AFUL MagicOne


New Head-Fier
This is truly magic!
Pros: Great technical capabilities

Very natural and detailed sound, with an incredible neutrality focused in the middle region, natural timbre despite being a ba.

Top quality cable

Very well detailed treble

Not sibilant

Beautiful design

Supreme build quality

Great fit and comfort
Cons: It is not that easy to drive, you will need at least a dongle dac.

Sub and mid bass despite being present feels a bit thin.

Poor unboxing experience and accessories for its price range.
This set was sent to me by HiFiGo in exchange for an honest review, this agreement in no way includes any monetary or material incentive or compesantion before, during and after this review, and in no way influences my opinion, everything I express in this review are my own thoughts after extensive analysis of this set.

I send a big thank you to HiFiGo for trusting me to do this review.


The magic one comes in a very simple box



Inside the box we find:

-A high purity oxygen free copper and silver plated oxygen free copper wire with a 32+37 4 core wire.
-A good sized round case where the iem can be safely stored.
-3 pairs of transparent eartips (S,M,L)
-3 pairs of left blue and right red eartips (S,M,L)
-QC approved certificate of quality control
-User manual






-Impedance: 38Ω.
-Sensitivity: 103dB/mW.
-Frequency Response: 5Hz-35kHz.
-Passive Isolation: 26dB.
-Connectors: 2-pin 0.78mm.
-Termination: 3.5mm/4.4mm.
-Cable Length: 1.2m.


Having a semi-custom shape the insertion can be quite deep, with the right tips you can get an incredible external sound isolation, as well as an impressive comfort, in my case I have a small ear canal I can use them all day without any problem, the tips that includes the magic one, are very standard, in my case I did some tip rollin to find the best ones, the guys at HiFiGo sent me the new DIVINUS Velvet, excellent choice for this pair, super comfortable and being so light is like not using anything, the cable is chonky, in my personal case is a feature that I love, it gives me a feeling of higher quality and durability, although yes, on the external ear does not go unnoticed.







They do not require too much power, a good dongle like the fiio ka3 can handle it without any problem, as they have a relatively high impedance and low sensitivity, although AFUL states that it is very easy to move, it is not so easy, being a single BA, I really expected the same but I was surprised, do not be alarmed, you do not need so much, but if it is something to mention, a dongle of the simplest may not be enough.


Incredible, a very neutral tone, charging to the midrange, where the female voices stand out and the treble offers too much information and detail without being sibilant or fatiguing, what is true is that the bass is present, with good punch but, it feels a little thin.


Ok, let's get this straight, a single BA IEM offering a powerful bass as promised by Aful thanks to their custom BA and Nautilus resonance design, sounded like an impossibility.

And partly this is true, partly not, let me make it clear.
Although BA's are almost always used to support mid and treble frequencies in hybrid IEMS the magic one is not the first to offer the full frequency range.

But without a doubt this unique design of AFUL offers a great quality in the bass, I was surprised that it reaches a level equal to a DD in terms of quality, of course I put as a drawback that the bass feels somewhat thin, it is a matter of taste, the truth is that this bass is very fast and resolute, I was very surprised with the quality it can offer, this sound signature asks little in the bass, so I think it is very good, the only thing I have to highlight is that perhaps it is not the deep bass that many might expect.






Wow, the midrange is insane, very well accomplished, super clean and detailed, energetic but not aggressive, very smooth, and up front, the vocals are the best thing about this iem in my view, they jump out at you with wonderful clarity, presence and authority.

This is a great set for listening to female vocals, classical, and acoustic music, and although I think that might be its forte, this iem is very versatile and will solve any genre well.


As for this region, the trebel BA has always had a very bad reputation of being "harsh", uncomfortable to listen to if not achieved well and unnatural, really the treble that can offer the MagicOne is very good, detailed, aereado and very tolerant to the sibilance, I usually use a lot the albums of Dr. Dre as a test of Dr. Dre's production. Dre albums as a treble test, since Dre's production is usually very sibilant, not only in vocals, even in percussions, this set solves very well, it offers a sound full of microdetail and very aereated, I really thought it would not be able to solve these extreme scenarios, but in tracks like "Gospel" where the vocal sibilances are so notorious and even uncomfortable, the MagicOne knows how to dominate them very well.



A surprisingly wide soundstage and with a very accurate image, I think for video games and multimedia content is incredible, I do not doubt that for live monitoring are a good choice, there is a holographic feeling of sound that will help you a lot to position yourself.

The layering that this set achieves is very good, nothing overstacks with each other, you can perfectly differentiate the origin of each instrument.



Here are all the official HiFiGo links where you can buy the AFUL MagicOne


Amazon US

Amazon JP

HiFiGo Web



A wonderful IEM and unique in its kind, AFUL has taken a very big step in terms of development, I really feel very surprised of the results with this single BA IEM, definitely AFUL's proprietary technology has years of development and it shows that it has given results, if you are looking for a beautiful IEM, with a brutal build quality, a cable that you will never have to upgrade as it is certainly top, with a very neutral, detailed, mid frequency loaded signature to enjoy your music focused on vocals and analog instruments, these should be without a doubt one of the best options on the market, AFUL knows how to do their job, and I can't wait to see the result of their next iem that implements this technology, for the price of 140 USD, I think what you get is of too much quality.



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First of all, thank you very much for your review. I also ordered the Aful Magic One and received them yesterday. I can only agree with your review. The Aful "sound" just like you wrote. I also have the Audiosense t800 here. They're also very good in my eyes, but they've just been lying in their box since yesterday. I'm currently listening to the new Peter Gabriel album with the Magic One. Driven by a Questyle m12 and played with an iPhone 14 Pro!!! What can I say, I'm flashed...... buy this IEM…..:L3000:


500+ Head-Fier
Aful MagicOne Review "Do You Believe in Magic?"
Pros: -Beautiful Shell Design
-Built very well
-The cable is very nice
-Ergonomically friendly fit & comfortable
-Organic sounding, neutrality with a splash of warmth & completely musical
-Note weight across the mix is wonderful
-Great bass for a single BA, truly special (also a con)
-Warm/Neutral engaging mids, vocals are exquisite!
-Detailed and vibrant treble
-Great tone & timbre
-Non-fatiguing sound
-Soundstage surprised me, it is rather large
Cons: -Not DD bass
-Extension into the sub-bass is merely adequate
-This one wants output power
-Those who want a crisp and airy sound won’t exactly find that here
-Extension into the upper-highs is not that great

Aful MagicOne Review

"Do You Believe in Magic?"



Aful MagicOne


Hello, today I am reviewing one of Aful Audio‘s latest iems, the Aful MagicOne ($139). Folks I am very pleased to be able to present this set of earphones to you and I do hope it helps you in making a purchasing decision. I’d like to first thank the good people of HiFiGo for providing this set-in exchange for a feature at You can find the Aful MagicOne HERE, or at the links below. So, thank you very much Hifigo and thank you even more for only demanding that I speak my truth on this or any other set. Anyways, Aful has been doing special things friends and it really shows with their three releases to date. I am so intrigued by this company folks and I think I’m slowly converting into a low-key fan boy. Okay, let’s pretend I didn’t say that.


Aful was not a name that we in the west were very familiar with. Well at least I certainly hadn’t heard of them. Not until the Aful Performer 5 (Mahir’s Review) was released to the public anyways. Shortly after Aful also released the Aful Performer 8 (Review coming soon) (Pavan’s Review) and I gotta tell you folks, both of those sets are very well tuned and hold a nice spot in their respected price points. Aful actually began their journey back in 2018 when they quickly began setting up their lab and by 2020, they had procured three patents! That’s saying something folks! By 2022 the Performer series was off the ground with the release of the Performer 5, followed shortly thereafter by the Performer 8, which brings us to the set I am reviewing today, the MagicOne. Talk about a startup. This company went from complete obscurity to one of the big players very quickly.


I am such a huge fan of this hobby. I don’t proclaim to be the most knowledgeable or most understanding of the inner workings of some of these sets. However, I could not help but be just ridiculously impressed and curious about this set. Any fan of the hobby should be at least mildly curious. I would think anyway. My hats go off to the people who had the craftiness and know-how to engineer a set like the MagicOne. This is not just a niche set, because it covers the whole mix and does so well. To the point that the MagicOne is an actual contender in the price point. Obviously, it has some issues that other driver configurations may be able to handle a bit better but at the end of the day this one BA set sounds very nice. However, I didn’t always feel this way.

Wild Ride

I’ve been on sort of a “wild ride” getting to know MagicOne over the course of the last week or two. I went from dissatisfied and disappointed to overly joyous, and everything in between. Of course, this was my fault, the MagicOne didn’t change. However, here I am, and I have a lot to say about this set which consists of one Balanced Armature Driver which covers the whole of the frequency. Also, it does it well. To be completely honest, I’ve only ever heard a couple one BA iems and I’ve never been impressed. I would have also told you that there’s no way only a single BA can cover the entire mix satisfactorily. No chance! Well, based on what I’ve heard over the course of about a week, I’d say I’m pretty much floored about how well Aful was able to make this set sound. Now I know. You can do a lot with a single BA, so long as good ole’ school ingenuity and a willingness to create something special are the top priority. With that, the Aful MagicOne…

Non-Affiliated, non-compensated purchase links:


Amazon US

The iBasso DX240 and the Aful MagicOne is a great combo.

Ifi Go Blu / Moondrop Dawn 4.4 / iBasso SX240 / Shanling M6 Ultra / Hidizs S9 Pro Plus

Gear used for testing

Ifi Go Blu
Moondrop Dawn 4.4
Hidizs S9 Pro Plus
iBasso DX240 with Amp8 MK2
Shanling M6 Ultra


Packaging / Accessories


Finally, here we are at the onset of my review, and I have to report that I thought Aful gives out a great first impression. The MagicOne comes packaged in a small rectangular black box with a picture of the MagicOne on the front and some specs on back. As per usual. Open the box and you’ll see the gorgeous MagicOne earphones lookin’ all pretty staring back at you. Next to the earphones is the hockey Puck style case that we’ve seen before. Inside the case you’ll find the cable and you’ll also see the six pairs of eartips. Honestly, for $139 I feel the unboxing was decent. Not crazy luxurious but also, who really cares. They give out some quality accessories and cable so I’m more than happy.

AM1 Unboxing
AM1 Unboxing
AM1 Unboxing


AM1 Tips

Okay, the eartips that Aful provides are six pairs in total or two sets of three (S, M, L). I find that they are quality type tips. You get three pairs of the dark gray tips that are colored red (right side) and blue (left side). These tips are more of a narrow bore, pretty firm flange, decently long. We’ve seen these tips for quite a while, and they are great tips for when you need them. The next pair are darn near identical to the last pair in feel, structure, bore size except they are all white. Now, I went instead with my two of my favorite tips, the KBear 07 large sized tips and the TRN Clarion tips. Both help in slightly the same ways with a semi-wide bore and firmer stem. I feel they help just a little with the bringing out the upper-mids and add a bit of punch to the mid-bass. To be quite honest, I’m sure the provided tips would be just fine.

Carrying Case

AM1 Case

The case that Aful gives out is the same hockey Puck style case that we’ve seen in previous Aful iems. Perfectly usable, great to throw in a pocket, it’ll keep your iems from getting trashed and is a decently attractive case. Granted, I never use cases but I could see myself using this one just because it is not fat and so it’ll fit in a front pocket easily. Now, you probably won’t get anything else in the case besides the earphones and cable but a good size, nonetheless. I usually carry my iems in a slightly larger case and throw them into a bag with me. I already have a set or two of tws as well with my pockets pretty much filled so adding this guy to my pockets just won’t usually happen. Nice case though, nothing to complain about.


AM1 Cable

The included cable is a beautiful wire that is a high purity oxygen free copper and oxygen free copper that is silver plated braided cable that is really nice and beefy. I love it. This is a Litz type-4 style with a coaxial shielded structure. The cable can be ordered with either a 3.5 single ended jack or a 4.4 balanced jack. I think this cable is great because it fits the colorway of the MagicOne perfectly too. Just a gorgeous add on to this set. Thankfully Aful understands how important it is to get the cable right. Also, thankfully they understand how important the cable is to the entire experience.

Now I did swap out the cable for balanced sources being that I was provided the 3.5 single ended jack and I do think that the MagicOne scales with more output power. My devices all have a bunch more power under the balanced configuration and so I went with the KBear Chord 4.4 for these purposes. I think it is a nice and aesthetically pleasing cable as well and looks great attached.

AM1 Cable

Build / Design / Internals / Fit

Build Quality

Aful provides a solid build in the MagicOne with a chassis built entirely of resin by way of 3D printing. I especially like the feel of this set when in hand. It is very solid and almost has the feel of glass. Nothing even remotely cheap about the MagicOne. The MagicOne is an average sized iem and built in a very ergonomic way. I found the protrusion (wing) on the outside of the shell helps tremendously to seat in my ear perfectly. The nozzles are also pretty much average. If I were to guess without trying to find my micrometer, I would say the nozzles are roughly 5-6 mm and are medium length. About average. This bodes well for folks who simply wants a set that will provide comfort. This is your set friends. So, the build is very solid and perfectly warranted at the $139 price point.

AM1 Build Quality
AM1 Build Quality
AM1 Build Quality
AM1 Build Quality
AM1 Build Quality
AM1 Build Quality


This is where the MagicOne “may” or “may not” lose some people. The look is beautiful, let’s just get that out of the way. Gorgeous. To me anyways. The MagicOne are completely transparent (as you can see from my pics) and you can easily see the inner workings inside the shell. You can see the long and curly tubes, the tech, the driver and it is all so neatly laid out. It just looks so cool folks. Now the divisive part comes from the faceplates. I don’t know if everyone will dig the snowflake design theme. At any rate, the faceplates have a snowflake type design with silver outlining the snowflake contours in a nice pattern. Under this patterned snowflake design you’ll notice what looks like foam, which also sort-of resembles snow. So, the theme is nice. I have zero issues with it. However, I’m sure there are those folks who may think it isn’t manly enough for them. Again, I think it is so inventive, creative and even artsy and I applaud the design team who envisioned this set.

Solid Sound & Outstanding Looks: –
Not only does the MagicOne offer exceptional sound, but it also boasts an outstanding visual design. The pair features a stunning clear white finish, inspired by the beauty of falling snowflakes. The Face Covers are artistically designed with the theme of “纷雪” (Snowflakes Fall) in Chinese. We are confident that you will love the look and feel of the MagicOne. Additionally, the pair is ergonomically designed for maximum comfort during longer listening sessions.
Aful Promotional


This is the nitty gritty of this review. The entire mystique or novelty of this set is centered around the fact that Aful chose to use a single “Balanced Armature Driver” to craft this set. It’s a bold choice folks! Aful actually went with a customized balanced armature driver that sits right under the nozzle but a bit back with a wide tube running from the driver to the nozzle. Aful uses what they refer to as “SE-Math Electro-Acoustic Intermodulation, Nautilus Acoustic Maze”. Basically, this is the windy tube behind the armature driver. The theory behind this tech is fascinating folks. I will not go into crazy detail, but I will share a link to a video from Akros (with whom I greatly respect) to further explain much better than I can write it exactly how this tech works. His video is HERE. Thank you Antonio! I hope you don’t mind my share.


Technology: –
AFUL has developed a core technology called “SE-Math”, this tech allows better extensions at the high-frequency region by compensating the difference between the driver and the pure sound through RLC electro-acoustic network and complex acoustic structure. It basically improves the high-frequency response and makes the MagicOne sound clearer and crispier than the initial response.

