Penon 10th Anniversary

General Information



Penon Audio 10th Anniversary IEM 2 BA + 2 EST+ 2 DD Hybrid 2Pin 0.78mm HiFi Audiophile In-ear Monitor



2 Electrostatic+2 Balanced armature+2 Dynamic driver

2x Sonion EST for ultra-high frequency

1x Sonion BA for high frequency

1x Sonion BA for middle frequency

2x 6mm crystalline plated biofilm dynamic driver

4-way crossover, 3 tube channel

Impedance: 9ohm±10%

Sensitivity: 110dB

Frequency response: 15Hz-70kHz

Connector: 2Pin 0.78mm

Cable length: 1.2M

Latest reviews


New Head-Fier
Teenage in a shell
Pros: Bass Delivery (Punch and Slam, Room-filling Experience)
Cohesion (Crossover & Drivers work flawlessly )
Resolution (Without using any tricks)
Cons: Midrange Masking (Fixable With Cable Change)


This is a subjective review of the Penon 10th Anniversary Edition.​

An IEM that brought me back to my teenage days.

My Ear Anatomy​

I have small ears, with everything from the earhole to the pinna and ear canal being smaller than average. This affects my perception of sound in some fundamental ways. An Audiogram conducted by my ENT (Doctor) shows that my ears emphasize more bass than the norm, including the lower mids. They also dampen the treble more than usual, so I require additional treble and less bass. Additionally, I prefer Neutral Bright tuning sets. Therefore, when evaluating my review, please consider the unique anatomy of my ears.
This is my first time trying out a Penon IEM. I've heard a lot about them during my journey, but I never had the chance to experience them firsthand. I have used Penon Serial on several occasions, though. A friend once mentioned that Penon is truly addictive, unlike anything else out there. I can understand why some people might feel that way. Penon's commitment to innovation is evident in their continuous efforts to advance technology. By introducing new driver setups, experimenting with various acoustic tuning methods, and utilizing cutting-edge materials, Penon is consistently pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of in-ear monitors.

Let's start this review by understanding the Religion of this IEM​

There are hobbyist audiophiles who always prioritize true, reference-grade tuning over anything else. They despise any form of colouration in sound. Their goal is to meticulously analyze every band of the audio spectrum and listen to music as authentically as possible, even if it means sacrificing musicality. I happen to be one of them. However, this particular in-ear monitor (IEM) goes against that mindset entirely. The philosophy behind this IEM is all about fun, engagement, and musicality. It is not meant for critical listening or evaluating equipment; instead, it should be used purely for entertainment purposes. While this IEM excels in making certain genres of music sound amazing, it may not be suitable for all types of music. Nevertheless, it never fails to showcase its ability to add colour and enjoyment to the sound. During my teenage years (ages 14-18), I used a portable Walkman Digital player as my dedicated audio player. My sole intention was to derive entertainment from music, without any other considerations. After so many years, this IEM has reignited my belief in that philosophy. Music should be fun, and the Penon 10th AE is a perfect example of that.


Penon Audio has a decade of experience, and this IEM marks our 10th anniversary with exceptional value. Crafted with a 3D-printed shell using medical-grade resin, it is lightweight, attractive, and comfortable to wear. Featuring 2x Sonion EST Drivers for ultra-high frequency, 1x Knowles BA Driver for high frequency, and 1x Sonion BA Driver for middle frequency. Additionally, it includes 2x 6mm crystalline-plated biofilm dynamic drivers for low-frequency performance.
The setup involves a 4-way crossover with a 3-tube channel configuration. The impedance is 9ohm±10% and the sensitivity is 110dB. The connection is made using a 2Pin 0.78mm connector.

Tonality of the IEM​

This IEM has a bass-boosted neutral sound signature. The quantity of bass in this IEM is quite substantial, reaching deep into the frequency response with a 10db boost. The bass gradually decreases till 400hz. The low end of this IEM is truly impressive and steals the show. The extension is beautiful and the bass has great authority. I have never had any complaints about the bass, thanks to the dual dynamic drivers that are truly impressive. Other companies should take notes from this implementation. While the mids are not the main focus of the presentation, they still have excellent texture and weight, making them ideal for instruments other than vocals. The treble is well-tuned and safe, ensuring that even bad recordings don't sound too harsh or sibilant during testing.
This tonality is widely accepted across various Music Genres in today's world. The tuning evokes a youthful vibe. I revisited the albums I enjoyed during my teenage years.



