  1. BlackstoneJD

    Ayre Acoustics "Codex" DAC/Headphone Amp

    Check this thing out! Based on how good Pono sounds, this thing is going to be a giant killer! It actually has better paper specs than my $3,000+ Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC. 128 DSD and 32/384 playback. The product is expected to be under $2,000. I wonder if will actually sound better than my DAC.  ...
  2. Asr

    A tour of Ayre Acoustics

    This past week I had the opportunity to fly back into Boulder, Colorado, where I lived before I moved to California. Colorado is home to quite a few notable audio vendors - Single Power Audio and Westone Labs of course, but also Ayre Acoustics, PS Audio, and others. It wasn't until recently that...
  3. dudefromearth

    sennheiser hd800 amp in the $500-$1000 range

    Does anyone have anyone recommmendations?
  4. freakmax

    Please recommend the replacement for my Apogee Duet

      I'm looking for a new DAC with USB or Firewire to replace my Duet. I heard good things about Ayre QB-9 and I probably buy it. I think I would spend about 2500USD or less. Please recommend me the alternatives to Ayre QB-9.(Can I do better for this price range?)   Thanks
  5. USAudio

    CEntrance DACport & Ayre QB-9

    Granted, measurements are not always indicative of final sound quality but out of curiousity I compared the Stereophile Measurements of the CEntrance DACport (June 2010 issue) to another USB-only DAC, the Ayre QB-9...