Enhanced Bass Response: –
To further enhance the bass response, AFUL has equipped the MagicOne with a uniquely designed rear-cavity structure. This structure includes a specially designed long and ultra-thin acoustic tube, inspired by the design of Nautilus. This complex tube design enables the balanced armature driver to deliver precise, powerful, and accurate lower-end responses.
Aful Promotional

Fit / Isolation

I’ve already partially covered how the MagicOne fits me but let me reiterate just how nice this set seats in my ears. Perfectly! I’m not joking, I think this set was made to my exact ear anatomy. It sits perfectly. I have no idea how it will fit you but I’m assuming the MagicOne will fit more than most people very well. Passive Isolation is wonderful too. The MagicOne provides a silent environment where only the faintest of sounds squeak through. Sound leakage is also not a problem so you can listen right next to anyone else and not bother them.

iBasso DX240 & Aful MagicOne


Mobile Listening


The Aful MagicOne is rated at an impedance of 38 ohms and a sensitivity of 103 db’s which by all measures should be easy to drive. However, I found this to not exactly be the case. Listening with something like the IFi Go Blu sounds nice but I had to be using the 4.4 port for the MagicOne to really come out of its shell. It just likes more juice folks. In fact, all mobile listening that really sounded great was done using the 4.4 port. The same was true for my dongle-dacs like the Moondrop Dawn 4.4 and the Hidizs S9 Pro Plus. So long as I gave it good and strong power the MagicOne would open up and sound beautiful. Of my dongle-dacs I definitely liked the pairing of the Moondrop Dawn 4.4 the best. They just created a nice synergy that was satisfying for me. Perhaps the slight warmth of the MagicOne reacted well to the more neutral Dawn 4.4.


I used both the iBasso DX240 as well as the Shanling M6 Ultra for much of my listening. I also made sure to set my gain on both devices to medium and high gain. Each device gets up close to 1 watt of power and I think I was rewarded for using the most of it. I enjoyed both daps as they both have their own flavor to the sound. The DX240 is a bit closer to neutral and the M6 Ultra is a bit more velvet and warm. Both sound fantastic and impressed me a lot. I couldn’t tell you which I like better.

In the end

At the end of the day just make sure you have a good and strong dongle-dac at least. Something with some good output and you will like what you hear. Without that added juice the sound is pretty unspectacular and closer to flat for me. Dynamics increased substantially and the sound seemed to open up. The bass tightens and is rewarded with some additional oomph.

The Aful MagicOne attached to the Shanling M6 Ultra is pure bliss.

Sound Impressions

One thing I wasn’t expecting was such a full sound to come from a one-BA set but alas, this is what I’m hearing. However, when I first put this set in my ears I was not impressed. I felt the sound was dull, bland, not exciting and simply didn’t come across as very energetic. So, as I do, I went away for about an hour and then came back and added a bit more juice, and the sound spruced up a bit. Still, I would say that I wasn’t really high on this set. I even made a Facebook post describing as much. However, I could kick myself because the very next morning it was like the skies parting friends. I’m telling you that it was like I was hearing this for the first time, and it was truly a different experience. This just goes to show you that so many things can affect how we hear our music. I had to share that little experience because it really threw me for a loop!

Between the 20’s

Anyways, the sound comes across as neutral with shades of warmth in the low-end which helps to add a nice sense of note weight to my library of music. The sound is what I would call a U-shaped sound with a forward and prominent low-end but not very robust as a dynamic driver comes across. The midrange is also relatively forward with a hint of warmth to hug the neutrality of the tonal coloration. The treble has just enough emphasis to lift up the spectrum and comes across smooth and coherent to the rest of the mix and nicely detailed.

Everything just sounds so smooth and so musical to my ears. I hear great macro-dynamic fullness and expression with very lithe and supple micro-dynamic movement for lower volume sounds and undertones. It’s limber, it catches the tiny intonations of a tracks and keeps control. It doesn’t get sloppy…ever. Imaging is fantastic and so is the layering I’m getting from this single BA. Friends I’m truly at a loss for what this set can do and I’m having to rewrite my understanding of what a single BA can do. The soundstage is above average and good in all directions making my music feel alive and realistic and nicely detailed. However, perhaps the most awesome is the timbre. Again, I’m dumbfounded folks. Truly a great sound.

Nice work Aful!

If this passage is the furthest you read just know that the sound is great, but it does have its slight subjective quirks. I will try to outline those issues in the next few sections of this review when I go through the Bass, Mids, and Treble. Nothing is perfect in “all ways” and nothing will ever be, but I find the pluses outweigh and tower over the negatives by a monumental degree. Nice work Aful!

Graph courtesy of “Super Review”, Thank you so much!


Bass Region

The low-end definitely has some well-defined prominence in the mix. It isn’t the type of bass that will provide anything close to a big DD rumble but… There’s definitely a rumble. It’s concise, accurate, and it’s clean too. I hear a more natural and well-defined bass that keeps some tight reigns on the lower half of the mix. I’d also say that between the sub & mid-bass they operate on almost equal parts to my ears. Possibly a bit more skewed towards the sub-bass. However, the extension in the lowest of lows isn’t very great. It isn’t that bad either. Great for a single-BA and I’m not really missing much here. In fact, just because this bass is not ultra boomy doesn’t mean it isn’t robust. There is a fullness to the bass amongst the tighter delivery. This isn’t a thin and anemic BA Bass. It just isn’t!

Good BA Bass

I hear a mostly neutral bass with a splash of engrossing warmth. Transients are perceptively pretty quick with a very astute and nimble note agility down low. I find this bass to be very precise in its undulations and modulations within a bassline, bass drop, drumline etc. with sufficient quantity. Not enough for even slight Bass-Bois but plenty for fans of good bass. Very nice for a single-BA bass in my opinion. Perhaps I need to rewrite my expectations going forward. I truly didn’t think you’d get as much body as you can on this set.

I find the quantity to be good for many genres and even good for maneuvering around complicated passages of music in the low-end. It’s a nimble bass. Of course, so many folks only want to know, “Does it BANG?” and the answer is, sort of, I guess. My question would be “How much BANG is good for you?” I’d also say it can, but more-so in a naturally occurring way. I’d usually say it rises to the occasion and I think I’d be right with that assessment on the MagicOne. It can handle a fairly deep reverberant rumble and decent slam that sounds great to me. Will it be great for you?


The sub-bass has a somewhat limited extension due to the make-up and driver configuration or the limitations of the BA driver. But that doesn’t tell the whole story. The sub-bass still has some grumble & growl when needed. “Cadillac” by Victoria Monet is a song which reaches low and the MagicOne is able to reciprocate with a natural but also pretty damn sonorous vibration. There’s some haptic and palpable texture and tactility to the sub-bass too. Also, it can get fairly resonant and deep but please keep your expectations in check. Most certainly not even hinting at basshead levels, but very good. This is quality, it’s clean, it’s dexterous and yet it can still get pretty guttural too. I’m impressed. This was actually the first area that I wanted to pay attention to and I’m not disappointed. It’s much rumblier than I would’ve thought or better said… than what I prepared myself for.

Sub-bass cont

Another track is “2040” by Lil Durk and Lil Baby. In this song it literally begins with a thundering bass drop. Now, just about any set can sound at least moderately bulbous & bangin’ here, but the MagicOne’s single BA actually hits with decent haptics. There’s some reverberant vibrational energy folks. Obviously, this is not anything like some real and raw DD sets. In fact, straight up… this is not a DD bass, so please remember my position on this. I don’t want DMs of any of you complaining that I told you it’s the same. For a single BA I am quite happy. The sub-bass is one area where we weren’t supposed to have those rumbly feels with a single-BA, or so I thought. The best part of the sub-bass though, to me, is the fact that it’s quick enough for faster bass tracks and equally impressive is the punch at attack. It’s a compact and concrete note edge at attack/decay that isn’t softened, hollow, or pillowy at all to my ears. This all carries over into the mid-bass…


The enjoyment I get from the mid-bass is not because I’m overjoyed by the visceral power behind the bodacious slam and boom. No sir. I enjoy this mid-bass because it comes across naturally punchy. To my ears it has the right amount of weight afforded stuff like bass guitars, kick drums and has the right kind of elasticity and ductility. What do I mean by ductility you ask? The sound is ductile, it’s malleable, flexible, it keeps a tight rein on the note outline and is almost rubbery in its ability to maneuver around complicated bass tracks. There’s some bounce to the sound. It isn’t the type that booms like a typical DD. To my ears anyways. The MagicOne’s tuning isn’t meant to rumble, but it’s the type that’s meant to replicate what a track actually is. It’s natural and organic. The resonant harmonics don’t have that long ambient decay, but they do have some lingering presence and atmosphere to them on some tracks.

Got some meat to it

Take this next track, one I always use for review purposes, “Billie Jean” by Weezer (Michael Jackson cover). The song starts with booming successive kick drums which will very quickly tell you a ton about the sound of any set in the low-end. With the MagicOne I hear a very clean bass hit. The sound is hollow right after attack, with almost a slightly scaled down boom with a nicely tacky edge to it. It’s a natural sounding kick-drum. You can also hear the bounce to the kick drum. The note edge is a clean hit and isn’t caked in softness like so many sets. It doesn’t sound like a hammer blow wrapped in a sock. It sounds like a hammer. Concrete, rigid, defined, mildly resonant and unsullied. But it isn’t super boomy to please bass heads. Listening to “911” by Teddy Swims is another track that has a deep and heavy bass drop in which the MagicOne really comes alive to. It’s got some meat to it folks. It simply isn’t overly and overtly colored and isn’t super meaty.

Bass guitar sounds nice as well. I feel there is enough presence in the mid-bass and plumpness to give gravelly fullness to most bass guitar tracks. Now I don’t know if it will fulfill everyone’s standards as it’s a more neutral and controlled mid-bass. “Feelin’ the Miles” by The Wilder Blue simply jams with the MagicOne. I can’t get over how authentic to life this set makes this track sound. The snares simply pang so nicely, and I can feel or hear the rebound to it. The bass guitar has some drone to it too. Is it perfect? C’mon…Nothing is perfect. But it does so much to satisfy.


Bass singers like Avi Kaplan in “First Place I Go“. His voice is so crisp, but bodied-up. There’s a knife edge to his voice at the crest of attack when he sings. It isn’t the deepest and sonorously low-pitched sound, and a hair more warmth would’ve been more natural to me. But it’s really nice folks. His voice should pierce through everything like butter with his resonant groan. Possibly a bit restrained on the MagicOne but completely satisfying. Other deep bass singers like Josh Turner have the same exact affect. Look at the track “Would You Go with Me“. Again, his voice could use a deeper tone, but it’s so well composed and has such a nice weight to it.

My thoughts

I find the bass region to be a highlight. I’m positive that there will be folks who will disagree with that statement. However, I love the natural feel to the sound. The natural depth to any track is great; it’s layered, textured, and isn’t even close to one-noted or muddy.

Downsides to the Bass Region

Of course, this bass is not even close to basshead levels. That’ll be a huge con right away for many people I know. To be honest I don’t even know why any bassheads would be reading this. It’s a one-BA iem for crying out loud! This is about quality friends. Still, it has its shortcomings to a slight degree. It doesn’t get that deep pitched resonant growl that many DD sets can get. Yes, it’s natural and more organic but I do still favor Dynamic Drivers. Always will. Still, that doesn’t take away from what Aful has done. Also, extension down low is not something to write home about. Again, it still extends deeper than what I was imagining a single-BA would be able to do. The bass is well detailed and very agile with enough oomph for most any genre and is very satisfying as it makes up for its lack of beef with dexterity and good timbre.



Oh, the midrange. I promise, this is the area that hooked me in and ultimately hasn’t let me go. I find the midrange to be sensational, in the way that it’s holographic and with fantastic musicality. It has good body and note weight across the midrange. The MagicOne has a clean and clear and fully emotional midrange. I really do enjoy what this set can do. It’s this neutral-ish sound that grabs warmth when it needs it, and it’s a region that seems “put on a pedestal” against the other frequencies between the 20’s. It’s smooth in body with silk overtones. Yet, this set can also manage to be crisp enough when a track asks it to. The mids are very lissome… graceful even. The timbre is great, like… Really Great! There’s a more organic approach (my definition of organic) and an altogether wholesome sound. But the vocals… The vocals hit me in the heart friends. Such a seductive and honeyed sound. It’s a forward, euphoric, and smoothly pronounced sound. Pardon the descriptors as I can get pretty cheesy, but I cannot help but lavish some respect to this tuning and to the midrange vocals as well. Perhaps they are the best vocals of any within the price point for me. Maybe I’m a “prisoner of the moment” but I think it ranks right up there. To this reviewer anyways. I find the midrange to be well balanced in the mix and occupies a great place in the setup for the staging. Layering is great, Imaging is spot on, and I hear a nicely detailed midrange as well.


Males’ vocals come across with a nicely authoritative sound that is backed by a lean-lush note weight and comes basking in some shades of warmth. Listening to “Sand in My Boots” by Morgan Wallen is very nice with the MagicOne. His voice is not sharp like on other sets, yet it isn’t veiled like other sets too. Instead, it is kind of edgy and syrupy at the same time. There is such a nice presence. It has just enough note weight, but yet it presents some crispness on this track as well. Underlying everything is this pervasive and utterly smooth sound that permeates the whole of the midrange. I enjoy the fact that when his voice climbs in register that the MagicOne is not phased and keeps its control without turning artificial or too edged in grain. The MagicOne stays clean, transparent and refined.

I could also point to Zach Bryan in “I Remember Everything“. His voice is raspy, breathy at times, even bold too. Zach is all emotions as the MagicOne props up his voice without going overboard and doesn’t lose any of the emotions. The instruments surrounding him are clean and separated with easily discernible layers. I find his voice to come across really nice.


Females with the MagicOne “generally” hang around the upper-mids. Females are forward in presence with a neutral vibrance, they’re also sweet and prominent. They’re everything from softly subtle, velvet and sweet, to resounding and ballad raising, and yet, I never hear them lose control. Never peaky, never glaring, never sibilant and not harsh. Caitlyn Smith in “High” is a perfect example of this as her voice actually does go from softly velvet and sweet in the song’s buildup to powerful in her inflections during the chorus. Her voice is natural in its tone & timbre with the MagicOne while staying resolute and transparent with crystalline note definition. I feel the slight warmth against the neutrality and vibrance of the upper midrange causes a very lifelike sound. Depending on the recording of course. However, I feel the MagicOne simply comes across how “Organic” should be. The only thing missing is a slightly longer decay on some instruments, but I am utterly impressed by what Aful is offering at $139.

More females

Another track is “More Hearts Than Mine” by Ingrid Andress. She has a voice that goes from slightly raspy, to soft and edgy, to epic and ballad-like. What I love about the MagicOne is how it doesn’t double down on the sharp edge to her voice and sound even more digital or metallic. The MagicOne keeps its composure folks. This single BA is very well able to render her voice forward, clean and separated while not sounding papery and dry. At the same time this single BA is able to render instruments like the muted drums, the strumming guitar, or even the slight tambourine at the back end of each beat very well on this track. I enjoy that they all sound distinct and still fun and musical. Please understand, there are plenty of other sets which can do such a thing. For the most part, I say all of this because I’m blown away, and I’ll keep harping the fact that the MagicOne is a single BA. However, I go further with it because not only does this single BA do it all… It also sounds better than most other sets too. If you were me that is. I think many would agree with me.


I love piano while listening with the MagicOne as there is this smooth and tuneful sound from a piano key with great resulting harmonics. It sounds pitch-perfect to me. This is a $139 set folks! Acoustic guitar has that sharpness on attack and has enough good bite as well with nice details shining through. Guitars in general can have that tangy and textured sound which is realistic and enjoyable. In fact, all strings seem to sound good depending on the track. Percussion isn’t too softened or attenuated but instead has an energetic snap, pang, chisk, and pap, emphasized by the upper portions of the frequency with sprightliness and charm. Violin is so melodic on many tracks with a good body and what I would call an unalloyed and genuine sound. I won’t go down a long list of instruments giving you simple and broad descriptions though. Just know, most instruments sound close to correct and have nice energy. I haven’t heard anything that disproves this.

