beyerdynamic dt 770
  1. chateaucomblat

    Issues with dark ambient music on DT 770

    Dear lovely people of Head-Fi! As this is my very first post, let me take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all the people here! I have collected a lot of useful insights from you. Now I ran into some issues that I just can't wrap my head around - I was hoping you could help me. I am...
  2. sneak310

    Another DT770 alternative thread

    I ordered my DT770 80 Pros in October 2013 and they've been one of my favorite purchases ever. I love the comfort and sound of these but I'm tired of a few things: 1. The cord is TOO LONG. I don't need a 9 foot cable. Half of that would be fine (minor issue). 2. The cord started moving freely...
  3. dev0lver

    Beyerdynamic DT series Comfort strap mod and DT770 sound mod

    ok, so, someone will call me crazy for doing this to beyers, but i wanted to try it for quite some time now i bought my DT770 80ohm last year in January for my birthday, and they are my first serious headphones love them, from the sound to the comfort, but soon after buying them, i got eager to...