Moondrop VENUS, PARA (hybrid default pads and EP-100A pads) and COSMO (re-equipped with the PARA's hybrid pads) Discussion.
May 2, 2024 at 5:06 AM Post #391 of 430
Hello everyone.

If, in the opinion of the majority (?) (*), the Sennheiser HD-600 (2021) is a headphone that, tonally speaking, borders on perfection (note: technically speaking, there are even better than this electrodynamic headphone, especially with the very good planar and e-stat headphones), well, I find that the COSMO equipped with the PARA's hybrid pads defends itself quite well for tonality, at least on this FR curve.

(*) At least by the famous headphone critic Crinacle, who said of the HD-600: "Neutral - The legendary neutral reference. Slightly better clarity and imaging than the HD650."


For perfectionists: equalize the small level bump at 3 KHz with an EQ, and you'll have a near-perfect headphone. :)

That said, as expressed in the French forum here: or on head-fi (at the end of the post), here:

To the question posed by a compatriot about COSMO : " It's still stupid that they didn't just use the original Para's pads... What were the designers thinking? Didn't they even have the idea of doing the same test as eric65? "

I replied: "That's a very good question; I'm asking it myself".

The only way for Moondrop to make up for lost time would be to deliver a second pair of pads with the COSMO, the PARA's hybrid pads (which don't cost much); they've already done this with the PARA (which costs only 300 Euros) and which has two pairs of pads: the excellent hybrid stock pads and a second pair of leather (or imitation leather) pads (not very convincing for the latter).
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May 2, 2024 at 5:00 PM Post #392 of 430
Hello everyone.

Concerning the technicality of the COSMO versus other planar headphones, such as the VENUS and the Susvara, if we consider that the mass of the moving equipment (which is the sum of the mass of the plastic film of the diaphragm + the mass of the metal's traces covering the diaphragm) is a major element for the resolution of the headphone; and if we weight this moving-crew mass against the same (equivalent) surface area of the diaphragm of the drivers under consideration, we can assume that the moving mass of the COSMO diaphragm (plastic film + pure silver metal traces), for the same surface area of the diaphragm, is 7.8 times less than that of the VENUS.

And the Susvara?

Assuming further sarting assumptions, the Susvara's movable diaphragm mass (plastic film + gold metal traces), for the same surface area of the diaphragm, is only 1.2 times less than that of the COSMO (and 9.4 times less than that of the VENUS).

If the initial hypotheses are correct, for an equal planar diaphragm surface (if we weigh the same diaphragm surface for both drivers), the COSMO is almost equal to the Susvara in terms of moving mass (moving mass ratio of only 1.2 in favor of Susvara) and much better than the VENUS (moving mass ratio of 7.8 in favor of COSMO).

Note: The details of the starting hypotheses and the calculations (and parameters used) can be consulted on the French forum, here: ; take your best calculator to check the calculations. :)

EDIT: By a calculation method totally independent of the method used on the French forum , which started from the assumption that the thickness of the pure silver traces of the VENUS was (would be) 1 um thick (manufacturer's data), and that visu, the VENUS silver traces were three times longer (because there were 3 x more of them) and also 5 x less wide (measured on the attached photos below (in spoiler)) than those of the COSMO, bearing in mind that the two drivers are the same size (100 mm) and that the VENUS has an electrical impedance of 18 Ohm (compared with 15 Ohm for the COSMO) ; my first conclusion was that the COSMO's silver traces were 3 x 5 x 15/18 = 12. 5 times thinner than that of the VENUS, i.e. a thickness of only 1/12.5 = 0.08 um (= 80 nm) (if the thickness of the silver traces covering the VENUS diaphragm is indeed 1 um, which I had not yet verified by an independent calculation).

Using a method completely independent of the above, it's very easy to calculate the actual silver tracks thickness (in mm) of the VENUS (and also of the COSMO) independently of the manufacturer's data, simply by knowing the resistivity of silver (which is 0.0159 Ohm*mm²/m), the measured length (in meter) of the VENUS and COSMO driver silver tracks and their width (in mm) (which can be measured with a decimeter from these two images of the 100 mm drivers of the VENUS and COSMO, in spoiler below).


Electrical tracks (in pure silver) of the VENUS diaphragm (18 Ohm impedance and 100 mm in diameter): pure silver tracks a priori three times longer (and numerous) and 5 times narrower, and by electrical deduction 12.5 times thicker than those of COSMO.


