  1. erik701

    Please help me identify gear from photo

    Hi all, Anyone know what is this gold bar device on the top of Stromtank S-2500 Quantum? It looks like some kind of weight to avoid resonance or some tweak device of that kind.
  2. scottyman

    Trying to find some old headphones I used to own

    Hey team I’m trying to find some old studio monitor headphones I used to use in radio I can’t remember what brand they were (the label rubbed off after many many years of use) but they were solid white shell closed back, with soft leather earcups and a stitched leather and steel band They...
  3. ebjarrell

    Membership Verification

    Hello guys and girls. As you are all most fully aware, scams are becoming more frequent and more "sophisticated". I was recently scammed but was able to recover my item with police involvement. However, most people are not so lucky. As Head-Fi members, how would you feel to either 1)...