cavalli audio
  1. Massdrop x Alex Cavalli Tube Hybrid Amp (CTH)

    Massdrop x Alex Cavalli Tube Hybrid Amp (CTH)

    Originally sold only from Drop's website. Official description: Built from the ground up by Alex Cavalli, a legend in the world of headphone amps, this hybrid amp combines a solid state section, a tube amp section, and an entirely new circuit design. It delivers the current required by planar...
  2. jude

    Massdrop x Alex Cavalli Tube Hybrid Amp (CTH) - Dropping Monday

    DAC-less dedicated headphone amps aren't exactly at the height of their popularity these last several years, most of us now looking for single-chassis DAC/amp combos. Also, relative to the total market, plug-in-the-wall desktop-size headphone amps seem to me to have taken a back seat in...