Electrical tracks (in pure silver) of the COSMO diaphragm (15 Ohm impedance and 100 mm in diameter): pure silver tracks a priori three times shorter (and numerous) and 5 times wider, and by electrical deduction 12.5 times thinner than those of the VENUS.

I measured the length of the silver track on a VENUS at about 2 m..
I measured a COSMO's silver track length at about 0.666 m.
I measured a silver track width at about 1.4 mm for the VENUS.
I measured a silver track width at about 7 mm for the COSMO.
(Note: COSMO tracks 3 times shorter and 5 times wider than those of the VENUS).

The impedance (electrical circuit resistance) of the COSMO is 15 Ohm and that of the VENUS is 18 Ohm.

Using all the above parameters, and independently of the manufacturer's data (apart from the impedance of the headphones), we can easily calculate the thickness of the silver traces on the two headphones, which is:

For the VENUS: silver track thickness = 0.0159 (electrical resistivity of silver in Ohm*mm2/m) x 2 (length in meter of VENUS silver tracks) / (18 (impedance in Ohm of VENUS) x 1.4 (width in mm of VENUS silver tracks)) = 0.00126 mm (i.e. 1.26 um thick) (value very close to the 1 um thickness given by the manufacturer).

For the COSMO: silver track thickness = 0.0159 (electrical resistivity of silver in Ohm*mm²/m) x 0.666 (length in meter of COSMO silver tracks) / (15 (impedance in Ohm of the COSMO) x 7 (width in mm of COSMO silver tracks)) = 0.0001 mm (i.e. 0. 1 um thick, i.e. 100 nm).

Note: this last and independant calculate value : 100 nm, for the silver track thikness of the COSMO, is very close to the 80 nm value I had originally found, based on the official VENUS silver track thickness of 1 um; the thickness of COSMO's silver track being 12.5 times thinner than that of VENUS.

This last calculation show that VENUS's silver tracks would in fact be slightly thicker, calculated at 1.26 um (instead of the manufacturer's 1 um).

In the case of the Susvara, the first method of calculation concluded that the Susvara's metallic gold traces were 2.6 times thinner than the COSMO's pure silver traces (bearing in mind that gold weighs almost twice as much as silver): i.e. an estimated thickness of 80/2. 6 = 30 nm (if COSMO's trace silver thickness is 80 nm and VENUS' 1000 nm (1 um)); and more likely an actual thickness of 100/2.6 = 38 nm, for the golden tracks of Susvara, if COSMO's trace silver thickness is more like 100 nm (0.1 um) and VENUS's trace silver thickness is more like 1260 nm (1.26 um), as the latest calculations (independent of the first) seem to indicate.

EDIT second: To conclude my reasoning above.

The resolution of a planar headphone (just like an e-stat) depends largely on the mass of the mobile equipment put into movement. The smaller this moving mass, the more agile the planar membrane will be, the faster it will accelerate, and the more micro-details in the sound will stand out because of its low inertia.

We can estimate (and compare) the moving masses of a planar headphone by knowing these parameters:
The thickness of the diaphragm's plastic film and its density (in g/cm3).
The thickness of the metal traces covering the diaphragm; the percentage of the diaphragm covered by metal traces, and the density of the metal in question, in g/cm3 (for silver and gold).

For the following three planar headphones (VENUS, COSMO and Susvara), we will therefore take into account the moving masses for a given surface area of the planar driver under consideration.

For the VENUS:
Plastic film thickness (known): 2 um; assumed plastic film density: 1.3 g/cm3 ?
Calculated thickness of VENUS's silver traces: 1.26 um (against 1 um given by manufacturer); silver density: 10.49 g/cm3. Coverage rate of pure silver metallic traces on the VENUS's diaphragm: 80%.

For the COSMO:
Plastic film thickness (known): 0.5 um; assumed plastic film density: 1.3 g/cm3 ?
Calculated COSMO's silver trace thickness: 0.1 um (100 nm) (i.e. 1/12.5 that of VENUS); silver density: 10.49 g/cm3.
Coverage rate of pure silver metallic traces on the COSMO's diaphragm: 90%.

For the Susvara:
Plastic film thickness (unknown): assumed 0.5 um (or less?) = plastic film thickness of COSMO and also LCD-5; assumed plastic film density: 1.3 g/cm3 ?
Calculated Susvara's gold trace thickness: 0.038 um (38 nm) (i.e. 1/2.6 that of COSMO); gold density: 19.32 g/cm3 (i.e. almost 2 times that of silver which is 10.49 g/cm3).
Coverage rate of gold metal traces on the Susvara's diaphragm: 90%.