Downsides to the Midrange

If I were to collect some issues with this midrange and lay them on a platter, I would have a close to empty platter folks. I mean, possibly those who want a drier and more detailed, analytical and nimble midrange would maybe not prefer what the MagicOne can do. Also, maybe, ultra warm and dark lovers may feel the tone & timbre doesn’t work for them. Eh, who am I kidding, this midrange is wonderful folks. It really is. The forward vocals are so enticing and there is such great depth to every element of the stage. There is an all-encompassing and engaging quality to the sound with the perfect emphasis of vocals in the sound field while at the same time coming across organic, manicured, and distinct. It’s just nice!


Treble Region

When thinking of the highs on the MagicOne I think of it like a natural glide through the upper regions. Naturally progressing and naturally extending. You won’t hear any undue and forced over saturation or forced resolution up top. However, the treble still remains relatively airy, without being “airy” per se. Does that ridiculous statement that I just made make any sense to you? Well, It does to me. The treble is one that strays from any ear-piercing fatigue or shout and issues its treble with just the right amount of brilliance, to sound balanced with the rest of the mix. Surely, it’s enough to lift up female vocals, percussion, etc. and basically lift up the whole of the mix for that matter. There’s a good level of detail retrieval that I find fairly easy to pick up on without much issue. Especially for a single BA set. The treble is pretty nuanced, finely tuned and has a penchant for transparency. It’s a good supporting actor. A good part to a great whole.

It’s smooth up top

However, the best quality of the treble in my opinion is its smoothness. No artificial jagged edges (for the most part), no real grain, no obvious sibilance, no odd peaks, no weird timbre moments. It’s not metallic or splashy either. It’s a smooth, glass lined, “ride the wave” type of softer treble, without the coarseness that so many upper regions have these days. I say all that, but I will also state that the MagicOne still has a small amount of bite. A lil pepper on the steak. There’s also some shimmer and shine helping to accentuate by adding some ebullient buoyancy to my music, and simply makes the MagicOne more engaging and even… fun. However, it’s like I’ve tried to get across, nothing is so one sided or over saturated that the balance tilts off-kilter. Everything fits! And the same is true up top… this treble simply fits!

Listening to the Old Crow Medicine Show track, “Keel Over and Die” there is an onslaught of breakneck speed treble activity. There’s a bunch of guitars, ukulele, mandolin, and piano all mishmashed to form a melody. Folks, the MagicOne has absolutely no issues keeping up. This group is praised for their instrumentation and many of their tracks follow this same style. Truly the MagicOne creates space while making distinct, definite, compartmentalized separation between the instruments in this track. Now, certainly I have sets that can perform this better. However, those sets also aren’t the most smooth and musical either. The MagicOne is a nice blend of both attributes in my humble opinion.

Downsides to the treble region

I could see treble heads or those who really enjoy good treble not liking the emphasis that Aful has tuned this set with. The MagicOne is not the airiest sounding, and you don’t have that blatant openness of some iems. Also, details are good (especially for a single BA) but the MagicOne is not a detail monster. I feel the MagicOne’s treble is “smooth & musical over crisp & technical” and so those who enjoy a drier performance may not be a fan. I could also say that extension into the highest of highs isn’t the best I’ve heard. However, at the end of the day it is very hard for me to complain about any one frequency, let alone a very nice treble region. Friends, this set has no sibilance, none. Yet it has some brilliance to it. There’s no peaky areas of shout and treble sheen either. I hear a smooth treble that seeks not to offend and suits the rest of the mix and the overall balance beautifully.




The stage size is an area that gave me a good surprise. I really wasn’t expecting such a technically savvy soundstage. It isn’t just the grandeur of the stage size. It’s also the layering, depth of field, and the realistic experience the MagicOne affords the listener. I find width to be above average, it’s outside my ears and stretches the psycho-acoustic stage. The crazy part is I don’t hear super amazing extensions either way in the frequency. I mean there is decent extension but nothing super deep down low or super airy up top. It still fills the soundscape very well. This stage is one of those that relies on the fullness and macro-dynamic swelling of the stage. The mids are closer to the listener but the sound field stretches out wide. It’s a fuller stage. Not at all congested or cramped. The height is fantastic and so is the depth I’m hearing which gives way to great layering of sounds. Did I mention this is a single BA?

Separation / Imaging

I can quite easily hear very distinct and separated instruments and vocalists. Honestly, I am very impressed by the MagicOne’s ability to parse out space to each element of the stage. There is a caveat though; on ridiculously congested tracks with a million instruments fighting for prominence, things may slightly mash together. Or in really poorly recorded tracks. Of course, those tracks will likely sound horrible on most any set so, really this is not much of a caveat. For the most part the MagicOne impresses. The same goes for the tremendous imaging capabilities of the MagicOne. It is so easy to place every instrument in my mind space whether it be left to right or even forward and backward.

Detail Retrieval

Another surprise is the nice detail retrieval that the MagicOne has. It is much better than I would have thought. That said, folks, I don’t want to lead you astray, the detail retrieval is good, especially for what the MagicOne is, but it isn’t a detail monster. No doubt it is very good and I’m missing nothing in my music. Still, the MagicOne is not a dry, thin, and analytical style earphone that’s built for detail retrieval and analytical listening. Listen, this set is a warmer, a slightly lusher earphone and as good as it is… it works off of one BA. So, expectations!

It’s good though…

I just wanted to say that so that I can say this… the MagicOne is absolutely bonkers good in this department… for what it is. I would think the MagicOne would struggle in the details arena. The sound is tinted warm and it’s smooth, but also resolute and transparent. Friends, I’m really not missing anything as far as details are concerned. Is there better out there in the Audioverse? Yes, there is. But how much better? And also, what are those sets lacking that the MagicOne doesn’t lack? It’s still very musical folks! It’s melodious to the core! Each area of the spectrum is represented well. You have all this and still have a refined sound and good details. C’mon friends! As far as what type of details; you’ll hear great secondary harmonics, even for a BA. You’ll hear the finger slides, the plucks, the breath in mics, the cough from the drummer in your favorite live track. You’ll hear the little nuances in your music. So long as the track isn’t ultra-crazy congested that is. Everything has a caveat or two. This is a special set.

AM1 Comparisons
Tanchjim Hana 21′ / Aful MagicOne / Letshuoer X-Gizaudio Galileo


Note: I will keep these comparisons brief folks. Basically, I will give a very quick take on some differences and that’s about it. I am already running long in this review. However, these comparisons are not meant to crown one set over the other. These are meant to highlight differences so that you may get a better understanding of the iem I’m reviewing. I’ll speak in general terms and won’t go too deep into them.

Letshuoer X-Gizaudio Galileo ($109)


What a nicely done iem the Galileo is. The Galileo is actually a collaboration with Letshuoer and Gizaudio and more pointedly “Timmy Vangtan” of Gizaudio. This set is a Hybrid 1+1 DD & BA iem with a 10mm Liquid Silicone Dynamic Driver and a Sonion Balanced Armature. Truly a fantastic set at its price. Built decently but absolutely gorgeous shells & faceplates. I would’ve loved to review it but it simply didn’t pan out and so I use the Galileo for many comparisons in the price point. This one seemed to make sense to me. Just a wonderfully neutral sound that is pleasant across the board and also has a smoother replay. Every area of the mix is accounted for.

The differences begin with the build quality. The MagicOne is much better built with more sturdy resin, it just feels more durable. Both sets look really striking and are very artsy in their design language. Design is a draw for me, but I’d have to give the edge to the Aful MagicOne because it is just a bit more creative and unique. As far as accessories, the MagicOne is more premium as far as the cable, case, tips are concerned. The MagicOne certainly feels more upscale, and I say that not to take anything away from the Galileo. The Galileo is a little bit larger and the MagicOne is probably the better fit generally but neither set is a drawback in this area. The Galileo is around $109 depending on if they are having a sale or not. I’ve seen it as low as $87. The MagicOne is almost $140 and so there is a price difference to take into account.

Sound Differences

Now to the sound and the reason I chose the Galileo to compare. I compared because both of these sets have prominent and focused vocal ranges that come off very nice. The Galileo is a bit closer to neutral and a pinch brighter whereas the MagicOne has that warmth with a spritz of neutrality. Transient attack & decay are tidier on the MagicOne with a better technical display almost across the board. Note weight is a bit lusher on the MagicOne and note definition sounds a pinch more resolute. Between the two the MagicOne is definitely harder to drive, and in my opinion requires much more output from your source. So, there’s that. Something to consider.

Bass Region

The bass region on the Galileo provides more thump and slam, especially in the mid-bass. The sub-bass also shows more rumble and deep pitched growl on the Galileo too. However, I find the MagicOne certainly has a cleaner, more precise, nimbler low-end while still owning enough low-end oomph. The MagicOne’s bass has better textures and details. The Galileo is not really emphasized all that much more; it’s simply the difference in driver configuration.


Both sets involved have a more forward sounding midrange. Beginning in the low-mids, the MagicOne has just a hair less body to notes while the Galileo has more spill over from the low-end into the midrange giving slightly warmer vocals for males. Still, the MagicOne has this speckless delivery that still has nice weight and fullness but also it sounds cleaner here. Females are more shimmery on the Galileo as well as a touch brighter. The MagicOne on the other hand is very enriched in this region with forward females that sound slightly less uplifted but smoother and butterier with better detail retrieval.

Treble Region

These two both have very similar treble responses. They really do. However, I still find the Galileo has less in note weight and doesn’t have the MagicOne’s tangible treble punch and contoured control. Now, the Galileo does have an airier and leaner treble region to the MagicOne’s more musical treble. I find the MagicOne to better illuminate details up top and with better note density.


The stage size is very similar in the width and height department, but the MagicOne has much better depth and a more holographic sounding stage. For the most part anyways. Imaging is also good on both sets, but the MagicOne simply do so in a more precise and definitive way. Separation too. The MagicOne is truly a special iem and it’s in these areas that it shines next to a great set in the Galileo. Detail retrieval is simply better on the MagicOne. Perhaps in less complicated tracks both sets run parallel but once things get a bit more congested the MagicOne will step out in front.

My thoughts

Folks, I truly adore the Galileo and feel it is a fantastic iem at the price it’s being sold for. However, for me, I cannot get over the 3d richness of the MagicOne and those creamy yet precise vocals. The Galileo is nice, with its nicely tight and textured bass region, silky mids and airy treble (to a degree). However, the MagicOne is simply that “Unicorn” wonder of an iem that I’ve grown to adore. I think these are both two titans at the price, but the only one that should cost more is… the MagicOne. Still, at the end of the day of these two are sitting in front of you and your wallet you’ll have to decide if you want fantastic vocals with a bit more energy and an airier presentation or a rich, more detailed, precise, and more musical sound. It’s a question of preference folks and I love them both.

AM1 & Galileo Graph
Graph courtesy of “Super Reviews”, Thank you so much!

Tanchjim Hana 21′ ($169)


This is one set that somehow went under almost all radars. I mean, it had its moment of fanfare but that quickly fell off and what was left was one of the best Harman tuned sets under $200. Also, it still sits pretty at this price. Just a wonderfully musical iem folks. The Hana 21 uses an LCP single Dynamic Driver with absolutely beautiful stainless-steel shells that look more like jewelry than they do earphones. I still stare at this set, and I’ve had them forever. The baby sibling to the Tanchjim Oxygen is darn near on the same scale as the Oxygen for over half the price and would be a steal for anyone who could find it for cheaper than MSRP.

The first glaring difference is the build. The Hana is made entirely of stainless steel while the MagicOne is all resin. Both well built. The Hana is a gorgeous gold color with one of the best contrasting colors I’ve ever seen. It has very nice white faceplates with their logo on one and the name Hana on the other. The MagicOne is also simply gorgeous too. Both are designed in a premium way. The Hana is much smaller and is great for those with smaller ears whereas the MagicOne isn’t exactly huge but there’s more real estate there. I find the Hana accessorized a bit more luxurious, but the MagicOne has the better cable, like… a lot better. Obviously, the Hana will require a few more dollars to own but both are well worth the price tag.

Sound Differences

To start, the Hana has a slightly warmer sound, especially down low, coming across leaner up top with a very nice Harman signature that toes that Harman line almost perfectly. The MagicOne has better resolution and tighter transients with a more clinical sound that produces a higher level of detail retrieval and honestly better technicalities throughout. The Hana is much easier to drive and better for lower powered sources.

Bass Region

The Hana has a much deeper and more guttural sub-bass which sounds more weighted and truer. Yes, it’s more emphasized, but it’s also less astute, precise, separated, and the Hana is less equipped to tackle quicker bass passages. Don’t get me wrong, the Hana’s bass can rumble very well and sounds very nice within the mix. So, if you are after a little bit more authentic boom and organically textured bass than the Hana will be the one to go with. The Hana cannot replicate the bass speed and technical chops of the MagicOne though. The MagicOne seems to take anything you throw at it with a smile, like a good BA Bass. While the softer and weightier Hana has the more atmospheric DD type bass.


Starting off with the Hana. It sounds more recessed for male vocals with a more subdued note definition. The MagicOne sounds more contoured, more crystalline and just as weighty in note body. I feel both sets have very nice male vocals but for my money I’d take the MagicOne folks. Females sound thinner in the Harman tuned Hana with a bit more emphasized upper-mids and less wetted than the lusher MagicOne. The MagicOne has no chance of shout or glare whereas the Hana can get a bit hot on the right tracks. All in all, I think this is another preference thing. The Hana has a bit more air to the sound whereas the MagicOne prefers a more controlled but also richer environment. I hate comparing sets I love and no doubt my words can be skewed by prisoner of the moment listening. However, I just find the MagicOne far too “Magical” and I would go with it any day of the week for straight up vocal sessions.

Treble Region

Both sets offer a nice treble replay, but the Hana is a bit sharper at note peaks, yet not to the point of shout or sibilance. Just a bit crisper. It’s also less bodied, slightly more open sounding, but less punchy. The Hana has a bit more bite while the MagicOne is better separated and has better detail retrieval. I find extension is a bit better on the Hana up top too. Despite this, the MagicOne has a more realistic note structure and better cadence. It handles the more complicated stuff better and does so with a fuller sound.


When looking at the stage of both sets, I hear nothing that jumps out at me as bad. Both have great stage sizes. Both are wide, though the MagicOne has more macro-dynamic expressive ess which sounds fuller and fills the sound scape better. Also, the MagicOne certainly has a more 3D presentation with better depth. Both sets are good for spot in imaging and both sets offer good separation of elements within a stage. Detail retrieval goes to the MagicOne between the two.

My thoughts

What can I say folks, I once again love both of these iems. Both offer up a different sound signature for my music. The audio game is one of hairline differences but these two are different enough from each other to warrant a preference battle. They actually contrast each other very well. Honestly, I do think more people would enjoy the Hana 21′ more. I would think. The MagicOne is more of a niche earphone while the Hana toes that Harman line like I said earlier. The Hana stays true to a sound that works while the MagicOne is simply “engaging” to the fullest extent of that word’s meaning. Both are fine sets for any collection folks.

AM1 & Hana Graph
Graph courtesy of “Super Reviews”, Thank you very much!


