
  1. ljokerl

    Budget Optical DACs

    Fellow head-fiers, I am looking to invest in a low-end optical DAC seeing as how the headphone out on my Audigy4Pro is not clean enough for amping. Ideally, I would like to sever my headphone loop (Amp->headphones) completely from my source loop (Currently Audigy 4 Pro I/O hub) via an optical...
  2. Aiml3ss

    REVIEW: Musiland SVDAC06

    Musiland SVDAC06 Review This review is about the sound quality of the device. I did not review about the functions available from the Musiland. This is coming as an edit later on. (I'm super uber busy! ) About me: Just recently got into Hi-Fi music and equipment. I have never owned...
  3. Musiland SVDAC06

    Musiland SVDAC06

    SVDAC06 is a new stereo audio decoder launched by MUSILAND for the computer multimedia application and Hi-Fi music fans. SVDAC06 can be connected with various digital sound source and personal computer through such digital interfaces as optical fiber, coaxial or USB.It supports digital signal...