With all the above data, you can easily calculate, for yourself, the effective moving mass ratios calculated between two of these headphones, two by two, for a given surface of the planar diaphragm of these headphones.

Good calculations. :)

EDIT third: What do these data above give for the calculation of the ratio of moving masses between the COSMO, the VENUS and the Susvara ? (relative to the same planar surface of the driver's diaphragm taken into consideration).

Let me do the calculation for you.

Ratio (R) of moving masses (relative to the same planar driver surface).
R(mass) (VENUS/COSMO) = ((2 um x 1.3) + (1.26 um x 10.49 x 0.8)) / ((0.5 um x 1.3) + (0.1 um x 10.49 x 0.9)) = 8.26.
Conclusion: VENUS's mobile equipment (moving mass) is 8.26 times heavier than that of the COSMO.

2- VENUS vs Susvara

Ratio (R) of moving masses (relative to the same planar driver surface).
R(mass) (VENUS/Susvara) = ((2 um x 1.3) + (1.26 um x 10.49 x 0.8)) / ((0.5 um (?) x 1.3) + (0.038 um x 19.32 x 0.9)) = 10.
Conclusion: VENUS's mobile equipment (moving mass) is 10 times heavier than that of the Susvara.

3- COSMO vs Susvara

Ratio (R) of moving masses (relative to the same planar driver surface).
R(mass) (COSMO/Susvara) = ((0.5 um x 1.3) + (0.1 um x 10.49 x 0.9)) / ((0.5 um (?) x 1.3) + (0.038 um x 19.32 x 0.9)) = 1.22.
Conclusion: COSMO's mobile equipment (moving mass) is only 1.22 times heavier than that of the Susvara.

We can thus say that the COSMO is almost on a par with the Susvara in terms of moving masses of the diaphragm for the drivers.
It can also be said that the Susvara retains a clear superiority over the VENUS in terms of moving masses of the diaphragm for the drivers, by a factor of 10.

This will have definite consequences for the sound resolution of these different planar headphones.

End of demonstration (thanks for following).
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May 5, 2024 at 6:55 AM Post #393 of 430
Hello everyone.

A quick word about the Moondrop EP-100A hybrid pads that can be found for less than $30 here and here :

and are designed to upgrade the stock hybrid pads of the Moondrop PARA planar headphone.

They're really different from the PARA's hybrid stock pads.

The dimensions of the EP-100A pads are identical (they are replacement and upgrade pads for the PARA).

However, the materials used are not at all the same:
The leather edges of the hybrid EP-100A pads are made of genuine sheepskin leather; non-microperforated leather on the inside of the pads (see photo below), whereas the edges of the PARA stock hybrid pads are made of imitation leather, microperforated on the inside of the pads (see second photo below).

Moondrop hybrid EP-100A pads. Sheepskin replacement earpads (not microperforated internally). For Moondrop PARA headphones.


Hybrid pads fitted in stock to the excellent Moondrop PARA planar headphones. Imitation leather, microperforated internally.

What's more, the internal foam of the pads is different: firmer for the EP-100 A hybrid pads; softer for the PARA hybrid pads.
EP-100A hybrid pads therefore have a firmer consistency than PARA's hybrid stock pads.

The frequency response of the PARA equipped with EP-100A upgrade pads is different from the frequency response of the same PARA headphone equipped with its stock pads, as you can see in the photo below.

Listening, I find that my PARA headphones re-equipped with these EP-100 A hybrid upgrade pads (+ Moondrop UP upgrade cable) sound better than with their stock hybrid pads (+ UP upgrade cable), in the sense that they're a little less bright in the treble. As a result, it can be listened to a little louder, and the bass (which sinks very low) comes through comparatively better, with a little more level.
The sound is really great, and the price/performance ratio of the PARA, even “retrofitted” with these EP-100A upgrade pads, is unbeatable.

As for the COSMO, when I listen to it, I still have a slight preference for the PARA's stock hybrid pads for the extra treble (and aeration) provided by these PARA's hybrid stock pads compared with the EP-100A hybrid pads (which provide a little less treble), and much more than with the stock COSMO's stock pads (which I don't like at all), which attenuate the high frequencies too much and provide an unpleasant level bump to hear at 1 - 1.5 KHz).
(note: EP-100 A hybrid pads which go very well with the PARA, and a little less well so with the COSMO for my hearing, which is not necessarily yours).