Is it worth the asking price?

lways the most important question to ask is if a product is even worth what the company is asking. I don’t even want to dignify this question with a response because my word, yes, the MagicOne is worth the asking price. Heck, I’m wondering how it doesn’t cost more. Folks, this set will very likely not be like any other that you have in your collection. This is such a unique set in so many ways. Now, I’m not 100% sure that everyone will love the sound. This will not be for everyone, though I feel everyone should have at least some time alone with it trying to figure that out. It’s a set everyone should at least try, if the opportunity arises. It’s a set to chill with and just… soak in. I told you all that I went on a slight roller coaster getting to know the MagicOne and I’m quite positive that there will be others that endure the same progressive roller coaster ride that I did. There is no way this set isn’t worth the $139 asking price.

The Why

To begin, this is a single BA set that is very rare and a huge gamble on the part of Aful. You have to be overly confident that this setup will pay off. People see “single BA” and run for the hills. However, I think their marketing paid off. Like a dangling fruit in front of the hobby masses. The lone full frequency BA housed within the acoustic cavity is truly wonderful. Also, this set is built extremely well with a beautiful design that’s also rather unique as well. It has nice accessories with a good unboxing (to some that means something). It’s all about the sound though friends. This sound is so engulfing, musical, technical, clean, and rich with a holographic display of the stage which adds such a nice realistic flare to my library of music. The reason why the MagicOne is worth the $139 is because it is simply one of the best sets within the price point.


Ratings (0-10)

Note: all ratings are based upon my subjective judgment. These ratings are garnered against either similarly priced sets or with similar driver implementations or styles with the unique parameters of my choosing. In the case of the Aful MagicOne ratings below, that would be $100-$150 iems of any driver configuration. Please remember that “ratings” don’t tell the whole story. This leaves out nuance and a number of other qualities which make an iem what it is. A “5” is exactly average and please take into consideration the “lot” of iems these ratings are gathered against. $100-$150 US is a decent sized scope of iems and so seeing a 9 should probably be pretty special. My ratings are never the same and each set of ratings tells a different story. Each time you read one of my ratings it will be unique to that review. Basically, I create a Rating that makes sense to me.


-Build Quality: 9.3 Built very well.

-Look: 9.3 This set looks dope!

-Accessories: 9.4 It’s hard to beat these accessories at this price

Overall: 9.3

Sound Rating

-Timbre: 9.1 The timbre and tonality are very good.

-Bass: 9.0 Mature bass that is quality over quantity.

-Midrange: 9.9 The mids are exceptionally good on this set.

-Treble: 9.2 The treble has good body & has great control

-Technicalities: 9.4 Overall, technicalities are very well done.

Overall: 9.4🔥🔥🔥

Ratings Summary:

Okay, some of these ratings will be a hard sell to some folks. I guess. Anywhoo, I gave the MagicOne a “9.0” in “Bass”, which honestly… could go either way. It’s a mature, clean, and controlled low-end, with just enough oomph down low to not feel as though I’m missing all that much. It’s a “quality over quantity” bass for me. Others may wholly disagree, and I’d get it. Bass is a black or white subject most of the time. Either good or… Not. I am a little more nuanced in my appreciation for different tunings but, I’m not you.

Timbre is another area that I could get some flack. However, I simply find the timbre to be organically tuneful with all the intangibles that help the overall sound to come across relatively naturally and altogether sublime to my ears. I really feel a lofty “9.1” is warranted, but I could see some folks either adding some points or subtracting some too.

The last questionable rating is the “Treble”. You’d think that a “9.2” in this area would make this set a treble heads paradise. Ya, I don’t think it’s that. I do think it’s such a well rendered and more physical treble keeping a good balance with the rest of the mix. It also does everything it does so very well. It isn’t the most energized treble but it’s concise, has good note body, and has nice physical feedback while not skimping on the finer stuff (details).



To conclude my full review of the Aful MagicOne I want to thank the good people of HiFiGo for providing the MagicOne in exchange for a full review. I must say that I received no compensation and was not asked to skew my words in any way. I simply want transparency with you all. So, thank you HiFiGo! I also want to thank you, the reader for taking the time to read any words that I write, and my hope is that it helps you with a purchasing decision.

Please take in some other thoughts about the MagicOne as we all have different ideas about what “Good” or “Bad” is. We are all different, each and every one of us and so it makes complete sense that you don’t simply read my words and hit the “buy now” button. Check out other perspectives. It’ll help you to make an educated decision. What I think is great I can promise there will be folks who think I’m nuts and don’t think that same thing is great. Turns out we are all unique and wonderfully made. With that, please take good care and stay as safe as you can my friends, and always God Bless!

I generally agree with everything which you said in your review. I find that the MagicOne adds a somewhat ethereal quality to music since the overall sound signature is inviting and engaging yet relaxing at the same time. I also agree that the Hana 2021 or V2 is an IEM which did glide under the radar.
@GoneToPlaid thank you for that. It's nice hearing some others reflect the same thoughts as you. Ya the MagicOne is such a polarizing set and so many feel strongly either one way or the other and writing a review about it is going to be met with some push back no matter what. So, it's nice that you were kind enough to message that. I appreciate it. I've had a few people message me telling me that I'm nuts when they haven't even listened to the MagicOne. No joke. Also, yes the Hana 21 is a set which I would've thought would get more attraction from the masses. Thanks again


100+ Head-Fier
Aful MagicOne - Winter is Coming
Pros: - resin shell is solid, smooth, beautiful.
- The bass is very unique. Close to single DD bass.
- Sub Bass is deep, reverb nice.
- bass extension is good, doesnt bleed into mid
-Timbre is natural,
- Tonal is smooth, well balance
- Mid are details and clean.
- Treble extension is good, not too long, smooth, Free from harsh, fatique, shouty, sibilance.
- Micro details is excellent. Details retrieval can extract many info above average iems under 200 usd.
- Soundstage is not the biggest, but Width, depth and height are good, spacious enough.
Cons: - Not easy to drive, need power source
- the slam and thump just a lil behind the Dynamics Driver
- bass need more rumble, and lack dynamic like DD
Aful MagicOne
YESSS the magic in a snow vibe season..
Resin shell build quality is solid, smooth and beautiful.
The bass is very unique. Close to single DD bass. Nice texture, speed, details, and body bass.
But still the slam and thump just a lil behind the single DD, it means the dynamics bass quality, it still 1 step behind from DD.
but for BA driver, its one of the best bass that I ever heard from BA driver, very close to DD.
And, surprises me, the sub bass is DEEP.
And bass extension is good.
Good reverb, but tailed not too long.
Im using this song from Vanessa Carlton – A Thousand Miles, at the the 30 seconds, im surprise when magicone can provide deep sub bass..
WoW this is one of magic from this iem as a single BA driver. Very Close to DD.
Bass is well controlled, doesn't bleed into the mids..
Timbre is Natural.
Tonal is smooth well balance.
Tuning neutral with hint warm. Make it more musical, so it's still fun & enjoyable to listen.
Mid are details and clean.
Vocals not too intimate, and not too far. Proper positition. Body of male and female vocals is not lack. The texture and definition of the vocals is good too.
Treble extension is good, not too long, smooth, Free from harsh, fatique, shouty, sibilance. Not so energetic typical treble (at least for my personal preference, which is my sound signature is a treble lover), but not so relax too. Smooth.
Airy, and sparkle. But still controlled.
I prefer using roll tips from stock to bright eartips like : Latex H570, TRN T, Tri Clarion…
Tbh, This very unique tuning.
Micro details is excellent. Details retrieval can extract many info above average iems under 200 usd.
Soundstage is not the biggest, but Width depth and height are good, spacious enough.
Resolution is great,
Separation and layering is good.
Imaging is good at its price.
All genre from edm , electro, rock till classical orchestra, its easy listening from this.
Not the easiest to drive, better source with power to drive this iem. But not very hard like planar PR2 level
This iem is one of the best iem at its price..
El-Fantastico Sound Quality, very impressive…
This is a demo unit that i borrowed
-Credit to Audion Store & Omega Audio Store
-Credit to Aful.

link to buy :


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100+ Head-Fier
The Lone BA
Pros: beautifully designed shells
new eartips inclusions
impressive single BA performance
natural and organic timbre
balance and neutral sound
decent technical chops
affordable price
very engaging vocals
neutral heads will enjoy these
technical chops
Cons: very hard to drive, might need amplification to fully unlock potential
not for bassheads, if you are one
not for trebleheads
lacking in texture
treble might be too safe


Aful, a company frequently teased for its name's resemblance to "awful," stands as a relatively recent entrant in the audio realm. Their initial offering, the P5, garnered mixed reviews from both critics and users. Enter the P8, a fortuitous addition to my collection. This intricately detailed and technically proficient IEM has become my go-to for various musical needs—whether on stage, in the studio for recording, or during the critical phases of referencing and mixing.

In my third evaluation of Aful's products, a discernible pattern in their house sound signature is emerging. While undeniably impressive in technical aspects, the P5 and P8 lean toward a less musical and organic sound, leaving me desiring a heightened sense of engagement. Despite their prowess, I find myself reserving these IEMs exclusively for professional purposes, aligning with my role as a musician, rather than indulging in them for leisurely listening.

Now, onto the latest release, the MagicOne. This newcomer has swiftly become a focal point in the audio community, drawing both praise and criticism. Some reviewers laud it, while others face backlash for what's perceived as undue hype. Frankly, I couldn't care less about the ongoing debate. Today, I'll share my unfiltered impressions of the MagicOne and offer insights into how it stacks up against some of my preferred IEMs. Ready to dive in?


  • The gear on hand has undergone at least 10-15 hours of use before it was assessed.
  • No EQ is ever applied in my reviews.
  • For the sake of convenience, I try my best to use a stock setup. Not everyone has access to personal ear tips or cables. If personal ear tips, cables, or accessories are used, you will be notified.
  • As I try to be objective, my claims inevitably will be subjective and biased to my personal preference. I cannot stress more that you should take this with a grain of salt for we have different perceptions to sound and what we hear.


Maker: Aful
Model: MagicOne
Drivers: 1 x BA
Impedance: 38 ohms
Sensitivity: 103db
Frequency response: 5hz to 35khz


For a $140 item, the packaging is straightforward, albeit a tad underwhelming when juxtaposed with the likes of my cherished Kinera Idun. Housed in a relatively diminutive box, roughly the size of a palm, the MagicOne's packaging features a front-facing photo of the IEM and standard details on the back. Sliding off the box sleeve reveals the inner box.

Now, let's delve into the inclusions, addressing each element briefly.



The case is a familiar sight, having come across similar iterations in several review units that have crossed my path. It sports a metallic, round, pop-up design, albeit on the slimmer side. While lacking in extravagance, it efficiently fulfills its primary function of safeguarding your IEMs.


Eartips, a pivotal aspect of any purchase, pleasantly surprised me with two variants included, a departure from the offerings with the P5 and P8.

The familiar ones, hued in blue and red, boast a regular bore and a notably rigid composition. A newcomer to the ensemble is the white, semi-transparent counterpart, also featuring a regular bore but exhibiting a softer texture. Opting for a change, I stuck with the new tips throughout this review, steering clear of the older, stiffer ones that Aful traditionally provides.


The cable proves to be quite commendable given the price point. Gleaming in a silvery sheen, it boasts a substantial thickness that imparts a sense of durability and solid construction.

Notably, there were no issues with microphonics during my usage, contributing to an overall positive impression. The inclusion of the 3.5mm plug, coupled with the conventional 0.78 2-pin connection, aligns with standard expectations. So far, I'm quite pleased with it.



Included in the package is a straightforward instruction manual along with a diamond-shaped cardboard serving as a certificate of eligibility—standard fare. I won't delve into the specifics here.


The aesthetic appeal of the MagicOne is quite distinctive, particularly for someone with a fondness for transparent designs like myself. The IEM's visual allure resonates with me, and I appreciate the transparency, almost as if Aful is declaring, "we've got nothing to hide." In the audio community, there's a subset of individuals who enjoy tearing down IEMs, exposing any gimmicks or inconsistencies. Aful's transparent design appears to be a bold statement, asserting their commitment to authenticity.

But let's move on from the verbosity; I believe a few photos can convey this sentiment more effectively than a lengthy paragraph.


The MagicOne boasts a configuration that stands out as a rarity in the realm of IEMs—utilizing a single Balanced Armature (BA). This marks my initial encounter with such a setup. Ordinarily, IEMs feature at least two BAs, each handling specific portions of the frequency spectrum, while Dynamic Drivers (DD) often tackle the entire spectrum solo. However, Aful takes a distinctive approach here, entrusting a single BA to manage the entire field.

The company emphasizes that their in-house developed BA ensures a broad frequency response. Incorporating their Acoustic Maze of Nautilus structure and a SEM acoustic structure, the technical details delve into territories beyond my expertise. Admittedly, I'm a musician, not an engineer. For those seeking more technical insights, I'd recommend checking out reviews from fellow enthusiasts who delve into the geekier aspects.


The wearability and comfort of the MagicOne bring to mind the experience with KZ IEMs, known for their comfort prowess. While not snug per se, the grip is commendable, ensuring a secure fit without any risk of slipping from the ears. The IEMs sit comfortably without inducing pain or soreness, and their lightweight nature almost makes them disappear once worn. Though I've encountered better fits with some other IEMs, the MagicOne holds its own in the comfort department, with no notable complaints.


The MagicOne took center stage alongside my trusted dongles – the Centrance Dacport HD, Ovidius B1, and the Cayin RU6, with the Fiio M11 plus LTD orchestrating the ensemble. Offline FLACs and tunes from my Apple Music subscription set the rhythm.

Upon plugging in the MagicOne, the initial revelation is its demanding nature when it comes to power. For the casual listener eyeing a direct phone connection, the full sonic potential remains elusive. Even with the formidable Fiio M11 plus LTD DAP, I found myself cranking up the volume by an additional 10 steps. To truly unlock the intended symphony of the MagicOne, I had to turn to my trusty dongles. It's clear – this IEM calls for a robust DAP or, better yet, a high-powered dongle for the ultimate auditory voyage. This quirk, however, somewhat narrows the audience to seasoned audiophiles armed with an arsenal of dac/amps, be it in the desktop or mobile domain.

The soundstage of the MagicOne earns commendation, providing additional headroom compared to the standard IEM offering. While it doesn't blow the mind, it sits comfortably in the realm of the average. When I'm craving that special spatiality and a grand stage, I find myself reaching for other IEMs in my collection, leaving the MagicOne in the realm of the everyday.

The MagicOne flaunts an impressive prowess in layering and separation. It's so remarkable that each instrument in my music exists in its own pristine space, rarely overlapping. This particular attribute is a critical factor for me as a musician, significantly easing my professional life. Even in the face of complex tracks, the MagicOne handles them with apparent ease, showcasing a level of clarity and distinction that resonates well with my musical needs.

The timbre of the MagicOne, boasting a single BA, approaches the realm of disbelief. Acoustic instruments resonate with an uncanny realism. Granted, a BA will always be a BA, and in the timbre arena, a DD driver tends to take the spotlight. However, the MagicOne managed to forge a connection with me in an emotionally profound way—a feat that even the P8 (Performer 8) couldn't replicate. The enigma behind this allure leaves me in awe, compelling me to consider acquiring my own unit simply for the unique emotional resonance that the MagicOne elicits.

Likewise, the MagicOne mirrors its excellence in imaging, achieving pinpoint accuracy within the soundstage. While it doesn't quite reach the level of mind-blowing, it consistently retains an impressive quality. The meticulous precision in the placement of auditory elements adds to the overall allure of the MagicOne's sonic experience.


The bass of the MagicOne takes a subtle approach, leaning towards neutrality. While maintaining a presence of punch, thump, and slam, it refrains from an excessive emphasis that, personally, I find more natural. The bass responds adeptly, making its entrance when summoned. This versatility is particularly notable when traversing through diverse tracks, from the electronic beats of Daft Punk, where the bass shines with enjoyment, to the lighter bass tones of Stevie Wonder, where it seamlessly edges towards a near-neutral quality. In this regard, the MagicOne reveals itself as a highly versatile and almost all-around player in the bass spectrum.