The IEM enhances the richness of the piano's sound. The bass is powerful and captivating. The lower notes have a fuller sound compared to what is typically heard. The midrange is substantial and has a textured quality. The high frequencies are detailed without being overly sharp. While some people may not prefer the sharpness in the upper registers, I enjoy it. Overall, the piano has more authority in the low end, weight in the midrange, and the treble is not excessively sharp. Although there are air frequencies and trailing edges that can be heard, I would have preferred a bit more emphasis on the 4kHz-6kHz range. The presentation is full, detailed, and textured.


Guitars share similar sound qualities with the Piano. The lower tones are rich and full, the midrange is substantial and detailed, and the highs are slightly muted. There are two unique aspects to the guitar sound in this IEM. Firstly, there is a noticeable bite despite the highs not being overly bright. Secondly, the metallic twang of the strings is absent, giving the impression of nylon strings. While it may not have a sharp edge, the overall tonality is quite pleasing.


The violin produces a delightful sound. However, it is important to note that its tonality may not be completely realistic due to its colouring. The instrument has a neutral presentation in the lower registers and a slightly subdued quality in the upper registers. The resolution is excellent across all three main sections. It is well-suited for individuals sensitive to treble, but may not be the best choice for those who prioritize treble. While there is not an abundance of air in the upper treble, EST ensures proper performance.


This IEM truly excels in delivering an exceptional drum experience. The abundance of low-end creates a room-filling sound that is simply remarkable. The snare drums have an instant response, showcasing impressive attack and a natural decay. The overall soundstage is magnificent when it comes to drums. It's a truly enjoyable instrument that effortlessly makes me tap my feet in rhythm. The cymbals are incredibly detailed without being harsh on the ears. The sub-bass plays a significant role, while the mid-bass and upper midrange work seamlessly together in portraying the complexity of drums. Handling such intricacies is no easy task, but this IEM does it effortlessly.


The implementation of the saxophone in this IEM is exceptional. The midrange has a rich texture and depth, while the bass remains clear without any muddiness. The treble is beautifully smooth, thanks to the 5Khz recession, which enhances the quality of older recordings even at high volume. I could easily listen to the saxophone all day with this IEM.


The Acoustic bass guitar offers exceptional extension, allowing you to effortlessly perceive the deepest frequencies with distinct separation. It creates a sense of individuality, as if the bass guitar is playing in its complete range. The dynamic drivers are performing their duties. Despite the busyness of the tracks, the bass shines in all its magnificence. The cello follows a similar path but with even greater excellence. The midrange texture in the cello is superb, and the level of detail and resolution is remarkable.


The vocal timber varies greatly among individuals. In my experience, the male vocals have a heavy sound and are slightly masked by the lower frequencies. However, the texture is still present and the tonality is weighty. On the other hand, the female vocals sound much better as they are crisp and distinct from the rest of the mix. They never feel pierced and demonstrate excellent control of the in-ear monitor (IEM). It's worth noting that this set is not neutral, so these characteristics are expected. Fortunately, a little adjustment in the upper treble and lower mids can address any concerns I may have. Due to my ear anatomy, I tend to perceive more bass than the average person, especially with male chest voices. However, head and nasal singers don't seem to be affected as much.

Electronic Music​

Timber isn't typically associated with this genre, but the frequency response is crucial for its success. I'm thrilled to report that this particular IEM made this genre sound amazing and well-balanced. Despite not being a fan of this genre, I listened to it for a continuous 4 hours today. The bass is incredible and worth the MSRP. The mids are superb in highlighting the bass drop-off. The treble is finely tuned, with no trace of harshness throughout the range. The music is rich in detail and provides clear positional cues.

The genres I listened to the most with this IEM is​

  1. HipHop (
  2. Electronic Music (
  3. Pop ( )
  4. RnB
  5. Reggae

Technicality Analysis​

This IEM has an above-average soundstage. It's not overly spacious or intimate, but it does provide a good sense of width. The imaging may not be pinpointed, but the stereo imaging is satisfying. While localization can be a bit challenging, the layering capabilities are good.
The resolution of this IEM is truly surprising. I never expected such a high level of clarity and detail in the sound, especially at this price point. Penon nailed it by delivering exceptional resolution without resorting to cheap treble enhancements. Maybe it's all thanks to the EST driver.

End Words​

This IEM, enclosed in a blue shell, represents my teenage years, which is why I feel a strong bond with it. Being a "Music First Audiophile," I highly recommend this IEM, unless you prioritize the lower mid-elevation. The pure enjoyment that this IEM provides is truly remarkable.