Moondrop COSMO's FR (with its stock pads) versus Moondrop PARA's FR with its stock hybrid pads.
Unfortunately there are no FR measurements made on this site with the EP-100A hybrid pads which, for the PARA headphone, a priori provide a little less treble than the stock hybrid pads.


Moondrop COSMO's FR (with its stock pads) versus Moondrop COSMO's FR (with PARA's hybrid pads) versus Moondrop PARA's FR with its stock hybrid pads.


Moondrop COSMO's FR (with its stock pads) versus Moondrop COSMO's FR (with PARA's hybrid pads) versus Moondrop PARA's FR with its stock hybrid pads.

EDIT: And what about the VENUS?

Moondrop VENUS's FR (with its stock pads) versus Moondrop COSMO's FR (with its stock pads) versus Moondrop COSMO's FR (with PARA's hybrid pads) versus Moondrop PARA's FR with its stock hybrid pads.




PS: for French speakers (in spoiler).
For French speakers who follow me on head-fi, you should know that I have unsubscribed from the French forum due to a censor who knows nothing about science.
Use your favorite translator (google translator and even better DeepL Translator) to follow me here :).
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May 5, 2024 at 4:56 PM Post #394 of 430
I'll poke the bear again here - any specific recommendations for replacement earpads for the Venus that don't destroy its RF response?

Every 10 posts or so there's a question about this (through the last few pages), but apart from a reference to "any ZMF pad", I'm not sure I read a specific recommendation.
May 5, 2024 at 5:55 PM Post #395 of 430
I'll poke the bear again here - any specific recommendations for replacement earpads for the Venus that don't destroy its RF response?

Every 10 posts or so there's a question about this (through the last few pages), but apart from a reference to "any ZMF pad", I'm not sure I read a specific recommendation.

You can follow this link: (,Venus ), which is quite informative for the pad's rolling of headphones: click on the + surrounded by a circle, to the left of the Venus (red arrow), to see other pads tested with the VENUS than the stock pads.
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May 6, 2024 at 1:22 PM Post #396 of 430
So, this is great - but I'm not having any luck using Google to find, for example, "JZ custom H Pads." That search returns everything from Dekoni pads to car brake pads - but nothing labeled as "JZ Custom H Pads". If someone has the links to the actual retailers, that would be great :)

Cheers - Jay
May 8, 2024 at 6:36 PM Post #397 of 430
Hello everyone.

A little comparative listening this evening (in France) to The Lion King (Hans Zimmer's Concert Live in Prague) (YouTube video below) with the COSMO, still equipped with the PARA's hybrid pads, the VENUS and its stock pads and finally the PARA re-equipped with its EP-100A upgrade pads, on my main hifi system (with the Viva 2A3 amp).

There's no noticeable change in this listening of this Lion King live concert compared with the listening of Hans Zimmer's live in Prague concert (other titles) on April 20, as already written here :

For sound resolution, we still have COSMO > VENUS > PARA.

For width of the soundstage (aperture), we always have COSMO > = VENUS > PARA.

For precision of the sound scene, separation of instruments and 3D effect ("black background"), here we have COSMO >> VENUS > = PARA.

Another sound criterion I'd like to add here, which depends on the SPL level of the treble and its finesse:
"hearing fatigue": COSMO < VENUS < PARA.
and "sound immersion": COSMO > VENUS > PARA.

An amusing little remark to conclude this post: the precision of the soundstage is so good with the COSMO, and its immersion guaranteed, that I ended up listening to The Lion King "eyes closed" to follow the music, whereas I had to keep them open to watch the video and see the placement of the instruments and singers, in person, with the PARA and VENUS.

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May 9, 2024 at 1:59 PM Post #398 of 430
Hello everyone.

Another headphone comparison this afternoon (in France), including the Sennheiser HD-560S.

Listening to this excerpt from Hans Zimmer's Pirate of the Caribbean at a fortissimo passageway where it's hard to assemble more musical instruments for a rock concert (see photo below).

This musical excerpt is interesting because headphones that are harsh in the treble, with too much SPL in the treble, will quickly make your ears bleed, even my old ears, not to mention that the sound will quickly become muddled with headphones that are not very discriminating.