The midrange of the MagicOne is remarkably transparent and clear, carrying a slight lightness in weight. It strikes a delicate balance, avoiding an overly thin profile that could be deemed lifeless or dull. While texture might be on the smoother side, the true essence lies in the timbre—natural and realistic. Vocals, on the other hand, emerge unexpectedly as a standout feature. They take a prominent and forward position, catching me off guard with their engaging presence. This quality positions the MagicOne as an excellent player for vocal-centric tracks, offering a delightful treat for those with a library primarily dominated by vocals.


The treble, at my initial encounter, struck me as somewhat conservative, and that perception holds steady. It's undoubtedly not tailored for the treble enthusiasts seeking bite and grit. However, from my perspective, everything in this domain unfolds in a deliciously smooth manner. Similar to the midrange, the texture may not be top-notch, but it possesses just enough sparkle to prevent any veiling of the sound. This particular attribute is a boon for musicians like myself, relying on IEMs for on-stage performances. The warmer signature and safe treble ensure a safeguard against potential hearing damage, recognizing the distinct demands of live monitoring on stage compared to the nuances of listening to a meticulously mastered track.


Aful Performer 8​

While it may appear somewhat unfair to draw comparisons, especially given the P8's higher price and premium tier status, let's delve into some key points for the sake of analysis.

  • The P8 exhibits a more neutral, dry, and cold sound profile, which, for many, might make it less appealing for the sheer enjoyment of music.
  • The P8, while less engaging, benefits from pairing with an analog source or R2R to achieve a more natural sound. Surprisingly, there are instances where I find myself opting for the MagicOne over the P8.
  • Although the P8 is easier to drive, it still strongly benefits from additional amping to extract its full potential.
  • The P8 exhibits less note weight, making it somewhat challenging to fully appreciate. Despite both leaning toward a neutral sound, the P8 falls short in conveying emotion compared to the MagicOne. However, the P8 emerges victorious in the realm of technicalities.

Simgot EA500​

  • The EA500 leans towards brightness and is susceptible to sibilance. While this imparts an abundance of details to the listener, it does come at the expense of being somewhat fatiguing to listen to over extended periods.
  • The EA500 boasts punchier and more impactful bass, delivering a superior thump and punch. While the agility is comparable between the two, the EA500 takes the lead if you're seeking a more pronounced and forceful low-end experience.
  • The EA500 excels in attack and note definition, maintaining a more natural timbre. However, it's worth noting that the treble might introduce a hint of sheen, and there's a presence of grit and bite on the top end, a quality that can occasionally be lacking in the MagicOne.
  • One might assume that the MagicOne, running on a BA, would triumph in technical aspects. While it does hold its ground admirably, the EA500, with its overall speed, keeps pace closely, and the difference between the two is not considerable.
  • In the grand scheme, the EA500 comes across as more aggressive, whereas the MagicOne exhibits a somewhat tamer demeanor.

Kinera Idun​

  • The Idun ventures much closer to a neutral sound profile, almost approaching a dead-flat response. This characteristic, while occasionally bordering on dryness and boredom for casual listening, positions the Idun as an unrivaled choice for monitoring purposes. Its sound signature serves as a pure reference for stage monitoring, setting it apart in the realm of professional audio.
  • The MagicOne steps into the scene with more pronounced and smoother bass, while the Idun, on the other hand, might leave you wondering, "where the heck is the bass?" It's a distinct contrast in the low-end presentation between the two.
  • Both the Idun and MagicOne excel in rendering vocals with a forward presentation, but the MagicOne takes it a step further by providing a more engaging and captivating tonal quality.
  • In the grand picture, the Idun stands as the go-to choice for monitoring and referencing, meeting the demands of sound producers in search of a flat sound. Meanwhile, the MagicOne, while equally capable for monitoring, introduces a touch of color to the sound compared to the Idun. In terms of technicalities, the two are closely matched. The Idun can occasionally come across as flatter and sterile, while the MagicOne injects a bit of magic, soul, and emotion into the listening experience.


Here are some tracks I usually listen to when reviewing:

That’s the way of the World by EWF
Africa by TOTO
The Girl in the Other Room by Diana Kral
Balmorhea album All is wild, All is Silent
Sila by Sud
Smooth Escape by D’Sound
Never too Much by Luther Vandross
P.Y.T by Michael Jackson
Ain’t no Sunshine by Eva Cassidy
Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC
Another one bites the Dust by Queen
Good times bad times by Edie Brickell
Alice in Wonderland by Bill Evans
Ain’t it Fun by Paramore
Redefine by Incubus
Far Away by Nickelback
Lovesong by Adele
Lingus by Snarky Puppy
Harvest for the World by Vanessa Williams
Love Bites by Def Leppard
No Such Thing by John Mayer
As by Stevie Wonder
Whip Appeal by Babyface
Ain’t Nobody by Chaka Khan
Futures by Prep
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
Every Summertime by NIKI
SADE tracks
AC/DC tracks
Queen tracks

And many more… I always listen to High resolution format, being the least quality 16bit/44khz FLACS be it offline or online.


The MagicOne undeniably lives up to its name by conjuring a unique magic that has left the community in a state of bewilderment. Some prominent YouTubers have labeled it as a "normal" sounding IEM, a sentiment I cannot somewhat agree with. For those accustomed to a more energetic sound profile, the MagicOne might indeed come off as too normal or safe. However, from my perspective, I can appreciate its capabilities and conceptual design.

The standout traits that have etched themselves into my audio experience include the forward and engaging vocals, a commendable neutrality, the visually stunning design of the shells, the impressive technical prowess, a natural timbre, and all of this at a price point of $140. Aful is making a bold statement with the MagicOne, and in my opinion, they are on the right path. The sound signature might not be everyone's cup of tea, but for those seeking a mature-tuned IEM with a balanced frequency spectrum or musicians in pursuit of a highly capable monitoring gear for stage performances, the MagicOne emerges as a compelling choice. While it's not without its nuances, it managed to tickle my fancy, earning my high recommendation.

I extend my sincere gratitude once again to my friend and co-reviewer, Eiji Romero, for graciously lending me his unit, allowing me to delve into the intricacies of this IEM. A heartfelt thanks also goes out to Aful and Hifigo for making this review tour possible. Their generosity is genuinely appreciated, and it's through collaborative efforts like these that the audio community continues to thrive.
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Great review!
There has been a debate around this IEM? I thought no one besides AFUL's followers know its existence.

Great review as usual! It's always lovely to hear opinions of a working musician.


500+ Head-Fier
AFUL MagicOne - Single BA "Magic"
Pros: - Neutral tuning with no annoying peaks or dips and no particular frequencies over the others
- Tight and punchy bass and detailed treble response along with natural mids and no sibilance whatsoever
- On-point tone and timbre, which is good news
- Great build quality
- Super comfortable shells and above average isolation
- Excellent stock cable
Cons: - Low-end visceral rumble is not a thing, even though the sub-bass is there and you can hear it playing in a very controlled way and with respectable extension
- Bass is tight and punchy but will never have the same weight and depth as on a dynamic driver
- Soundstage could have been slightly wider and deeper
- Not the easiest set to drive: having a good source is recommended


AFUL is a strange name for sure, and mostly because it’s not among the most iconic brands in Chi-Fi history.
After the P5 and the P8, the brand is back with the MagicOne, a single BA IEM which is far from being A(W)FUL (sorry, but this joke has been around for a while and I needed to put it in the review).

Disclaimer: the AFUL MagicOne were sent from HiFiGO free of charge so that I could write a honest review. This review represents my personal opinion on the set and it is by no means a promotional or paid content.
At the time of the review, the AFUL MagicOne were on sale for about 139,99$ at HiFiGO
and you can also find them at Amazon and Aliexpress.


AFUL MagicOne with AGPTEK M30B/Benjie S8

Technical Specifications​

  • Driver Configuration → 1 x BA
  • Sensitivity → 103 dB
  • Impedance → 38 Ω
  • Frequency Response → 5 Hz – 35 kHz
  • Cable → 1,2m OFC silver plated cable with 0.78mm 2-PIN connectors
  • Plug Type → straight gold plated 3,5mm jack connector


AFUL MagicOne’s packaging is simple but it doesn’t look cheap.
It contains:
  • The AFUL MagicOne
  • 2 sets of different tips in S,M and L size, for a total of 6 pairs of tips
  • A convenient hard carry case
  • The detachable cable
  • User manual
HiFiGO also sent me a pair of Divinus Velvet eartips, since apparently they knew pairing these with the MagicOne could have been a good idea.


Design and Build Quality​

It’s really hard to find any flaw in the MagicOne’s build quality. The 3D printed resin shells look beautiful and the look-through transparent material is eye-catchy.
Being a BA unit, there’s no dynamic driver inside and no pressure vents as a result.

The nozzle is of average size and the ear-facing side of the shell has a protruding wing which grants a more secure fit. Some will like the latter, some won’t, but I can say that even though I don’t usually like it, the MagicOne are so small that it ends up being very useful and helpful.



The stock cable is awesome: it’s solid, well built and flexible, and the pre-made hooks are comfortable. If one would want to be nitpicky, it’s not the most lightweight cable I could ask for, but this isn’t a real issue.
And yes, there’s a chin slider as well, which is mandatory at this price.


Comfort and Isolation​

The MagicOne fit like gloves in my ears, both because of their small shells and because the small protruding wing really helps me in finding a very secure fit. One would think that the fully closed design could lead to driver flex or similar issues, but this is not the case: the MagicOne don’t have any of these problems and they also insulate wonderfully from external noises (AFUL declares 26dB of passive isolation).

This is really one of the most comfortable and easy to fit IEMs I have tried in the last few years, period.


  • DAC: Topping E30
  • AMP: Topping L30
  • Mobile phones: Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, Xiaomi Mi A3
  • Dongle: Apple Type-C dongle, Truthear SHIO
  • Portable DAPs: Benjie S8/AGPTEK M30B
  • Other sources: Presonus AudioBox iONE, ElGato Wave XLR

Do they need an amplifier?
The MagicOne are harder to drive than expected, and even though they won’t need a serious desktop amplifier to run well, they at least ask for a good dongle in order to properly shine.

Sound signature
The AFUL MagicOne are a neutrally tuned set with no particular boosts or dips. It’s basically a very balanced set that aims to suit many different genres.
The MagicOne really don’t sound like your average single BA affordable set, and in fact it’s not easy to guess if you do a blind test.

Lows: quality over quantity, definitely. The sub-bass doesn’t rumble and it cannot provide the visceral feeling which only a dynamic driver can be proud of, but it’s “there” in its leanest and controlled form (which is already a victory for a single full range BA).
The bass is very tight, fast, with good attack and speed, and despite the fact that it isn’t a very thick bass, it still provides nice textures and an enjoyable (yet controlled) kick.

Mids: the midrange isn’t recessed, instead it sounds very natural with frontal instruments and good layering capabilities. There isn’t a particular timbre direction and in fact it’s very hard to say if it’s better to listen to guitars, violins, and so on: just choose what you like and most of them will sound fine. Maybe, the upper midrange sounds slightly better due to the fact that the lower midrange usually needs more thickness to be a truly deep experience, but male vocals still sound very good given the kind of tuning.

Highs: the highs are not for treble sensitive people, but overall it’s a very nice and sparkling treble with a lot of details. The extension is not phenomenal, but this is a really great treble tuning that doesn’t become fatiguing thus still retaining the energy that one needs when listening to the sounds that play in that region.
I’m surprised that given all that happens in the lows and mids, this single full range BA still has space for a well done and detailed treble (moreover considering the price range and the overall package).

Soundstage is not out of your head, but everything is at its place and the MagicOne also surprise with a nice imaging and at pinpointing instruments on the stage.

I have also tried to use the MagicOne with the Divinus Velvet tips, but in my case I preferred the stock tips since they make the MagicOne more stable and secure in my ears.


AFUL MagicOne vs Hisenior T2U​

The T2U were the predecessors of the more recent T2 Classic from Hisenior, featuring a double Knowles BA setup and a very unique signature.
Being very brief, the MagicOne destroy the T2U in almost every aspect, from fit to sound, from cable quality to the overall build quality.
The low-end is slightly fuller, the bass is less pillowy, the vocals sound more natural and the treble is more detailed and smoother. The T2U are less bright and warmer overall, but the MagicOne sound more open, with better imaging and excitement at the same time.
Everything is better on the MagicOne, and this is another proof that the driver count doesn’t always make a difference.

AFUL MagicOne vs Truthear Hexa​

The two are slightly different but at the same time they partially share the target since both go for a more analytical and less V-shaped approach than the competitors.
The Hexa are more focused on the sub-bass, whereas the MagicOne has a slightly more forward bass with tighter kickdrums. The lower midrange is more or less the same, even though the Hexa sound a bit deeper and warmer whereas the upper midrange is more energetic and forward on the MagicOne.
Treble is more sterile and a bit more extended on the Hexa, but the MagicOne are more detailed and resolving than the Hexa. Soundstage is wider and slightly deeper on the Hexa, but the imaging and layering capabilities are superior on the MagicOne.
Build quality and design are very good on both sets but the MagicOne appears like a more refined and premium product and they are also superior in terms of comfort and isolation on average. The stock cable of the Hexa is ages behind MagicOne’s provided cable.

Final Thoughts​

The MagicOne were a surprise, and I mean a true surprise.
If I didn’t know they were single BA IEMs, I would have never guessed the configuration, since at first I thought it was a hybrid set.
The overall sound signature is not thin or lacking in one particular area, and the overall sound reproduced by this set is unique and surprisingly full. Sure, it’s not fair to ask for a very visceral low-end, but I was also hit by a responsive and satisfying bass that I wasn’t expecting to hear.

No hype, but these need to be tried.
Good job AFUL.
Awesome review! As someone who usually prefers single DDs, the AFUL Magicone really blew me away with how smooth yet resolving they sound


New Head-Fier
AFUL MAGICONE review of 1 armature iem by ICYGENIUS 🎧
Pros: Excellent quality and workmanship
Cool 4-wire cable
Interesting and unique design
High technicality
Quite a wide soundstage with good separation of planes
Bass quality and texture reproduction are excellent for 1 armature driver
Emphasized bass attack with smooth decay
Mids are very transparent and clean
The upper mids are not bright, they do not tire.
High frequencies are very long and neat
Not critical to recording quality
Cons: Very difficult to drive, you need a very powerful source for them!
Hello friends!
Today we’ll talk about headphones from the company AFUL and I’m sure that it’s already on the lips of many, and this time they decided to do something interesting and move away from the theme of the usual hybrid headphones and release headphones with 1 armature driver that provides full sound at all frequencies and you will find out today in this review whether they managed to do it or not, but the cost of the headphones is $139.
And they come in a very small box with a picture of the headphones on the front, the model name MagicOne, and the Aful company logo is also there.

And at the back, as always, the technical characteristics are indicated, and here, as I said earlier, 1 armature driver is responsible for the sound, and the sensitivity of the headphones is 103dB and they received a 38ohm impedance, and I’ll immediately say that they are quite hard for to drive!

Let's take a look at what's included!
And the first thing that greets us is a black box with AFUL logo!



And the headphones themselves are fixed here, and they look quite interesting, they have a transparent white finish inspired by the beauty of falling snowflakes, which are present here on the front of the earphone next to the AFUL inscription on the left earphone and MagicOne on the right!

And according to the standard, they have a reliable 2-pin connector installed that goes exactly in line with the body, and on the inside of the earphone you can see how everything inside is made and wired, and in fact, next to this rather elongated nozzle you can see that very small reinforcement driver on which there is the inscription AFUL!

And by the way, the diameter of the nozzle is 0.4 centimeters, so the fit here is generally excellent and I think the headphones will suit everyone.

