Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Bought this set used off Amazon Japan for 20,600 yen. Here’s hoping they are as good as you say with my FiiO M6. From sampling them with my iPhone 11 Pro, these cans are amazing.
That's an awesome deal you've got there @Gamerlingual ! Even cheaper than how much I got it for. Never tried the FiiO M6 before but I hope you'll like them as much as I do :)
Thank you for this review, I have these earphones used with '16 iphone se going into a fiio q5 and find the sound very good and much better than either fiio fh5 or fa7 iem's.

I also have bose qcll and the sony going through the q5 is much better.

Be on the look out as these sony mdr 1am2 can be found new for $199 now and then from major retailers.

edit: For protection of these earphones I use an after rnarket case that can easily hold the sony mdr 1am2, fiio q5, and cables; below is a link

No problem @sidecross ! I like your setup. I have a custom and I default to these at times when I don't feel like having my ears completely filled. I know that comparing headphones to IEMs are like apples to oranges, but I feel that the MDR-1AM2 outclasses my more expensive mid-fi IEMs!

Thanks for the heads up on the price change! I'll make edits if I come across the official Sony site and see that the price has finally gone down for good.
Finally a review of the 1a m2 lol this product has been in the dark so much due to m1's questionable signature. I do like the m1 and was thinking of getting the m2
@DatDudeNic yea I agree with you, I briefly tried the m1 years ago. I can't remember what I heard but I do remember how I felt. They weren't too bad but I recall that it had a coloured tuning that could be a hit or miss for some people. The m2s definitely "fixes" the m1s for those who prefer an organic playback. I hope you manage to give these cans an audition!
thank you for this review! i am wondering how well you think this headphone will isolate for more casual settings? this headphone looks like it might be a good option for me. i need isolation from nearby air-conditioners, fans, talking, wind, birds/bugs, similar things. im not planning to go on trains, airplanes, or buses with this, since i dont commute or anything like that. what are your thoughts on its isolation in this regard? thanks again for your review
@Glutenfreechips hey there! No problem, I hope you found it helpful :)

Assuming safe listening levels in the casual setting you described, conversations nearby are easily drowned out. When the music is paused, I can still manage to hold a conversation without taking them off.

Hope this helps, I am happy to answer any more questions you have!
Would using these with the PHA-2A and the TA-ZH1ES help add even more impact to these already impressive cans?
@Gamerlingual I do not have either of those amps to test with so I can't help you out there with specific info. But, I can confidently say that you don't need to go out of your way to purchase these amps to go with this pair of headphones. They do benefit from the extra juice but not by leaps and bounds. My good ol' Fiio A3 single-ended 3.5mm output is enough to make these sing!

If you already have either of the amps you listed, that alone would make your purchase much more worth it!

I hope this helps :)
do you know how tall and wide the inner dimensions of the earpads are?
@Glutenfreechips The inner dimensions are 6.8cm tall and 3.8cm wide. My ears measure approximately 6.5cm and 3.5cm, taking the longest measurements. This may be why I have no comfort issues with these over-ear cans :) The "wrinkled" inner ring seen in the top-down picture above is really soft so I would guess that these cans would still be comfortable for ears within that ballpark.
too much lows gives me headaches. are these bass boosted like the beats? or neutral? will they give me a headache?
@OmniscientNihilist They are definitely boosted above neutral but I've never found there to be too much for my ears.