I used the Eros S Cable with this IEM, which does a great job of serving this In-Ear Monitor. If you have issues with Midrange masking like me, the Kinera (Flash Acoustic) Cable that comes with Verdandi tends to fix that issue by a great margin.
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Hi, I think I encountered a bug, HeadFi is acting crazy. I updated the rating to 4.5 stars and now figuring out why pictures are not showing up.
My favorite Penon IEM!
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Reactions: Argha
I have yet to try Penon IEMs, from what I have heard they are Bold and Know their stuff, will miss this IEM a lot


100+ Head-Fier
Penon 10th AE Review
Pros: Well balanced Sound Signature, Punchy Bass, Sublime Mids, Best EST implementation, Brilliant Soundstage yet coherent, Mind-blowing Value, Top-notch accessories
Cons: Imaging could have been better, Shell Size is bigger for small ears (Negligible)

PENON 10th Anniversary REVIEW

Introduction: -

Penon Audio started in the year 2013 with the goal of selling the best-selected audio products at the most affordable prices for Audiophiles. In these 10 years, Penon Audio has also evolved from not just selling but also manufacturing high-quality IEMs, dongles, and cables under their house name at very competitive prices. Now after 10 years Penon, to celebrate their 10th anniversary launched a new tri-brid IEM especially for their fans by the name of “Penon 10th anniversary” at a price of 499 US$. It consists of three different types of drivers. The IEM comes in a 3D printed resin shell using a very efficient 6mm crystalline plated biofilm dynamic driver for low frequency in 2 numbers, 2 balanced armatures: one from Sonion for mids and one Knowles for highs and 2 Sonion electrostatics for ultra highs.


Specifications: -

  • Driver Configuration: 2 Electrostatic Driver + 2 Dynamic Driver + 2 Balanced Armature
  • Crossovers: 4-way crossover, 3 tube channel
  • Impedance: 9Ω ± 10%
  • Freq Response: 20Hz-20Khz
  • Sensitivity: 110dB/mW
  • Frequency Response: 15Hz-70kHz
  • Cable: CS819 -2 shares, single share is 133 cores, a total of 266 cores
Disclaimer: -

We have purchased the item with the full amount. We were also delighted with the opportunity to review it.

Packaging & Accessories: -

Penon's 10th anniversary comes in a mid-size Penon box. The box contains a beautiful round leather carry case consisting of IEMs and cable. It comes with a Solid Penon OS133 OFC silver-plated cable. Lastly, accessories consisting of three different types of ear tips in S, M, and L sizes and other add-ons come in a beautiful rectangular leather box.


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IEM Build & Design: -

The IEMs in sea blue shells are 3D printed using high-quality medical-grade resin material. The construction of the shells feels both sturdy and smooth. The size of the shells is a bit big making way for two DDs, two BAs and two ESTs. Although we didn’t find any issues while using it, people with small ears can have some issues. The design of the IEMs provides above-average isolation.


WhatsApp Image 2023-12-21 at 18.24.15_c38f241c.jpg

Sound Analysis: -

Credits: MMagTech
  • Tonality: - Penon 10th AE comes in a unique lush Penon house sound with the same modest inoffensive tint of warmth, musical and yet balanced and smooth across the spectrum. The sound is balanced across the spectrum where the bass doesn’t split to mids and highs are airy and have beautiful high-quality sparkle due to the use of Sonion EST and the design of the shell. The Penon 10th AE is beautifully tuned and can be used for longer listening.

  • Lows: - Penon 10th AE make use of two 6mm crystal-plated biological diaphragm Dynamic Drivers for handling bass which results in a well-rounded textured bass. The bass surprisingly this time has an impactful punch unlike its younger sibling Penon Fan 2. We feel it is due to the design of the IEM shell due to which the bass in Penon 10th AE have the rumble and layering which makes listening to the EDM music a lot more fun. The layering is beautifully defined and clean. While the mid-bass is a bit forwarded, the high-quality sub-bass merges well with the tonality of the IEM without bleeding into the mids. Here we would also add that using a high-quality source such as Dethonray SG1 gold in our case adds more thump to the mid-bass.