Well, in this good case with the brand logo on the front, there is an excellent 4-wire cable and two sets of regular silicone ear tips!


The cable has 2pin connectors for connecting to headphones and a 4.4 jack plug in my case for connecting to an amplifier, you can also choose a 3.5 jack when purchasing if you need it, the cable here is really good and I wouldn’t change it, since it has comfortable ear hooks and it doesn't get tangled!



How do these headphones sound?
Well, now friends, let's talk about the most important thing, namely the sound of this model!
And this is what their frequency response graph looks like and they are tuned very well, there is a very confident bass shelf, right under my target, and fairly smooth mids with a neat transition to the upper mid area which received a slight emphasis, and surprisingly for just one armature The emitter here has very long high frequencies, but where else have you seen this?

Low Frequencies:
Well, now, as always, I begin a detailed analysis with their low frequencies.
I think this is what most of you are primarily concerned about:
And the sub-bass area in these headphones is quite clearly accentuated and has excellent mass and volume with good filling of space with its depth, and the textural elaboration is at a very good level and is definitely no worse than dynamic drivers. Of course, this is not a super basshead model, but there is a subwoofer effect here there is and it is very obvious.
And the midbass in them received additional emphasis and especially clearly stands out in electronic compositions due to its pronounced attack, which allows the kick to open up well and not get lost along with the bass, well, the attack does not feel somehow relaxed, on the contrary, we have a blow quite concentrated on the attack , with good and clearly long-lasting attenuation due to a slight approach to the mid-range, but everything is within the normal range.

Mid Frequencies:
Well, the mid frequencies in these headphones are very detailed in overtones with a clear highlighted attack of the instruments and with good construction of plans and correct focusing in the sound field, and they sound very emotional and dynamic with good forward emphasis on the vocal part and drums that is, for everyone who is tired of neutral headphones with a calm, relaxed presentation, then this will clearly be your choice, here you will find rich vocals and In general, a cheerful musical rendering of this range, and I note with good transparency and air and with an optimal and correct amount.
And it is especially worth highlighting the way in which these headphones present the vocal part and instruments in general; the vocals themselves are very articulate, intelligible and clear, and do not sound closed and dull, do not have any excessive brightness, on the contrary, they are quite well advanced forward and wide in space along with the percussion part, which is what I like.

High Frequencies:
Well, the high frequencies here are presented as quite neat but sparkling and emphasized, with a small but correct, not excessive emphasis on cymbals and percussion, and have good detail with no less hidden technicality, so in my opinion there are no restrictions on genres here
and the headphones cope perfectly and without problems with various music with heavy genres and electronics and they reproduce everything without losing details during playback, which is especially important since the analytics here is at a very good level, while I note that they do not pull out recording problems and various unnecessary nuances in music that distract you, which in my opinion is especially important when listening and enjoying music, rather than working with it.

Stage and stereo panorama:
In the Aful MagicOne headphones it turned out to be quite wide, they perfectly draw images and various plans in depth and at the same time do not blur or lose the images of instruments and drum parts in space!
My conclusion on these headphones:

Aful MAGICONE turned out to be amazing, excellent headphones with only 1 armature driver and yes, friends, they really managed to do it the first time and very accurately, for emotional and fun listening with a very comfortable and correct presentation complemented by a weighty textured and dense bass, smooth and weighty mid frequencies and very comfortable technical highs.
Link where you can buy them!
AFUL MagicOne on HiFiGo:
AFUL MagicOne on Aliexpress HiFiGo Store:
Icygenius was with you, I will be glad if you subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch this full review on AFUL MAGICONE!
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The outside diameter of the MagicOne nozzles is 5.65mm, not 0.4cm or 4mm.


Headphoneus Supremus
AFUL Magic One: The Magical One!!
Pros: Single BA creates a magical sound.
Neutral sound with a hint of warmth.
Excellent Imaging and outstanding separation of instruments.
Lovely Midrange.
Bass for a single BA is outstanding.
Soundstage presentation is big.
Looks stunning with clear shells.
The various technologies that AFUL advertises look damn real through the transparent shells.
Fit and isolation are quite solid.
Cons: Needs power, you need a powerful source to enjoy the MagicOne to its fullest. I recommend using the 4.4mm variant for better pairing with most sources.
Lacks extensions at the top-end and bottom-end of the frequency response range.
I would prefer some more rumble, some more physicality in the sub-bass region.
Over the years as an audiophile, and as a gadget lover, I feel myself growing with new experiences every day. Being a gadget lover since my childhood days, I have always found some peace with new tech and gear, be it for gaming where I spend some time on my PS5 every few days(yeah life caught up), be it photography where I enjoy clicking good pictures of my gear now, or be it the world of audiophilia where I see myself growing every single day. I personally feel that I am learning every single day, some days with my own mistakes, some days with new and innovative launches. Well, enough of this banter, But why all this banter? Because today I am bringing a new and innovative product for review, the AFUL Magic One. When I was new to the hobby, I had a strange craving for driver count. There was a time a few years back when I had a misconception that the more the number, the better would be the sound. Yeah, I was proven wrong by myself in just a few weeks of exploration, but hey that’s what we call learning!! But even with all the exploration daily, there are only two single balanced armature drivers that I have come across to date(that I have personally experienced not talking about reading online), The first one was the highly-acclaimed, widely regarded Etymotic ER4 series. An IEM backed by scientific research and housing a single BA driver unit. Honestly, I owned the dynamic driver variant ER2XR for some time, but ER4SE, I just got to audition the beauty for a few minutes only during a meetup. It was really good, no doubts about that, the fit was kinda of strange and required some time getting used to, but sound-wise that set was really exceptional. Although I would say the pair is quite pricey in today’s market, it was last available for like 350$ or something in my country(for a new unit). The Second Single BA IEM that I have tried to date is this one right here, the AFUL Magic One. Today we are going to find out how this one keeps up with a single BA unit.

Priced at 139.99$, this IEM brings a lot of Talk with itself. AFUL, ever since the brand debuted in the market has always been confident about its products because as per them they have always backed them up with proper scientific research as well. Their debutant products, the Performer5 and the Performer8 were a huge success in the market(I personally liked both, and loved the P8). This new Single BA set, the Magic One has stories of its own that the brand is advertising everywhere. They have some Nautilus speaker theme acoustic tubing, some innovative new acoustic technologies, and a newly developed customized BA for a full-frequency response. All these are the things that you can read anywhere, but this write-up today is not going to highlight any of those. Today, I am primarily gonna focus on how the Magic One sounds. So, let’s not waste any more time, I get my keyboard ready, and you guys wipe up the glass of your specs and let’s begin.

A Short Disclaimer:-

Before I begin, I would like to thank HiFiGo for this opportunity to test the MagicOne. I received the set directly from them for the purpose of this review, I would like to clear that there is not monetary benefit for writing anything good or bad about any product here. All thoughts in this review today are going to be my own based on my own experience with the Magic One for the past 1 week or something. I would like to add links to HiFiGo stores, you can purchase from them, they are non-affiliated links.

Design & Build Quality:-

I am skipping over the unboxing part, I will show that in my video review. Just a few words about that, the pair comes in a simple package with a carry case, a 3.5mm terminated cable, and a bunch of eartips. Magic One looks magical, well you can say I used the name to describe the pair itself but it is damn true. The pair has clear transparent shells with complete see-through visibility of the inside arrangement through the inner cavity. Inside we can see the BA driver unit, the different arrangements AFUL has made to achieve their desired sound here, It is quite spectacular if you ask me. The face covers look beautiful, They have a beautiful shiny silver pattern on the panels. They are made up of resin material, light in weight and ergonomic in shape. I find the pair to provide me with a good fit. These are quite comfortable to wear for long hours as well, I don’t notice any pressure build up on my ears even after hours of usage(spent like 3-4 hours on a single run last night only). The Fit and isolation are quite solid with the Magic One. The good thing here is that the Magic One shells are quite compact, I am pretty sure these will provide a good fit for most users even with the ones with small ears(mine are on the medium side).

Powering the MagicOne:-

How much power would a single BA take? I was kinda chill about driving the Magic One. But to my surprise, the MagicOne takes some juice to sound its best. On my FiiO M15S, I am at around 60-65/120 volume on medium gain for my optimum listening level. This is on the 3.5mm single-ended connection port, while using balanced 4.4mm connection, the pair was at around 40/120 level. With my Sony WM1A Mk1, I was at around 100/120 volume level on high-gain single-ended outputs. It takes some extra juice compared to other IEMs in my collection. Like you won’t feel the numbers of FiiO being any high, but let me tell you that the M15S is quite powerful, I never had to go above 25-30/120 volume level for any of my other IEMs. Don’t think you need an extremely powerful source for the MagicOne, you can enjoy good sound with a dedicated DAC/AMP or a dedicated Hi-Res audio player with decent power. Even sounds great with my WM1A which is not so powerful. It’s just that only smartphones might not be the best choice for the MagicOne, just treat her with a dedicated high-fidelity source device and you will be good to go.

Pairing Impressions:-

With FiiO M15S:-

FiiO M15S retains the true signature for any connected IEM or HP. The player is mostly neutral in its presentation which is quite evident in the pairing here with the MagicOne. MagicOne sounds clear and gets easily powered with this player. Soundstage feels really big and wide with the M15S.

Sony WM1A MK1(My unit is hardware modded with added shielding and replaced internal cables):-

Sony DAPs are known for their rich and smooth signature, MagicOne sounds a bit richer and has denser notes when paired with the Sony here. The vocals sound a little warm, a little denser, and a little smoother here. The soundstage feels a little immersive but the instruments have a little added heft here on this combination.

I personally enjoy Magic One on both of my setups. WM1A I just have to push the volume near to the full-on high-gain mode while the M15S easily drives it with no issues at all on medium gain(there are 3 more gain levels above medium on the M15S).

Let’s Talk Sound:-

Magic One was an IEM I was not very excited about. I was thinking about how much can be achieved with a single BA, and to my surprise, my first audition itself changed my opinion on the Magic One. The pair with its single BA setup delivers quality sound, once I put these into my ears, they don’t feel like a single BA is doing the magic. It actually feels like a full multi-driver setup doing the magic. As for describing its sound, AFUL Magic One has a neutral, balanced sound response with a hint of bass boost. The bass boost is nominal, not exaggerated or something, but ample enough to make a precise lower-end response.

The lower end is precisely produced, and bass notes are quick and accurate. They aren’t hard-hitting or slamming, but clean and precise. During my first listen, I was questioning whether it was actually a single BA producing such a clean and precise bass response. Compared to DD IEMs(like EA500 or EPZ Q5), i would say they have more slam and body to the bass, Magic One is more about refined notes that are precisely produced. Mid-bass is a little more prominent than the sub-bass. The sub-bass rumble is there, you can hear it but it’s not as rumbling or shaking as you would get on a DD set. Midrange has good vocal clarity and outstanding separation for instruments. In fact, Instrument separation and imaging are my favorite parts of the Magic One. You can actually pinpoint every instrument and performer on the soundstage nicely with the set. The Treble region is smooth and defined. It has a roll-off in the high-frequencies, but notes don’t end abruptly, we get fuller sound throughout the three frequencies with well-rounded notes.

Tone and Timbre of the Magic One is quite natural and smooth. Vocals have a natural tone to them(talking about both male and female vocals). They have a good texture to them as well. Technically, Magic One is a good performer, we have excellent imaging, outstanding separation, and a wide soundstage as well. Soundstage in fact has a big presentation, it sounds both wide and extends well in depth section as well. Basically, if I have to summarise the sound of the Magic One, I would say, a neutral-balanced sound profile, precise bass response, natural tone and timbre, wide staging, and absolutely amazing separation and instrument clarity. Now this is all that I personally like in the sound of the Magic One, now on to some things that I personally think could have been improved.

Cons With the AFUL Magic One:-

Well, you must have gotten an idea that I liked the Magic One, But there are a few things I personally feel the pair could improve. Let’s check them out.

>Since a single BA is doing the magic here, the pair suffers from roll-off at both ends of the frequency segment. Taking off some energy into the treble and some depth from the sub-bass section.

>I would like more sub-bass rumble and some more thunder.

>MagicOne needs some good source to sound its best. Treat her well to get the best experience.

Apart from these, I don’t think I can find some flaws in the set. Now Let’s compare the set with some other pairs. I don’t have anything with a single BA as of now in my collection apart from the Magic One, but I do have some experience with the EA500 in recent times. So Let’s find out how this single BA sounds in comparison to the highly acclaimed single DD.

Simgot EA500 vs AFUL Magic One:-

>Both pairs differ slightly in their signature. The EA500 has a neutral to slightly bright signature while the MagicOne has a neutral to slightly warm signature.

>Instrument separation, Imaging, and positioning are better on the Magic One and the notes are well-rounded while the EA500 is a little crispy.

>Overall sound of the EA500 is more energetic, and the Magic One is a little relaxed in comparison.

>The bass of EA500 is faster and has better depths in the sub-bass region.

>Midrange clarity and tonality of the MagicOne are exceptionally good. It feels more natural. The upper mids on EA500 are slightly hot and more upfront, no such issue here, the Magic One sounds smooth and musical.

Final Words on the AFUL Magic One:-

What else can I say?? AFUL Magic One is truly a magical one. Why do I say this? As I mentioned earlier in this write-up today, I was kind of expecting nothing with the Magic One. There are only a handful of multi-BA sets that I prefer listening to like the Sony M9, SoundRhyme SR8, 64Audio U12T, DUNU SA6 MK2, Night Oblivion Butastur, etc., but I never expected such a clean and accurate sound with a natural tone and timbre from a single BA set. Yeah, the MagicOne has a few flaws of its own, but it achieves a great sound in many other ways. The AFUL MagicOne gets a default recommendation from me, not only for its amazing sound but also because everyone should experience the engineering that goes behind the MagicOne to deliver such a great sound with a single BA driver unit.

Well, that’s it about the MagicOne from my side. I hope you guys liked this review of mine, if you have any questions related to the MagicOne, feel free to ask me in the comments section below.


1000+ Head-Fier
AFUL MAGICONE: It's A Kind Of Magic
Pros: △ High quality acrylic resin shell chassis.
△ Like all AFUL sets, this one offers an excellent fitting and isolation due to its ergonomic design of its UIEM-style shell structure.
△ High quality stock cable.
△ Sturdy circular IEM storage.
△ Balanced-neutral sound profile that almost all frequency parts are equally presented and pretty much doesn't overwhelm on each other.
△ Sufficiently punchy and precise bass for a single BA set.
△ Neutral and immaculate midrange while maintaining a well-balanced texture on its note weight.
△ Practically quite versatile on all vocal types, either male and female.
△ Almost natural sounding on its timbre and tonality.
△ Smooth and even treble response with decent amount of air and presence of sparkle.
△ Not a hint of sibilance or harshness.
△ Fairly competent on its overall technical performance for a single BA set.
Cons: ▽ Don't expect a slamming and good depth definition on its bass response that you encounter from a good quality dynamic driver.
▽ For those audio enthusiasts who are looking for a more coloured sounding, just simply cross out this set in your choices.
▽ A bit less energetic and bright sound in female vocals and certain instruments like strings and woodwinds.
▽ Wishing for more expansive sound/speaker stage. (Just my nitpicking)
▽ Driving it just to have an optimum listening level needs a bit more volume output or just simply switch it to a higher gain mode of your device if it has that option.

“Music is the shorthand of emotion.”

~~Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer and author of War & Peace and Anna Karenina.

AFUL ACOUSTICS is one of the new audio companies that was able to achieve monumental success since the release of their highly popular models like Performer 5 and Performer 8 in a short period. To be honest, I'm not particularly impressed with the Performer 5 but the Performer 8 was a total refinement and a huge improvement of what the previous model lacked, So it was another moment that first impression last as irrelevant as AFUL is striving for further improvement of their products.


