Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Great review! I like the line you used when describing the mids:
"The mids are lean, mean, and clean, which are the exact qualities I'm looking in my music. There is no coloration. If a song is warm, it'll show it."
I think this pretty well describes the entire unit as a whole. It's transparent, and if it sounds clinical and clean/metallic; it's because it's not adding anything - for better or for worse - to the sound. No coloration, nothing missing, nothing exaggerated.
I agree with the majority of the post, especially the pricing. While I paid $400 second hand for my unit (non-usb), I would be disappointed if it cost me just under $1k. The channel separation / sound stage is what I found the most impressive and immediately noticeable after going from a Xonar DX to the DAC1. You covered my impression rather closely. Maybe the inputs could have used some love, I liked the AES/EBU / S/PDIF inputs, and balanced/unbalanced outputs.
I'm also using bright headphones with it too, for what its worth (K701) and will be trying the HD800 with them later this week.