
  1. Bossatiger

    Small Amp/DAC for HD800

    I'm looking for a small-footprint "transportable" Amp/usb-DAC unit that will pair will with HD800s. Budget can extend, but I would love to keep it under the $1000 mark. Currently I am looking at: Woo WA7: Tube amp, very beautiful with a 32/192 - $900 (a little on the pricey side) ALO Pan Am...
  2. Avi

    Meier Corda Jazz and Beyerdynamic T90?

    Maybe this is blasphemy, but I am very happy with the pairing of my Meier StepDance and Beyerdynamic DT 990 Premium (250 Ohms). Unfortunately, I recently got bitten by a rare insect, Headfiius Walletdranius Vulgaris, and am strongly considering the purchase of a T 90 and the Corda Jazz to run...
  3. spickerish

    Corda Cantate modern equivalent

    It's been a while since I last posted here, but the upgrade bug has been trying to bite me as of late.   Currently I own a Meier Audio Corda Cantate and I am wondering how it stacks up with Corda's current line-up, being the Rock, Jazz and Classic.   I am aware that the Corda has a...
  4. Greg24

    DAC + Amp for HD650 (budget 800$ for each)

    Hi Guys,   First post on this forum I'm reading for a few months now... I've read a lot of interesting posts, but I'm a bit confused now with the choices I have to make. I listen to folk, blues, jazz, a bit of rock and classical. I will own a Sennheiser HD650 and have at the moment a RME...
  5. iim7V7IM7

    AKG K 702: I have a HeadRoom Micro Amp and Want to Upgrade, <$1,000

    Hi,   I purchased a set last week with a HeadRoom Micro Amp.  I have a very good DAC in my audio interface (RME Baby Face) which is hooked to my iMac via USB 2.0.  I am considering returning my Micro Amp and replacing it with a "better" amp. By better I am seeking a transparent, neutral...
  6. Meier Audio Corda JAZZ

    Meier Audio Corda JAZZ

    The JAZZ uses the concept of active balanced headphone ground in which each headphone connection wire carries an additional signal such that the sum of the potentials of the wires equals zero. The position of its volume potentiometer is measured with the use of an AD-converter. The output of...