.
  15. Demolition

    UPS people are jerks.

    Check out the photo gallery at United Package Smashers.
  16. Demolition

    Good solder options?

    Personally, I like the WBT Silver and Cardas Quad Eutectic solders. As Dreamslacker mentioned, they melt at a low temperature and flow well due to the higher flux content. This is particularly important when the item that you're soldering can't withstand too much heat (e.g. Eichmann Bullets and...
  17. Demolition

    Ever misinterpret an acronym? Maybe you didn't... - LOL

    Quote: Originally Posted by philodox My Wife thought it was pretty funny how I got the meaning completely wrong, but maybe I wasn't... About ten years ago, in a mountain biking channel on IRC, someone sent me a private message asking "ASL?". In my line of work, ASL stands for...
  18. Demolition

    Favorite Audio Manufacturer

    In no particular order: Oracle Sunfire Carver Bryston Rega Moth Audio/Eddie Current
  19. Demolition

    Tooth-Fi..... How many teeth do you have?

    I voted "more than 32" because I have two extra maxillary premolars lingually displaced in relation to my maxillary second premolars. So, that would be 34 teeth... which equates to the dentition of a New World Monkey, I believe.
  20. Demolition

    How many of you are sleeping with stuffed animals?

    Quote: Originally Posted by eric343 Detcord is pretty hard to set off -- the blasting caps aren't stored nearby That's good to know. For a second there, I thought this was some sort of Waco-esque suicide contraption for when the men in black come to your door.
  21. Demolition

    How many of you are sleeping with live animals?

    As mentioned in the stuffed animals thread, I keep a shotgun near my bedroll when I work in remote areas. If a grizzly or cougar tries to climb into bed with me, all it'll get is a 12-ga. magnum slug. So, no, I don't sleep with live animals. But, there may be dead ones if they don't keep...
  22. Demolition

    Why is fedex so expensive?

    Quote: Originally Posted by JaGWiRE Why is Fedex so damn expensive? Just wait 'til you get an invoice for the brokerage fees. Then, you'll have something to really cry about.
  23. Demolition

    How many of you are sleeping with stuffed animals?

    Quote: Originally Posted by eric343 Jeez. And I thought I was nuts for having sewn some homemade detcord into my pillow -- it kinda gives new meaning to the phrase "throw pillow." I occasionally have to deal with explosives at work because my company's main clients are usually...
  24. Demolition

    How many of you are sleeping with stuffed animals?

    I sleep with a shotgun next to my bedroll (I lay on the floor because it's better for my back). Almost as devastating as a grenade, but doesn't require as much cleanup.
  25. Demolition

    Anyone got a Fluke 79 III Manual?

    Unfortunately, Fluke's Discontinued Product Manuals page only lists the instruction and calibration sheets for the 79 III. However, since the 79 was replaced by the 170 Series, maybe the 170 Series user manual would be helpful, assuming that the functions haven't changed much.