This is my third product review from them and this time, they take another direction regarding this set. This is AFUL MagicOne, AFUL's latest creation that really differentiates with its predecessors. This time, it is a single BA (balanced armature) driver configuration in which AFUL claimed that it is their proprietary design and spending a lot of time and effort just developed it. Aside from their self-development of their own BA driver, they also implemented some interesting technologies in which I will share more information later on.


The balanced armature driver that was implemented here is a full-range type that is capable of encompassing all parts of the audio frequency spectrum, from low frequencies to ultra-high frequencies. AFUL did some modifications on this driver by replacing some of the materials on its internal structure with newer type of materials like Dupont high performance polymers instead of older PET on its surround ring for its diaphragm inside for improvement of its acoustic property to have a more cohesive and accurate response to improve extensions of some frequencies, transients and decays without any interferences and out of phase issues in a long run.


Aside from its vaunted BA driver, it was supported with newly-developed SE-Math Technology that was supported with RCL Network along with an acoustic structure design inside which supposedly improves the performance of the BA driver with proper modulation as it targets a specific frequency response curve to have a clearer and coherent sound while retaining its smoothness and naturalness on its sound output.


Another interesting innovation that AFUL able to achieve was the implementation of its unique design of its acoustic tube along with vent hole on the rear area of its cavity base in which AFUL named it as Nautilus Acoustic Maze Technology that according to them, it adds more rumble, slam and depth in which most single-BA sets struggle to exhibit it but MagicOne able to deliver it. The Nautilus Acoustic Maze Technology was inspired by a structural design and quite compact Nautilus Hi-fi Speaker by Bowers and Wilkins in which I actually saw one before in person.



The driver along with other proprietary internal components were encapsulated in a transparent shell structure made of high quality medical-grade acrylic resin and it was moulded via 3D-printing. Its UIEM-style shell contours will give the best possible fitting just like its predecessors which are also known to have some ergonomic shell designs in the IEM market. Like all AFUL models, it still uses a proven 2-pin connector which is more stable in connection and easy to do some cable swapping.


As I mentioned, AFUL MagicOne shells really fit well into my lugholes and I find it very comfortable without any issues for long listening sessions. The passive noise isolation of this set is quite impressive as it is able to block some unwanted external noises from the outside surroundings.


The stock cable of AFUL MagicOne is of a high quality that it is well-built and its 4-core Litz high purity oxygen-free copper and oxygen-free silver-plated copper wirings that were tightly braided and on its end, it has a 3.5mm SE termination plug. This cable will deliver a low distortion and interference while maintaining a smooth signal transmission.


The product packaging of AFUL MagicOne is rather minimalist and utilitarian as it was able to provide basic inclusions for the IEM's usage.


These are the following contents included in AFUL MagicOne packaging box.

■ Pair of AFUL MagicOne IEMs

■ Stock cable

■ Three (3) pairs of narrow-bored ear tips in different standard sizes.

■ Three (3) pairs of white-coloured balanced bore ear tips in different standard sizes.

■ Circular metal storage case

■ Paperwork like instruction manual and warranty card.


The AFUL MagicOne can be powered by devices with decent power output but you need to increase its amplitude level a bit just to give that optimum requirement to properly power scaling. If it was properly driven, you will hear a full range vivid sound that this set is able to produce.


The tonal aspect of this set is that it has a balanced-neutral sound profile in which all parts of its frequency range are a tad linear in presentation while maintaining a well-balanced and controlling some peaks and dips on its frequency spectrum.



(Graph was provided by @baskingshark , credits to him and his effort.)


The bass quality of this one is rather interesting on how it delivers. For a single BA driver, it managed to produce a sufficient punch, fast and precise bass though it still doesn't have a dynamic and slam of a dynamic driver but at least, it maintains a clean bass response.

There's an ample presence of sub bass as I was able to perceive those reverberations and rumble coming from certain instruments like synthesisers, low tone bass guitars, drum machines and octabasses. Mid-bass is reasonably well-textured as it gives a good note density on certain instruments like bass guitars, bass kick drum and cellos. A generous amount of note weight on mid-bass will also give a good volume and depth on bass-baritone vocals. Bass guitars have a substantial roar as they sound broad with a good amount of raspiness, while cellos have sonorous, full and dark sound. The bass kick drums have those resonant and gloomy sound which are rather unusual for a single BA driver that was able to reveal it. Bass-baritone vocals have enough depth and darker tone as it manages to give that guttural and dense sound.


This is probably the strongest asset of the AFUL MagicOne as it is quite neutral, clean and transparent while maintaining a well-balanced texture that both male and female vocals will be equally benefited while it gives a more natural yet coherent tone in all types of instruments.

On male vocals, baritones in any types whether it is lyric, kavalier baritone, verdi or dramatic ones have a lush, rich and enough warmth on their voice quality. Tenors are quite excellent on this set as they sound full, brassy and dazzling with a good amount of energy. The countertenors have rather pleasant vocal qualities as they sound graceful, tender and agile as they are able to execute their distinctive falsetto voices on this set.

In regards to female vocals, contraltos have rich, husky and lush vocals while mezzo-sopranos have smooth, velvety and glowing sound characteristics in which the MagicOne is able to project them justifiably with their natural and correct timbre. Sopranos sounds pretty good on this one as they sound silky, creamy and dazzling in dramatic and soubrette sopranos able to show their vocal flexible and power but on coloratura sopranos, while having a good timbre, I also notice that it sound less energetic but still manage deliver an articulate and clean voice.

Instruments in any type sound almost accurate on its tonal colour and quite natural as it has proper balance and even texture on its note weight. Strings like guitars, violins and harps, they sound well-balanced but it might be lacking of brightness and lingering sound to others but that's one of the characteristics of balanced-neutral tuning. Guitars have a very fundamental and balanced sound as it harmoniously flows well with other instruments as if it doesn't overwhelm. Violins have that introspective and pure sound from them while harps have a cascading and full sounding as I enjoy on every pluck. Regarding brass instruments, trumpets have a substantial and brilliant sound while horns have a resounding and velvety sound although it somehow lacks intensity, and then on trombones, they have solid and "dramatic" sound as I heard it on orchestras or ska tracks. Woodwinds like flutes, piccolos, clarinets and saxophones, I feel that they might not airy enough in some tracks but their timbre are still impeccable as flutes have graceful and ethereal sound, piccolos have graceful and clear sound as I listened to some repertoire from Strauss, Mozart and Handel. Clarinets have that gentle and caressing sound as it shows in an evocative and expressive way in any musical structure especially on classical music, while saxophones have similar characteristics with clarinets albeit it has added penetrating sound. About percussion instruments, snares have precise and clear sound, tom-toms have a warm and resonant sound, field drums have that majestic sound and kettledrums have deep and velvety sound. Pianos sound pretty well-balanced on its every tone and precise no matter what note registers it played.


The treble response of AFUL MagicOne is definitely smooth, balanced and inoffensive with an ample brightness just to give an enough expressiveness on some vocals and a good definition on its percussive and rhythmic instruments attack. On the presence part of this particular frequency, it has good clarity and is well-balanced so that it doesn't sound harsh or too transparent that might sound a bit detachable on the sound spectrum. I can assure that there's not a hint of sibilance on this set.

Cymbals have a lustrous and resonant sound while hi-hats have a buzzing and shortened soughing sound that is quite close to how they sound in live performances. Celestas have an ethereal and sweet sound with just a hint of glistening. Glockenspiels have a bell-like sound in which sometimes I consider it lustrous. On the brilliance part, to my surprise, given that I have tested some sets with single BAs, this one is fairly a moderately airy extension and has a good sparkle on it.


For a single BA set, its overall sound/speaker staging is pretty well proportionate and moderately spacious on how I perceived within my aural sphere, it has a natural width on its lateral span, good height reach and fairly immersive depth between front to rear.

On its imaging aspect, it somehow projects a concave-like stereo presentation as I was able locate the exact position of instruments and vocals along with good separation and layering of dynamic and frequency tones that a mere single BA set is able to achieve.

Coherency of its single BA driver is very impressive on how it performs as it has fast transient response while maintaining a proper decay along with a clear sound output.

Resolution capability is quite good in my opinion for a single BA driver given on how it shows a good macro-dynamics as it shows a solid note on notation attacks and bite and a decently sharp definition on retrieving some nuances and details from an audio track.



■ This set is also like MagicOne has a single BA albeit it uses a custom Knowles full range BA which is specifically made for AUDIOSENSE. The shell chassis is also made of resin but this is a bit more solid and it uses a rather unusual interlocking connector which is a MMCX but somehow it is quite stable and durable enough.

■ In regards to tonality, DT100 sounds fairly neutral as I classify it as a warmish-neutral sound profile. It has a punchy bass, a textured and a tad warmer midrange as it might give a rich and lush vocals, it also has some instances that skewed up some of its timbre and tonality on some female vocals. treble response seems to be on the smoother side although it has a tad sparse of treble air.

■ DT100 is more easy to drive than MagicOne in that it only needs a decent volume level to drive it properly. On technical aspects, while it has moderately spacious sound/speakers, they are a bit disproportionate on its dimensions on how I perceived it though it presented me a more 3D-like presentation on stereo imaging. Layering is a bit less refined compared to the MagicOne.


■ This is a single BA model from ETYMOTIC that was released around the mid-2010s. Like almost ETYs prior to ETY EVO, it has a slim bullet form profile and the usual triple flange ear tips which is a bit problematic in my lugholes that I have a colloquial term of it as "ear dildos'' as they insert too deep that I can't wear them for a long listening sessions. Also, this set is almost 3 times more pricey than the AFUL MagicOne.

■ Like all ETY models, this one is following with its usual tuning, a DF (Diffuse Field) curve although it was modified especially in the bass region to give more slam. Compared to MagicOne, it has more punch due to its more emphasis on midbass, a tad warmer and richer midrange, then a dark and a dull treble response. To be frank, it actually aligned with one of my preferred tuning curves which is a midcentric but its most cynical performance outweighs the positive aspects of this set.

■ They have a similar power scaling with the MagicOne as they need more amplitude level just to amplify them at optimal requirement. On technical performance, this set performs poorly in my list, congested and close sound/speaker stage, linear stereo imaging, poor separation and layering.

To sum up my review on AFUL MagicOne, this is truly astounding to me as I have some reservation and a bit of a cynical view on how a single BA set will perform on the limitation of its physical aspect. But once again, AFUL did pull up a game-changing card with better implementation of new technologies in portable audio components that was researched extensively and did undergo some trial and error just to deliver working and a more refined product.

For balanced and neutral sound adherents, this set will definitely work for them and it will satisfy their preferred sonic profile as I do.

AFUL MagicOne is exclusively available at HIFIGO, You can checkout the unaffiliated link below:





Please check my reviews of other AFUL products:




PLUG TYPE: 3.5mm

Some Tracks Tested: ( * = 16-bit FLAC, ** = 24-bit FLAC, *'* = MQA, '*' = DSD, *'= .WAV)

Alison Krauss -When You Say Nothing At All *
Jade Wiedlin - Blue Kiss**
Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks **
Mountain - Mississippi Queen *
Queen - Killer Queen **
Guns N' Roses - Patience *'*
Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven '*'
Sergio Mendes- Never Gonna Let You Go '*'
Pearl Jam - Daughter **
Roselia - Hidamari Rhodonite *
Assassin - Fight (To Stop The Tyranny)*
Celtic Frost- Visual Aggression *
New Order - Blue Monday *
The Corrs- What Can I do (unplugged version) *
Jimi Hendrix Experience - Voodoo Child *
The Madness- Buggy Trousers *
Metallica - Motorbreath **
Mariah Carey- Always Be My Baby *
Destiny's Child - Say My Name *
Malice Mizer- Au Revoir *
Mozart - Lacrimosa *
New York Philharmonic Orchestra - Dvorak- Symphony 9 " From the New World." *
Eva Cassidy - Fields of Gold (Sting cover)*
Michael Jackson - Give In To Me *
Exciter - Violence and Force *
Diana Krall - Stop This World **
Debbie Gibson - Foolish Beat *'*
The Sisters of Mercy – Lucretia My Reflection**
Suzanne Vega – Luka **
Lauren Christy – Steep *
Ottoman Mehter - Hucum Marsi *
Diana Damrau - Mozart: Die Zauberflöte*
Type O Negative - Black No.1 *
Felix Ayo - Vivaldi: Presto **
Three Tenors - Nessum Dorma *
Mercyful Fate - Witches' Dance *


I am not affiliated to AFUL ACOUSTICS nor receive monetary incentives and financial gains as they provide me a review unit for an exchange of factual and sincere feedback from yours truly.

Once again, I would like to send my gratitude to LVY YAN of HIFIGO for providing this review unit. I truly appreciate her generosity and trust towards me and other reviewers.

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Great review. Sounds like a good er2xr upgrade.


New Head-Fier
A Full Sounding One! - Aful Magicone
Pros: Midrange is one of the best I have heard in it’s price range.

Highs are well rendered and with good decay
Cons: Bass is still not DD level, lacks punch but goes deep.
Disclaimer: I purchased these for an early bird price as I was interested with the tech used for this product.

Gear Used: Apple Dongle, Fiio BTR7 (4.4mm) as a dongle and Bluetooth, Dunu S&S tips


Sound Impressions:
The Aful MagicOne, featuring a customized single balanced armature, truly shines in its nuanced audio reproduction.

The highs are beautifully rendered, showcasing not only clarity but also an impressive decay that adds a layer of richness to the listening experience. The midrange is clear and detailed, capturing the subtleties of vocals and instruments even with busy tracks.

While deep bass is present, it may be perceived as lacking a bit in impact for those who crave a more pronounced low-end thump. This is not a dealbreaker for me but may disappoint bassheads. I do hear more rumble for a single BA which is commendable.

However, the overall balance ensures a well-rounded sound signature that caters to most genres of music.

Fit and Comfort:
The compact design of the in-ear monitor enhances comfort during extended listening sessions. It is lighweight and makes it easy to forget that you are wearing them. On a personal note, I am happy that I don’t need to have a deep insertion single ba iem anymore ! (loved the er4xr but that fit made me give up).

How easy are they to drive?
Fairly easy to drive, a bit of power is recommended though to hear their full potential. With the apple dongle (lightning) I am at 90% to get decent colume. On the BTR7 (balanced and single ended) I barely reach 50%.

Are they truly Magic ones?
I will leave the good folks of Aful to explain further how their design works. At first I thought there was no vent for the tube but it was barely visible.


The design reminds me of full range single driver speakers with their internal maze like design for their cabinets. There might be some differences or I may be mistaken altogether, but the overall effect is similar: open sound, respectable bass but still not as impactful as a well implented Dynamic Driver.

An easy recommendation for me and looking forward to the Cantor once it is released. Well done!

The Aful MagicOne will be released on 11.11, with an SRP of $139.99

AFUL MagicOne:
Amazon US:
Amazon JP:


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Great review, mate! I'm also looking forward for Cantor.
Yes mate! can’t wait for the cantor as it seems to be a level up. Don’t get me wrong, this is a good set.

d m41n man

100+ Head-Fier
MagicOne - AFUL-ly magical!
Pros: Smooth-neutral tonality
Natural sounding with some magical bass extension and reverb
Above-average layering considering coming from single BA
Well-built, fits great and feels solid despite the weight
Cable looks and feels premium
Cons: Still not DD bass though, but close
Lacks a bit of punch and dynamism but neutral-sounding fans who want just a bit of musicality will feel at home
Could use some more accessories and a modular cable
AFUL has been on a roll with its lineup and have been introducing new patented tech with each release. They may have been already popular in their homeland with the Band series but started to make some noise outside its territory with the Performer5, which was a renowned $199 killer set. Refining that debut resulted into the awesome Performer8, which is my favorite product from them so far , improving every aspect but still maintained its sound different from its predecessor. Now comes another challenger, this time targeted within just above the budget territory and some newer advancements with the MagicOne. Let's take a quick look and see what sets this apart from the flood of Harman-sounding sets in the market. Again, I'm no measurebator and will discuss within the standpoint of actual impressions, inputs, and observations. I will let other reviewers talk in-depth and in detail.