  • Mids: - The Mids on Penon 10th AE is lush and sublime. The Penon 10th anniversary makes use of a single Sonion BA for the mids which are famous for their full-bodied mids without a hint of BA timbre. Since the Penon 10th follows a W-shaped frequency range the mids here are spacious. The vocals as well as instruments have rich natural timbre. For testing mids, we again listened to “In Your Eyes” by the Weekend and Skyfall by Adele through Apple Music Hi-Res streaming. We felt that the male vocals sounded marginally better than the female vocals on the Penon 10th Anniversary. While the male vocals have a full-bodied thick texture, the female vocals fall a bit short in this area. The instruments, especially the violin and saxophone sound full along with the right timbre, space, and energy. The extension is effortless and right at the point without trying too much.

  • Highs: - One word that is synonymous with great treble in today's world is Sonion EST. In this Audiophile world, our journey with EST-based IEMs started with Shozy Pola, one of the earliest EST-based hybrid IEMs. In recent years owning and auditioning numerous EST-based IEMs we can confidently say that Penon Audio has used the Sonion EST in a very effective way for ultra-high frequency in the Penon 10th AE. The treble is not only airy but very natural in it. There is a beautiful shimmer and sweetness across the instruments, especially cymbals and guitar strings. The treble is not overpowering and metallic in tonality but turned right at the point supporting the lush tonality while surprising in between with the sweetness of the instruments. While listening to the cult song “Hotel California” by the Eagles through the Dethonray DTR1 we could hear the smallest shimmer from the instruments being played in the song, thus making the whole experience more fun and sublime.

  • Soundstage & Imaging: - While reviewing the Penon 10th Anniversary just after it’s younger sibling Penon Fan 2 we can confidently say that the soundstage in Penon 10th AE is on another level. From the very moment, we put the 10th AE IEM where we can feel the lush spacious and airy tonality of 10th AE. We strongly feel that the above-average shell size of the item helps the Penon 10th AE with spacious and airy tonality across the frequency range. The soundstage in Penon 10TH AE is wide but still coherent, while the stage depth is better when we compare it with the IEMs in the same price range. The separation across instruments is above average and helps while listening to complex rock tracks. Penon Audio has tuned the 10th AE really well as the micro details along with the macro details keep us on our toes and surprises us all along while listening to Western and Indian classical songs. The imaging whereas on Penon 10th AE is just average.

  • Source Matching & Pairing: - After trying it with different sources (Astell & Kern SP1000m, Dethonray DTR1, DTR1+, Pegasus SG1 gold, Aune M1p and Tanchjim Space, and Space Lite dongles) we can confidently say that it synergies really well with analytical sources Dethonray DTR1+ and Aune M1p in our case). Also, we would like to add that Dethonray DTR1+ and Pegasus SG1 Gold help in making the bass more thumping. In the case of cables while high-quality copper cables help in making vocals more musical (Rhapsodio Copper Wizard mk2 in our case), pure silver cable helps in making the IEM more neutral rather than musical. Since the Penon 10th AE is two DD, two BA and two Sonion EST-based IEM, it pairs really well with the high-power source to extract the best micro detail out of the ESTs. We felt the pairing of Aune M1p + Linum DualBaX SPC cable + Spinfit CP145 was the perfect pairing for our taste.


Conclusion: -

After hearing numerous EST-based IEMs in this Audiophile journey of 7 years we are happy with the way Penon Audio has tuned their 10TH AE. We also loved the way the Penon Audio makes use of its above-average size resin shell to present a more spacious and airy tonality. The Penon 10th AE without losing its musical Penon house sound makes the best use of dual Sonion ESTs. The Penon 10th AE is very fun and engaging to listen to. It goes well across various genres of music. Penon Audio has been successful in tuning a TOTL IEM that comes at a non-TOTL price of just 499 US$. We here would also like to add that the Penon 10th AE scales with better powerful sources so if you want to extract the last bit of the music try the 10th AE with the best powerful and analytical sources in your possession. What we love about the Penon 10th is its airy spacious musical tonality which merges smoothly with the micro details of the instruments. We at Aural café give Penon 10th AE a strong recommendation.

Non-Affiliated Link: -
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alexandros a

1000+ Head-Fier
An Impressionist's Daydream
Pros: - The absolute perfect all rounder
- Higly Addictive musicality
- Definition of Balance
- Vocals to die for....
- Best EST implementation encountered thus far....
- Tremendous well controled bass
- Wide Hollographic head stage
- superb stereo image
- price to performance ratio
- Fabulous face-plates
- CS819 Penon Cable
- Leather Case
Cons: - why on earth had to spend that much last year just to find out that this is the ONE & ONLY ?????


