Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Great review! My early impressions are very similar, can't wait to get my DX90 back to do some comparisons. 
Great review!
Fascinating review. The comparison with DX90 proved illuminating.
Couple of questions assuming you had the chance to sample any of the following devices:
- Where does D14 stack against DX100? I understand that DX100 is clearly superior to DX90, and I'm wondering how close will D14 get to that reference...
- Where does D14 stack against Centrance M8? I hear that M8 is somewhat of a reference when it comes to portable DACs/DAPs SQ, but M8 and D14 do not come with the same price tags.
- Have you tried pairing D14 with the Shure SE846?
@landroni Unfortunately I cant help the DX100 or the SE846 paired with the D14. Howerver, I have heard the Hifi M8 a while back, and the Hifi M8 is certainly still a good bit better with a flatter sound overall. The D14 is a very solid and versatile product at its price point, but it doesnt quite compete with the best portable gear out there. Hope that helps a little bit!
It does, thanks! While I haven't heard either product, from various reviews of DX90 and DX100 it's clear that iBasso know something about good sound reproduction. Just competing with, and even edging out the DX90 means that D14 is a serious product to consider, especially given the price point. 
In addition to SQ considerations and its obvious versatility regarding sources, for me the killer feature is the Charge switch. I've tried using X3i as a DAC connected to a laptop, but I gave up very quickly as it was obvious the battery was dying a quick death --- constant charging is a bitch for modern batteries. Having a switch to disable charge means being able to nurture the battery long-term. It also means allowing the device to use known and calibrated power source, unlike battery-less products like Cozoy Aegis or Centrance DACport which will suffer from USB interference.
Some thoughts about connecting and using the D14 in a portable...
I bought the D14 a week ago to use with my HTC One (M8) phone.
This turned out to be a BAD move!
Not because of the D14 - but because of the phone! The HTC has a little feature called Boom Sound where the lower and top frequencies are boosted to ridiculous levels. When using the analogue out i.e. IEM's/headphones or as an input to the D14, the boom sound can be turned off. If you use the USB input from the phone to the D14 you can't switch off the boom sound - and it sounds horrible! You therefore have a choice to use the cheap phone's DAC and the D14 as purely an amp or put up with terrible noise... Not good!
As a result, I went out and bought the Fiio X3ii DAP the day before yesterday. It works brilliantly with the D14 and straps nicely onto the D14 using iBasso's rubber bands. Or so I thought when I was in the shop....
The digital input connections (usb + spdif) to the D14 are on the back (bottom) of the amp. The anologue input/output is on the top of the amp. The dual purpose output connection on the X3ii (analogue/spdif) is on the top of the unit.
Again, if you use the analogue signal from the X3ii to feed the D14, then the wiring arrangement is not too bad (top to top of the units). It's much more problematical if you want to use the spdif out from the X3ii to the digital input on the D14 - the sockets are at opposite ends. Also, the X3ii digital out is via a stereo coax out. The D14 is a coax in using what's essentially a short mono audio cable with male plugs at both ends. An female RCA to mono 3.5mm socket is required (not supplied by either) to join the cables. Then there's the fact that none of the cables/adapters, etc. have angled plugs. As a result (if you want to use the D14 DAC) you finish up with cable loops both on top and on the bottom the the stack! (...or with a gigantic loop - 2 cables and an adapter - at one end AND the units upside down to each other...).
Again it's not so bad if you want to use the X3ii's DAC and just use the iBasso D14 as an amp only - in which case you may as well buy just a portable headamp and not a DAC/amp...
Despite the cabling/connection frustrations - the D14 is a sweet sounding beastie! And the Fiio isn't bad either!
I'm still not sure which of the DAC's is better though. My 60 years plus old and severely abused ears find it difficult separate the two but the D14's DAC does sound better to me...
@RobSys Are you sure you couldnt get boom sound off? I'm also using the HTC M8 but I was able to turn it off when I have a headphone plugged in. It didnt turn back on when I plugged the D14 into it.