  1. kendetamas

    Akg K812 and K872 apple lightning and alternative connections

    I am planning to use my iphone 8 and with an akg k872 on the go. Using the default cable i would need to connect it’s 3.5 mm jack connector to the apple lightning to jack adapter which connects to the phone. Seems like a clutter. Are there any other possible connections between the headphones...
  2. D

    akg k812 gaming impressions

    Just ordered a pair online and they should arrive next week sometime. Super excited! These will be replacing my sennheiser game ones for csgo. Whats everyones opinion on these for fps gaming?
  3. ImOverEar

    AKG K812 Upgrades

    After numerous searches not really getting anywhere I thought I would start a thread and ask a few questions. I am currently choosing between 3 of the Forza cables for the AKG K812 headphones and wondering if anyone has any comments on the differences between the Forza Noir HPC Mk2, Claire...