The MagicOne comes in a rectangular black box with the slide cover with all its info. Inside, you have the IEMs, a sturdy black circular tin case reminiscent of that used with the P5 and Seeaudio Yume Midnight. There are 6 pairs of tips in total, 3 white-clear and 3 pairs of the usual blue-red combo that AFUL have been using with its sets. The cable itself looks and feels premium terminated to 4.4mm that matches the IEMs themselves to form a shimmery silver-white snowflake theme. Could have used a modular cable or some more accessories but otherwise, it's fine.


Formfactor, Tech, and Sound
The IEMs themselves are lightweight but feels solid and well-built even despite the nautilus acoustic maze that it's being tagged for. I am no engineer but this along with their SE-Math Electro-Acoustic Intermodulation Technology has done wonders on how their custom single BA sound. To put it simply, if you want that Etymotic neutrality, adding a bit of bass extension and smoothness but without the ear-rape and intimacy then this is what you get. There is still some forwardness but this tuning is so well-done and pleasing to the ears. None of the dryness you would associate with a set like this. Low-frequency control is superb due to the featured technology which primarily handles this side of the spectrum, with just enough subbass rumble and decay to keep it away from being muddy. It may lack the punch and impact but otherwise the rest of the spectrum, from the mids to the highs sound wonderfully natural. All coming from a single BA. I would easily take this over the Truthear Zero:Red and the Etymotic ER3 series.



It's just amazing what AFUL did to this single BA set and made it how to behave as such. Again, I'm not behind it's production or engineering but my experience with single BA sets (Etymotics, Westone 1, and the older Klipsch sets) is that they do not sound as technically proficient as the MagicOne while maintaining the smoothness and extension except either being on par or better in detail/resolution. These are very well done though if you ask me if all this tech trouble worth it? I honestly am not sure because it still is just a tad short of behaving like a DD in terms of bass. It is natural sounding but again, I've heard single DD sets that do as much, if not more but hey, this is still somewhat quite an achievement. Well done AFUL for another winner in a flood of similar sounding V-shape or Harman sets within and below this price range.


The AFUL MagicOne will launch this 11.11 and will be available here -
Amazon US:
Amazon JP:
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Sonic Defender
Sonic Defender
Really good review, but it would have been even better had you refrained from the very aggressive insult you leveled at people who also take measurements into consideration, calling them measureabators. Clearly a deliberate insult. Really unnecessary and sets, in my opinion, a very unflattering tone.
d m41n man
d m41n man
@Sonic Defender not meant as an insult. It's already a slang associated within the community. If you ever heard of Crinacle, he himself referred to as the said term. Anyway, thanks man.
Sonic Defender
Sonic Defender
Well, I can't help but think that term is only an insult. When people describe the measurements crowd using a word objectivists is frequently used.

Measureabators sets a pretty ridiculous image as it obviously links an act of self pleasure with an interest in objective data (measurement). The implication is that it is a very self focused, only good for the person engaging in the measurebating. I am struggling to see how it can be anything else but an insult.

For instance, when you described your approach as very different, you didn't say something like subjectabator, you described your approach in a way that seemed much more positive.

I guess my long and belabored point is that the quality of your review didn't benefit from taking a shot at those who may put importance on measurements.


500+ Head-Fier
The Everyone iem
Pros: Fit is really comfortable
Overall sound is fantastic for the price
Tuning is bonkers good.
Excellent resolution and layering
Highly resolving mids
Energetic, lively, and articulate vocals and their decays
Great echoes and reverb
TOTL qualities in tonality smoothness
Natural and balanced tonality
Foward with female vocals.
Cons: Lacks some dynamics on certain tracks in bass quality
Doesn’t have that dynamic slam like Aful’s other models (P5/P8)
Note weight could be better.
Tonality can come across a little too sweet.
In a world with millions of sequels one brand stands up to do something new, something unique and special. This unit is a review sample from Hifigo, and I wanted to thank them for sending this out.

This is a special iem, and I really enjoy it despite it having a few flaws. This company and brand are doing great things. While other companies are just redoing old models with a new name, different tuning, this company is trying a new driver set up. First off, not everyone needs to buy this iem, but I think this is a definite experience that I recommend to everyone to try as it’s fantastic. This is’t the Aful 5.2 or the Aful 8.2, this is a special iem. This also isn’t a book club iem that is released every month. Aful seems to be releasing iems about two a year since they released the Aful 5 last year, but that cadence might shift, but it’s nice to look at patterns despite a small sample size.


This iem has been on my radar for a long time. I was one of the luckly people who got the Aful 8 early. I fully enjoyed my Aful 8, and at the time I got information that I could share about a 1 BA driver iem. I’m happy to be reviewing this iem now, as I think it’s a fantastic little set. This is maybe the most important release (as it is the cheapest Aful product) and costs only 139.99 dollars.

This story all started with the Aful Performer 5. I fully enjoy the Performer 5 and this it is a competitive benchmark at the price. This was provided to me by Hifigo for review. This will not impact my view of this iem, as I try to be extra careful of how I speak about any iem that I’ve been given a sample of. But if I have any biases, I want to share them to be as honest and truthful as possible.

I also had the opportunity to demo this iem at Canjam, and I’m happy to say I feel that the tuning I am hearing in my home is much better than the tuning I heard at Canjam. I believe the tuning has changed and I wanted to mention that so that those who have tried it there, will give it another chance. I always recommend demoing first, or borrowing from a friend when you can. But this is a special beautiful iem. I’m really in love with the sweetness of the appearance and the sound.

Song Choice: Tidal list here:
I listen to a wide variety of music. I pick the songs because of various reasons. But I picture myself locked away like Andy Dufresne from Shawshank blasting music and shut off from the world. It’s a blissful image.
The Marriage of Figaro -The opera song from Shawshank Redemption, terrible recording but fun and gets me in the mood to listen to music.
O mio Babino caro -This is a modern less operatic version but a song with great female vocals.
Video Rigoletto - “La donna e mobile” Sung by one of the three Tenors, great song for high-performing male vocals. Pavarotti is the greatest classic singer maybe ever. Fight me!
Iron man - The sound at the beginning is hard to make sound great, great drums, and cymbals, and if done right it feels like an old-school band.
I Will Survive (1981 recording, I like her voice, and the old vocals, the drums, and various natural instruments really make this a favorite for me.
There is a light That never goes out - Smiths ( A classic, I just love it. It’s mellow, and I can tell a lot of the tuning if this song is done right.)
Jump (I like how the sound effects are in this!)
Star Child Someone recommended this song to me, and I like how funky it sounds and has nice vocals and a mix of music and things going on.
Dicke Titten Ramstein The beginning is amazing and the bass hits hard. Great song. I love rock and metal. The German language fascinates me
Master of Puppets: Very fast song. Helps me determine if the driver can keep up.

This is a newer version of my 10 favorite songs that also work for audiofile music.

This is a copy of a bunch of good audiofile music. Some are on my favorites, but all are great to test headphone tracks. (70+)

This is my favorite overall music. 300+ songs (needs to be edited a bit)

Bass (20-60 Sub Bass, 60-250 Hz Mid Bass)

The details of the bass aren’t terrible and is at a good level. It doesn’t disappoint, but it is the weakest part of this set. The bass seems well-controlled and fun. I don’t find it partially lean but it does feel a tiny bit light. I do find the quantity of the base is about right. I have found that while it doesn’t match my target amount of bass, I do fully enjoy it. I feel percussions on it sound great. The iem is clean and lush even in the bass, yet this is the weakest part of this iem.

Midrange (250 HZ to 800 HZ Low Mids, 600-200 Hz Mids, 2000-5000Hz Upper Mids)

The timber and tone is great on this iem, what is mind-boggling is that you won’t think of it as a BA iem. It’s just nice. Really nice. . It is basically perfect for what I want out of an iem. . It has nothing that will often plague other iems. No weird plastic feeling, voices sound right with no plastic feeling.
I don’t find it shouty at all but fun, smooth and enjoyable. The vocals sound right and rich on this iem. Is this iem as good as it’s big brothers and sisters as in resolution, no but it’s pretty darn close as it’s really good. Not just for the price but this is an Aful product and it shines in every way. Podcasts and voices all sound great on it, and it has a good feel to it. Overall this iem is fresh, non fatiguing and just an easy clear listen. I don’t feel it muddies up the vocals at all and it is strong and clean. The vocals sound detailed and lifelike. Resolution is life-like, and it’s almost daunting compared to my average speakers and car audio setup!

Treble (5000- 10000 Trebble/Highs, 10000 ++ HZ Upper Trebble & Air)

The treble is a good part of this set and this iem has great detail and sparkle for me. No issues here. I’m able to game, listen to music, and a podcast all at once with this iem. It has good technical and it comes across in the timbre and the tone of this iem. It has incredible details that come across in the treble. Looking at the frequency response I would think it would sound neutral or boring without the 3k spike, but I enjoyed it. All the music that I listen to sounds great and I feel that it has a wide beautiful soundstage.


Gaming is great on this iem, it’s cozy and has a world-class feeling of fit to me. It’s a little bit small, but comfortable. It’s basically the same shell as the other performer sets and I really appreciate that. This has good detail retrieval, and good tonal balance. It has a beautiful open and clean sound. The stage isn’t too wide, but just right. Detail retrieval during fights is immaculate, and the imaging vertically and horizontally is fantastic. It has great imaging and a good sense of where I am.

For me when I game, I listen to music, chat on Discord, watch a YouTube video, and Gaming all at the same time. Some iems come across more muddly when dealing with lots of information. No issues here. .

The shell is pretty, it fits great. It has a nice dip here and it feels pretty great in ear. This iem is so light I will oftentimes think that I don’t have it in my case. It’s very light and pretty. It will sometimes have a yellow glint from the cable, seeming like it is turning color to yellow but that is my only complaint. I am also not used to clear shells as much. So it’s different to see one. It’s a nice shell, and it fits me well. It’s on the slightly small side, so it should fit everyone.

The case is great. I like this case and feel it is protective. The only complaint is that is is exactly the same as the Performer 5. I love the case, and find it very protective, but find myself using the case from the Rose Techs Quietsea a lot for travel as it has a Zipper.

The cable comes normally in 4.4 mm connection or 3.5. This cable is lightweight I have a 4.4 which isn’t ideal for myset up, but I have plenty of connectors at home. This is an exceptional cable, and it feels great on the skin. This is my favorite of the Aful cables. I also want to applaud the company for taking feedback in having a 4.4 available at launch.


Tip Selection
I was pleasantly surprised with the tip selection! I enjoyed them. It’s a normal solid tip selection from Aful. I’m not too bothered with tips as I am very tip-dependent and always Use Divinus Velvet L. I am a Divinus stan according to my friends, and yes I did have to use Urban Dictionary to figure that out.


This is my squig, feel free to use. I measured this with foam tips and with regular Divinius Velvet tips as well.

Sound - Final Impressions

While this iem is very good, and almost perfect is seems that there could be some room for some slight improvement here. I think it has an almost manufactured hyper-clean sound like it is coming from a studio rather than a concert. If you are looking to recreate an old concert feeling this may not be for you. It lacks slam, and umph for those bass heads. If you want something with insane vocals that fits great and is a modern marvel this is for you. I am not gong to tell you this iem is better than the P5, although it might be depending on your preference, it’s definitely not better than the Aful 8. I love the Aful 8 a great deal, and find the tonal balance to be good.

This is a solid choice for those looking for a wonderful iem. I could easily take the Aful 1 as my island iem and I find it exceedingly enjoyable.

Recommended EQ:

I use Peace APO to EQ on the PC. This EQ is done to my preference. I recently set up a preference curve on My Squig. So for at least iems, I can use my own graphs now. Please feel free to use the measurements as you want..
Overall this is an amazing iem that could easily be a game for most. The goal for me with an iem is to have an that doesn’t need EQ. This iem doesn’t really need EQ, but it is helpful for sure. I find a definite improvement with EQ when I try this profile.

Preamp: -5.6 dB
Filter 1: ON PK Fc 20 Hz Gain 5.6 dB Q 0.600
Filter 2: ON PK Fc 170 Hz Gain -1.9 dB Q 1.000
Filter 3: ON PK Fc 660 Hz Gain 0.3 dB Q 2.000
Filter 4: ON PK Fc 3400 Hz Gain -0.9 dB Q 2.000
Filter 5: ON PK Fc 3700 Hz Gain -3.0 dB Q 2.000
Filter 6: ON PK Fc 3900 Hz Gain 1.0 dB Q 0.700
Filter 7: ON PK Fc 5600 Hz Gain -1.5 dB Q 2.000
Filter 8: ON PK Fc 6700 Hz Gain 5.5 dB Q 1.300
Filter 9: ON PK Fc 9100 Hz Gain 4.5 dB Q 1.900
Filter 10: ON PK Fc 11000 Hz Gain -10.4 dB Q 2.000

This sounds much better with eq, and goes from an average experience to an amazing smooth out of body experience with EQ. The timbre and audiophile qualities of this iem are special. It is unique and a great hifi value at its price.

Gifting/who is it for:
I think this is a nice hifi iem to gift to someone. The packaging is very simple and clean. The box is small and compact. It has a good selection of tips, a useful case, and great little cable.

I used a Quidelix 5k for mobile, my dongle Dac iBasso DC04 for my laptop, and my JDS labs Element III MK2 Boosted for my Desktop PC. I also tried the iem briefly on the Apple dongle as well, and this is a pretty poor pairing. This iem needs a tiny bit of power and shines with some umph.
This iem had no issues being driven. Typically I only find overears to really have a hard time being driven and maybe some planar iems. (I personally am not a huge mmcx or planar fan.)


I’ve recently redone my ranking system to include a gaming/comfort quality, an overall rating along with Crinacle style rating. Is this a one and only set? Maybe maybe not. This is the upgrade to the hexa that you’ve been looking for. It has an incredible neutral profile, and sounds good on most of my music. I fully enjoy and recommend this set.

Final scores
Giving the Aful an A+ for Tuning as I think it needs some EQ and isn’t perfect,t I think the technicals are very good for the price but again some tracks are world-class, and other are average. Nothing terrible. Bass response could be better and is a 6, Mids are strong but not perfect, and Highs are very nice. The overall score is the highest 92 I have and the highest under 150 dollars. It’s a great set, and very nice.

I am also releasing a video on YouTube

Thanks for reading, and maybe even watching. . Any feedback is welcome.

AFUL MagicOne:HiFiGo: US: JP:
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Your review was very enjoyable to read. I really appreciate the time and information which you put into this review. This IEM definitely is on my radar to purchase.
Thanks for the feedback!
I received the Magic One today but it lived up to the name, "Awful" as the right side monitor was defective. There was barely any sound compared to the left side. I didn't try a different cable as I am inclined to not give a defective new-in-the-box product a second try. It is now on the way back to Amazon!

EDIT: I did try a different cable however it made no difference as there is very little sound from the right side. I did decide to try a replacement and hopefully it will function properly. I will post the results and my impressions as an additional edit to this post.

EDIT 2: I received a replacement for my defective pair and must say that I now hear the "Magic" from this most unique single BA IEM! Imaging, tonality, timbre and coherence are superb! A remarkable achievement from Aful!
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