You guys must have guessed till now that I only find the spare time to write anything down (due to heavy work schedule that is ...) when it matters to me a lot.
well this time I was litteraly speachless ,i was awed right from the first audition up to the point where I gave up on the burn in procedure of the monitors cause really could not see how this set could gain any advantadge from that procedure during time....
it was simply one of those times that I could not make the descision to take those monitors out of my ears …......
i simply reached that state of NIRVANA.And believe me if I could grade them with a 6 star grade I would . No question about that.........If you re seaking for the answer to that just keep reading.....
But keep in mind that there are already 5 reviews here before this one that praises the 10th even more than this one here.....
so that couldnt be a coincidence could it ?
I want to make clear at this point that the 10th was purchased a month ago from Penon's original site and in any case you ll be interested here's a link for your convinience :
10th Anniversary


Driver: 2 Electrostatic+ 2 balanced armature + 2 Dynamic driver

4-way crossover, 3 tube channel

Impedance: 9ohm±10%

Sensitivity: 110dB

Frequency response: 15Hz-70kHz

Connector: 2Pin 0.78mm



is pretty awesome here (and that has become a tradition many years now for all PENON monitors BUT there is also a nice addittion of a leather case here which makes me at least a very happy person...
3D printed shell, medical grade resin material is what Penon uses here for these monitors and in terms of comfort is really a unique experience.....that's what my ears keep telling me at least.......
Faceplates of the shells are trully adorable in deep blue and red mixture with the PENON / AUDIO lego on them (one on the left and the other on the right faceplate)
as for accessories goes, yοu get three sets of silicone tips in 3 sizes, , a cleaning brush for the monitor's nozzle and a stylish cloth clipper
The 10th comes with CS819 famous Penon cable and 2-pin connection plug, ending in a termination of your choise balanced 4.4/2.5 or single ended.
Fit wise, in my case at least fits like a glove to my extra large ear cavities and having tried several tips (symbio,azla sedna,sony hybrids,Final Audio E tips e.t.c.) in order to find the ABSOLUTE BEST ISOLATION quickly ended up using some azla sednafit transparent ones cause those provided the comfort i was searching for as well as amazing fit and superb isolation .At this point i would strongly suggest everybody to use wide bore tips in order to take advantadge of the 10th's tremendous stage and stereo image abilities in full bloom...........
Nevertheless ......the included silicone tips are pretty amazing as well ,maintaning the warm tonallity and the original sound character of this jewel.





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As it is pictured above there are two open vents upon the shells establishing that the air moves effortlessly between the drivers contributing thus way to a dynamic & fatique free sound performance.


Gear used for the purpose of this review : iBASSO DX 160 & DX170 / Shanling M3X / HIBY R5 GEN II
Now to the point.....
The 10TH are to my ears a W sound signature set of monitors with a clear emphasis on the lows / highs and midrange as well..
What stroked me the most (straight out of the box) was the superb balance across the FR due to that one the10th is the
ONE & ONLY monitor that forced me revisit & re-evaluate the WHOLE ****ING LIBRARY...
One by one.... 3000 plus tracks.......cause each one of them gets to occupy more space, providing a different more open head stage during listening..
7 years on this hobby never this occurred before
Owning twice it's price monitors that is.....
Being 100 percent honest here... Never before..
Trying to find the answer why that's happening i suspect partially due to 10th's unique abilities to stay coherent and stable even at the highest volumes..... And without the slightest hint of congestion at all !!!!!!!!
At this price range its not easy at all to find another monitor with such a tremendous sound stage , with such a tremendous stereo image and layering abilities.Resolution across the FR is top notch and can easily blow your mind
There is a unique 3 dimentional sense of surrounding cyclotic sound up to the point you wont realise where the sound is coming from.......
Imaging is superb too there,you can easily pin point each and every instrument of the stage and its exact potition there.
Detail retrieval pretty fine despite of the fact that 10th's main target is to loose your self inside the music forgetting anything else around you.. Musicality is the name of the game with this one ....Nevertheless all the details are still there , but not in your face leaving room for airyness and vocals to shine.
Another unique thing about this set is that once you turn up the volume there is no way back but only keep increasing the volume all the way up to the end .........The sound remains coherent even at the loudest volume .Constinstency even under extreme high pitched volume is the main characteristic of this earphone. It is the absolute definition of a superbly balanced sound exceeding anyone's expectations....
Have to mention at this point that this set is so very easy to drive with pretty much anything as a source but despite that fact it also scales pretty amazing with better sources(daps-amps.) The better the source.. the better the whole experience gets...for example paired with Hiby R5 Gen II (A class amp mode) ends in an even more dynamic presentation of sound with faster attacks and even more natural decays do not be afraid to turn up the just gets better and better....a complete sonic experience .