Verdict of this comparative listening:

Sound resolution and finesse (the opposite of rough) and fluidity: COSMO (equipped with PARA's hybrid pads) > VENUS > PARA (equipped with EP-100A upgrade pads) > HD-560S.

For soundstage width (openness), we always have COSMO > = VENUS > PARA > = Sennheiser HD-560S.

For soundstage precision, instrument separation and 3D effect (“dark background”), here we have COSMO >> VENUS > = PARA > HD-560S.

For the criterion “sound immersion”: COSMO > VENUS > PARA > Sennheiser HD-560S.

For the criterion “heary fatigue” (largely due to the SPL volume of the treble and its harshness, the opposite of finesse): COSMO < VENUS < PARA < Sennheiser HD-560S.

The highs of the COSMO (equipped with PARA's hybrid pads) are the finest and softest; those of the Sennheiser HD-560S, by far the harshest and roughest.
The PARA equipped with the EP-100A upgrade pads is a little less brilliant in the treble and more pleasant to listen to than with its stock hybrid pads.


EDIT: I mentioned above the highs of the COSMO (equipped with PARA's hybrid pads), as finest and softest; but for bass ..

Quantitatively, the COSMO's bass SPL is well balanced with the treble and midrange.
Qualitatively speaking, they're the best bass of all the headphones I've tried.
The infra-bass level is impressive on this extract from Hans Zimmer's The Dark Knight; it's the headphone that sinks lowest below 30 Hz of all my headphones (Moondrop, Kennerton and Sennheiser).

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May 10, 2024 at 6:13 PM Post #399 of 430
Hello everyone.

To wake you up a bit (it's evening in France), there's nothing like listening to a bit of Speed Metal (Painkiller from Judas Priest), with a scoop from Sina-drums (nb: the score was uploaded just 8 hours ago; and already more than 3K views...).

To listen to the COSMO (equipped with PARA's hybrid pads) and the VENUS, I had to turn the volume button on my Viva 2A3 amp to 11:30 with the VENUS and to 13:30 with the COSMO.

The COSMO being the "poor man's Susvara", almost as good as the Susvara, but 6 x cheaper, my "poor" Viva 2A3 tube amp, producing only 2 x 3 Watt on a 32 Ohm load, would have been brought to his knees with the Susvara, but not with the COSMO and even less with the VENUS.

For this kind of Speed Metal music, both headphones are equally good ; a question of taste above all.

With the VENUS (volume position 11:30 on the Viva 2A3 amp), the sound is more V-shaped, with a slightly greater impact from the bass drums (unleashed in this video); the cymbals will certainly be perceived, for the most part, as a little too bright; the singer's voice and the electric guitar are a little behind the percussion.

With the COSMO (volume position 13:30 on the Viva 2A3 amp); the percussion is just as fast; the SINA's drummer footwork is frightening in speed; the sound follows, but not the image, where the hammers of the bass drums split into an artistic blur.
Cymbals sound more accurate in timbre, less bright in the treble, with the COSMO versus VENUS.
The singer's voice and electric guitar are less recessed than with the VENUS.

The sound is equally spacious with both headphones.

To conclude:
With the COSMO, the sound is more accurate, just as gripping as with the VENUS.
With the VENUS, we have a brighter sound, with more emphasis on percussion than on vocals and electric guitar; it's a more typed sound.

Happy awakening. :beyersmile:

EDIT: As with the improvement of the headphones over time, it's interesting to follow a (young) artist over time.

The same Sina-drums artist, 9 years ago (she was 15 at the time): her drumming (and the studio headphones on her head and also the cable) are noticeably different from her latest production (uploaded just 24 hours ago), above.

Any progress in his drumming and the energy it generates?

We'll be talking about this talented artist again in 5 years' time, because his room for improvement on an artistic level is undoubtedly not finite - as, incidentally, is the case with Moondrop headphones - what's in store for future productions?
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May 12, 2024 at 10:42 AM Post #400 of 430
Hello everyone.

Do you trust a FR measurement site?

We'll see.

Based on these measurements (in spoiler below) I have just ordered, for my COSMO, the Dekoni Audio EPZ-HIFIMAN-HYB (hybrid) pads for HiFiMan HE Series.

The FR would be better than the stock pads of the COSMO and also than the PARA's hybrid pads used with the COSMO.








