Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Well done. I love it when someone does a review about how the music sounds instead of analyzing each facet of it. To me, this is the way to describe an IEM. I recently bought the Bravado and I feel the same way about it. A keeper- reminds me of 70's era 2-way speakers- fun. Thank you.
Ah, thank you! Sometimes I just get lucky. Thanks for the compliment and good listening!
great review! however, like yourself, i have both the Bravados and the U8 (with m15 module) i actually found the bravado to be a fair bit bassier, esp the upper and mid bass, whilst the U8 is darker its bass is more linear, imo.
I know this review is from last year, but I truly enjoyed the Bravado's. Can you recommend a headphone that shares a similar sound signature? Seems like a lot of folks favor more of that neutral, less bass sound. I'm not too crazy about it though, I like a little bit of bass and fewer harsh highs in my music. Thanks!
Aaahhh, that’s a tough one. In talking to a few peers, several were mentioned. For a reasonable price, the Meze 99Classic or 99Noir would work, but without as much bass. Excellent quality, though.

if your budget affords it, the Campfire Audio Cascade with the leather pads (have that and love them). Fit is “interesting,” but it works.

And one in which I am not familiar but trust my peers judgement is the SoundMagic HP1000. I have heard positive things about that model. Both the CA and SM are more expensive than the Bravado or the Meze, but possible options. Cheers and I hope this helps.
Thanks for the reply! Hmm...I'll definitely look into the Campfire Audio Cascade headphones. Those seem promising, and plus you personally know how they sound. Haha yeah I saw pictures of the "fit." What on earth were they thinking haha oh well...as long as the amazing sound delivers. Can you think of any planar headphones that you would consider worthy of offering a good amount of bass? I actually like the sound of planar bass, I just wish it was more prominent. Thanks again for sharing!
The LCD-1 has decent bass, and is “affordable.” I really like the Verum 1 as well, but that is a brighter signature. That is a really fine headphone. Both of those mentioned are open ear, as opposed to the Cascade.

I also like the Sendy Aiva, but that has a more neutral sound than the Verum 1. The Verum is that outgoing friend. The Aiva is the quieter reserved friend. Cheers.