10th Anniversary edition IEM Official graph

10th graph.jpg

Besides the obvious bass elevation (guessing somewhere between 5 to 8 dbs at the lowest sub bass region) there is also a dip around 6 to 8 Khz to help the vocals come front smoothly with lushness/spaciouness and to provide any harsh or metallic/artificial feeling on the lower trebles
Other than that from 20Hz to 500Hz according to this FR graph there's a very smooth transition from mid bass region to the lower midrange which is the true case here and always according to my hearing ability there's no bass bleed to the lower mids/midrange which comes front crystal clear and lush as well.......



1 million dollar question follows
: how can any bass response be so precise,tight,agile,vigorous and vast,enormous at the same time ? I wonder my self how can this be even possible..believe it or not this is the case here with this set of monitors. Never oveshadowing,never overwhelming the midrange but leaving the air to flow flawlessly those two small 6mm “chrystaline plated biofilm” DDs are responsible for all those aformentioned things above.......showcasing brilliant texture and attacks it's s impactfull as an earthquake,and precise as a spirit level.................
Never bleeds into the mids area ,never oveshadowing the rest of the spectrum and capable of producing goose bumps in any track upon it is called for...Transients are fast,decays are too perfect to be true and the bass timbre has a unique analogue feeling in terms of representation of the recordings........from 20 to 250 Hz everything is vibrant, alive and kicking. Sub bass frequencies in particular are more than noticeable making a big time difference there providing the appropriate rumble and vibration when and each time are called for duty.....

A perfect example of that tremendous and well controlled bass / sub bass would be the following track :

Demen - Ambur


This one could easily be a lost 4AD records jewel but it isnt...............The lower/lowest frequencies here do create the whole ambience and all the info between 250 and 20 Hz are responsible for the magic atmosphere along with the cymbal crushes at the higher registries and the addition of angelic female vocals.....And the 10th gets to be just perfect for this one as those DDs pushes effortlesly the air between the instruments leaving room at the same time for the female vocals to shine
speaking of 4ADs older treasure songs.......... this might be just perfect for the 10ths :

Dead Can Dance - Dawn of the iconoclast


it is beyond description this reproduction using the 10ths .....There s an most admirable absolute balance regading the majority of the physical instruments here ( Bass Trombone, Tuba ,military snare,Timbani,trompet,violas and violins all together work as an entity flawing in perfect harmony along with Gerrad's most precious vocals producing this way a most unique rare moment in time and place. A trully unique experience


It would be highly unfair to judge and grade this set from its tremendous bass abilities so guess what......mids have nothing to fear from that bass ,nothing at all,because mids are the main star of the show here showcasing the tuning craftmanship of Penon's most exquisite House Sound ,natural and lush,vibrant and spacious ,not to front ,not to back,somewhere in the middle of the stage ,not being shouty ,not being particularly laidback, but finding the correct spot and place in the scene . The timbre of both male and female vocals feels extremely natural and real to life. Silky smooth buttery spaciousness would be the most precise definition of the vocals and in all cases they are represented with passion and intimacy providing a unique feeling of engangementwith the appropriate note weight and presence for both male and female vocalists .But the absolute victory for this set is the amount of air rendered and the illusion that provides to the listener that every tiny element and cue from the recording floats inside/outside your head in perfect place and harmony

Listening to Divine Comedy's "A lady of a certain age" is such a treat on these babys..... all the strings of the orchestra sound so natural there without the slightest hing of artificiallity or harshness,the timbre of Hanon's voice is so humanly warm and correct and blends tremendously well with the rest of the instruments

Divine Comedy - A lady of a certain age


As for vocal lovers i strongly suggest to listen to the next one :

Autumn's Grey Solace - Absent the body


This is the romantic aspect of the 10th's representing in the best possible aspect their majestic midrange which is lush .spacious ,dream like.....the female singer in this song extends here angelic voice up to the highest possible and the result using this set listening is beyond anyone's imagination. the wideness of the scene here is remarkable the electric quitars and bass quitars portaying such an intensity and cohesiveness with remarkable reverb and decay rarely to be found in any reproduction its so damned electrifying the whole experience with the 10ths ,and all the magic happens in that addictive midrange where all instruments works together as a unity bringing us a whole different universe of sound.