COSMO (stock pads)




VENUS (Stock pads)














(to be continued).
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May 12, 2024 at 1:15 PM Post #401 of 430
This musical excerpt is interesting because headphones that are harsh in the treble, with too much SPL in the treble, will quickly make your ears bleed, even my old ears, not to mention that the sound will quickly become muddled with headphones that are not very discriminating.
My hearing is too sensitive to high frequencies, if you remember. On Venus, this passage sounded very pleasant, powerful, there was a slight vibration of the ears from the bass, there was no hint of blood from the ears. :smile_phones: This concert was recorded simply superbly.

This soundtrack really makes my ears bleed, beautiful music, but impossible to listen to on Venus
May 12, 2024 at 9:27 PM Post #402 of 430
Hello everyone.

Do you trust a FR measurement site?

We'll see.

Based on these measurements (in spoiler below) I have just ordered, for my COSMO, the Dekoni Audio EPZ-HIFIMAN-HYB (hybrid) pads for HiFiMan HE Series.

The FR would be better than the stock pads of the COSMO and also than the PARA's hybrid pads used with the COSMO.


















(to be continued).
So how easy are these to fit to the Venus (that's what I have - no Cosmo here)? These pads seem to also be the most promising as replacements for the Venus as well. I have them in my cart, but I want to make sure they'll fit the Venus just fine.

(I can't, for the life of me, find out what "JZ custom-H pads" are - no search finds anything, so I don't know what the measurement site is talking about when it mentions those pads. I'll just concentrate on the Dekoni ones for now.)
May 13, 2024 at 1:54 AM Post #403 of 430
So how easy are these to fit to the Venus (that's what I have - no Cosmo here)? These pads seem to also be the most promising as replacements for the Venus as well. I have them in my cart, but I want to make sure they'll fit the Venus just fine.

(I can't, for the life of me, find out what "JZ custom-H pads" are - no search finds anything, so I don't know what the measurement site is talking about when it mentions those pads. I'll just concentrate on the Dekoni ones for now.)

Hi there.

For the FR (in spoiler below), it seems quite promising: slightly less bass than the VENUS's stock pads, but a more even midrange and treble.




For the dimensions, if the Dekoni Elite hybrid Hifiman HE pads are suitable in dimensions for the COSMO, they will also suit the VENUS.
Imho you can order them. :)
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May 16, 2024 at 1:54 PM Post #404 of 430
Hello everyone.

I should normally receive Friday May 17th the Dekoni Elite EPZ-HIFIMAN-HYB (hybrid) pads for HiFiMan HE Series, for my COSMO, ordered in Europe here:

If the FR representation of the COSMO equipped with these DEKONI Elite Hybride HE pads is correct (see spoiler below) , these pads should further improve the tone of the COSMO (equipped with the PARA's hybrid pads), which are themselves much better than the COSMO's stock pads.

The improvement would concern the two small weak points of the COSMO equipped with PARA's hybrid pads, i.e. a small level peak of +3 dB at 3 KHz which colors vocals and violin not always in a pleasant way, and a small frequency dip at 6.5 KHz (of - 3dB) which makes the treble a little too dull in the upper harmonics; but I'm nitpicking !

I realize this by listening to the excellent video below, featuring four artists (and their musical twins).
You can judge the timbre and tonality of a wide variety of instruments, as well as the lead singer and chorus...

As it stands, listening to this video, I classify my headphones by listening pleasure as follows:

VENUS (stock pads) = COSMO equipped with the PARA's hybrid pads > PARA equipped with the EP-100A pads >> COSMO (stock pads).

Everything sounds strange, unpleasant and bland with the COSMO equipped with its stock pads (I'll never put them back on).

The PARA, even with its EP-100A Upgrade pads, sounds the brightest compared to the VENUS and the COSMO (equipped with the PARA's hybrid pads). The sound, a little thin, is drawn towards high frequencies.

The VENUS is very pleasant to listen to in this video, with a well-detached, dynamic bass and high treble, but less present than with the PARA; the sound has more consistency than with the PARA; it's less thin. The VENUS suffers from a slight lack of precision, definition, finesse and subtlety compared to the COSMO; it's a little more "raw".

The COSMO equipped with the PARA's hybrid pads would be perfect if it did not have these two small tonal defects, as specified at the beginning of the post, this small level bump at 3 KHz and this small frequency dip at 6.5 KHz, modifying the timbre of the voice, not always in a pleasant way, and making the highs a little too dull for their upper harmonics.

I hope that the Dekoni pads will make the COSMO even better for tone, so that it's almost perfect.

(to be continued).





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