  1. Flaze

    Classified's still locked after all conditions met

    Hello to who ever is reading :P I seem to be having some sort of an issue, i believe that i meet all the required criteria (15+posts, account created in 2021 and ive enabled 2fa about 24h ago), but i still cant seem to post a listing in classifieds. Ive tried the log in-log out trick but it...
  2. nothing4me

    Resolved: Classifieds search is broken in multiple ways

    Search for "topping" (also took screenshot below) Search for "Topping" (also took screenshot below) Why are there almost completely different results due to one character being uppercase? Also, some results, like this one, doesn't even have the word "topping" or "top" anywhere in the listing...
  3. NectarOfElysium

    How to leave Classifieds feedback?

    Hi, I recently (& successfully :) ) concluded my first transaction with a seller here on Head-fi easily enough. What seems incredibly difficult though is leaving feedback - I've already tried searching the drop-down menu under the "..." beside the "Watch" button and am only presented with the...
  4. Spedinfargo

    Classifieds search borked lately?

    Noticed in the last few days that I'm getting very few results when searching in Classifieds. Did something happen to the search index or is there another issue going on?
  5. thehutch

    New PayPal IRS tax reporting requirements

    PayPal has started collecting social security numbers or tax IDs from those who use goods and services to sell items in the U.S. This is part of a new federal requirement on such sites to report all sales income above $600 to the IRS. The previous threshold was $20,000 or 200 transaction per a...
  6. joe

    Introducing Head-Fi Classifieds!

    Update April 2023 Head-Fi Classifieds now requires two-factor authentication (2FA) in order to create, modify, and close listings. Please click here to see our announcement. Hello Head-Fi'ers! We know that our For Sale/Trade forums have become a popular place for Head-Fi'ers to buy, sell...