Easily the most natural and airy ESTs I have personally heard in any monitor in my small experience and always till now .imagine this one like a projection of your hearing ability …...a repair of your hearing loss towards the higher registries , avoiding in every genre artificial or metallic sounding.......
cymbals,hi-hats,violins,strings everything here sounds natural and sweet
Absolutelly zero sibilance or hotness.
so smooth,so velvet, Unbelievable amount of microdetails to sounds and instrument lines due to this successfull implementation. A Knowles BA and Sonion ESTs along with the masterclass tuning brought by the masters at Penon

two particular tracks showcasing those ESTs strengh ,coherence and admirable microdetail retrieval follows right after :

36 - Minerva


"minerva" coming from 36 is a modern ambient masterpiece mostly worked on higher registries and manages to create such a strong sense of atmosphere using Ableton Live that can really travel you away from this this case the way 10th easily handles both lower and higher frequencies so effortlesly and smoothly that results in a unique mesmerising experience.............the stage using this set of monitors takes off our small solar system to discover the rest of our galaxy........everything feels like floating away and beyond our dimentions into ethereal realm...............

Glass Moon - Leland Whitty


Leland , produced an absolutely beautiful solo record last year and in this particular track every physical instrument like double bass is a real treat with the 10ths....The sound gets immediatelly addictive just right from the begging of the song takes you in, absorbs your mind.. right from the very first seconds.......,double bass,flutes,drums,Rhodes etc.... showcasing an utterly natural timbre,true to the original recording, i suppose you ll be 100% surprised of how close to real life this track sounds in terms of correct and natural sound reproduction .but particularly when it comes to strings it just feels like you re in the concert hall or the studio recording session,your choise..........




EST112 from DUNU is a tribrid monitor with a 13.5 mm DD Driver with Dual-Sided Beryllium Coating ,one Custom Knowles BA tweeter and 2 Sonion EST supertweeters
I loved those straight out of the box ,for their vast wide soundstage,their polished sound,their clarity,their unbelievable detail retrieval.BUT as far as bass goes (strangely enough having a large 13.5 woofer) is way too polite if you compare it directly with a monitor like the 10th.The impact is missing, the sub bass kick lacks of energy, something that PENON AUDIO is a really a specialist at.Though EST112΄s treble is really something else (propably the most airy treble i personally had ever heard utill the 10th arrived) it lacks some energy ,weight,or body i would say.On the contrary this is not the case with the 10ths where the body and sparkle goes hand by hand with the sub bass providing authority and definition to every single note.....
As far as resolution goes i believe the 10th has slightly the upper hand overt the EST112 in big orchestras and symphonic tracks. apart from that EST112 is really a pain in the ass as far as fit goes (using azla sedna tips was the only way for these really heavy monitors to stay tight on my ears) while the 10th obtains superb fit and comfort way beyond competition.................

vs ISN EST50


EST 50s was to me love Love at first audition if it wasn't for the 10th to invade in my life it would still be my all time favorite monitor. ISN AUDIO is a true master as far BASS goes and in this case their flagship EST50s is the perfect proof of what happens when a group of proffesional engineers who happens to love bass frequencies a little more than the rest of the spectrum........... are doing their best effort to bring such a miracle as the EST50s.Here the midrange is taken care by a SONION BA driver which make the mids so ,so ,so, beautifull and sweet ,p to the point where you simply forget how marvelous the bass sounds ,and the upper treble uses 2 Sonion ESTs micro tweeters so this results in a perfect natural representation of the higher regions.but here comes the 10ths tremendous ABSOLUTE BALANCE with a bass full of authority that does not overshadows the midrange under any circurmstances which unfortunatelly is not the case with EST50s but thats reallity am afraid so win something/you lose something else.....i do love those two almost the same ,just a hint more the 10ths i being the more natural and spacious sounding one.Both are amazing earphones at their price and both worth every single dollar.



is a warm and bass friendly monitor with a HUGE FUN SIGNATURE closer to ISN EST50 than PENON 10th
MEXT is indeed a perfect all rounder, ideal for bass lovers obtaining a huge soundstage,top tier resolution ,fantastic mids and fascinating treble response.
nevertheless i have to admit that I was quite surprised during this comparison cause instantly upon first listen the 10ths felted immediately more spacious and wide open sounding with a tremendous sense of a head stage i personally never had to the luck to hear before.........
In terms of airy/spaciousness feeling though this is quite subjective I would say those two are completely on par with the 10ths being just a touch more advance in terms of clarity and stage
in terms of timbre / note weight bot are natural and realistic with remarkable note weight while the MEXT is clearly the warmer one with a much warmer/darker more of an obscure tonality all that in the cost of total clarity something that the 10th has clearly the upper hand
Due to this reason the MEXT has a noticeable depth in the scene which helps a lot to create a superb 3D hollographic soundstage.
...... in the other hand the 10ths being more airy, provides a more open feeling to the listener (in the midrange) leaving room for the vocals to breathe and make room for clarity to prevail across the entire FR there....
The MEXT is more of an organic/analoque sounding monitor thus more thick / dark sounding while the 10ths is by far more wide in terms of stage and airy one

vs Oriolus Szalayi


The Szalayi is a most capable tribrid monitor relatively new in the market ,obtaining a 14mm Planar Diaphragm Driver along with a High-Performance Balanced Armature Driver & a 10mm Dynamic Driver.
The Szalayi says : " Do you really want to mess around with the ABSOLUTE GOD OF BASS ?? " :beyersmile::beyersmile::beyersmile:
The 10th answers : " well......maybe i would so....."
at this point take under consideration that the SZAs (Szalayi that is) are adressed mainly to BassHead territory because its really a dramatic , tremendous , vast Bass experience more like the EST50s from ISN AUDIO
.............and its a tough competition out there as well.............i like both the 10ths & SZAs in them in terms of bass reproduction both are my cup of tea actually BUT stage wise i have to give the open feeling and air to the 10ths while the depth of the scene to SZAs which really obtain a remarkable depth due to their tuning actually and their driver implementation. Both sound natural with excellent timbre in about everything but in terms of tonallity i would go with the 10th its simply more close to what i find as correct and true.


From my side at least i cannot reccomend enough PENON 10th. I really believe this time PENON audio engineers really surpassed themselves making this fabulous set of monitors.BUT they should be remarkably proud of it as this set is supposed to bethe landmark for PENON's 10th anniversary in audio manufacturing business
It is an absolute TOTL, regardless of their price to faithfully reproduce any kind of recording or music genre effortlessly ,and the main point is that the 10th has nothing to envy from much higher priced monitors coming from well established companies , or monitors using more sophisticated implementations.
All this for barely 499 bucks.....
Engagement is the name of the game here, and those 10ths definitely deliver that. it's one of the most engaging and addictive as well monitors I have ever listened to. If musicality and absolute balance goes hand by hand in your prefferences then you re getting one hell of a deal here ..................................
Thanks for reading this much.............


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@alexandros a
Congratulations............on finding the 10th Anniversary. Also I’m happy to read it’s your favorite, as the 10th is my favorite Penon too. Being able to playback any genre with any device is the tour de force of personal audio. Ohh......and by the way, they sound luscious doing it too. They really are end-game, which is ridiculous for $499.00.
CT007 you are right, I always thought that all these review were in some way biased. For example, me, trusting in all these reviews have bought isn h50 and I found it horrible and in two days I need to sell them. I reviewed them here and gave them 4 stars cause they have some strengths but maybe I'd give them 3 stars.

I gave them 4 cause I respect a lot other PENON products cause I have vortex, serial and have had fan2 that are truly gems! And also love PENON assistance and speed in response and give solutions for your needs!

So PENON is a 5 star company and until now I love all their iems,but I have to say that when I tried to give 2 stars to isn S2 cable on their site they censured this score... and yes this is not fair!!!!

I find the 10th anniversary so ugly, esthetically speaking, but if they will make a good discount maybe in the future I will try them.
marcos antônio
marcos antônio
CL007 I agree with you .It's very strange and well observed, it seems that everything they launch are excellent products with no negatives, I'm not saying that it isn't because I own the Globe and I really like them but I would never give it 5 stars but 4 but it's close to my taste but Fan2 it was a total disappointment, lifeless iem, there is no treble in it because I don't even like iem with intense trebles because I'm sensitive to that region but in it I had to raise the upper mids and treble anyway to hear metal it didn't please me, the mids are well filled out and there is no lack of weight in this region however it doesn't have much impact and the guitars sound a little dull, I bought it allowing myself to be influenced by critics and I was disappointed, it's not all that they say and it's not even a matter of taste but of logic, no You can tell how sincere the criticisms are.
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