Audio-GD DI-20
Apr 20, 2024 at 7:14 AM Post #5,311 of 5,392
I have a bit of a story with some questions for the more digital-minded among us.
System - PC with jcat usb xe + clock + external psu -> DI20HE with external clock -> Dave/Gustard R26 with external clock -> Primavera
I always leave my gear running 24/7 ( except the PC and the amplifier ).

Over the last two months I've had some post covid problems - tinnitus, ears blocking etc. About two weeks ago it started getting better, but I started having real issues with listening - the treble got super hot, I felt like the soundstage was half the size it used to be. The sounds felt metalic, piercing, unpleasant. I thought that covid changed the way I hear. I stopped enjoying listening, even purchased used Gustard R26 a few days ago to replace Dave, because I thought it might be smoother. And it was slightly easier to listen to, but still not great.

Today I tried to play some music - tidal doesn't work. I check my gear, turns out during the night power cable from my power supply for JCAT USB card slipped out. So I plug it back in - DI20HE doesn't work, goes apesh**. The dac shows signal/no signal changes like 20 times a minute. Happened to me before - when jcat card encounters some issues, the DI20HE will not work properly until reset. So I decided to turn DI20HE off, cable out, waited 30 s, turned it back on. Didn't reset the clock or the DAC.
And the sound is back. The treble is no longer piercing. The timbre is much more natural, less metalic tint. There is height in the soundstage, double the width, better extension. It is back to what I used to have a couple of weeks ago.
Can someone explain to me what the *#$@* did just happen?
Am I imagining things? Is it even possible?
I'm not talking about subtle changes, this is pretty big - at least I think so.
I've only heard about leaving the gear on making it better, but this is the exact opposite.
Apr 20, 2024 at 7:19 AM Post #5,312 of 5,392
I have a bit of a story with some questions for the more digital-minded among us.
System - PC with jcat usb xe + clock + external psu -> DI20HE with external clock -> Dave/Gustard R26 with external clock -> Primavera
I always leave my gear running 24/7 ( except the PC and the amplifier ).

Over the last two months I've had some post covid problems - tinnitus, ears blocking etc. About two weeks ago it started getting better, but I started having real issues with listening - the treble got super hot, I felt like the soundstage was half the size it used to be. The sounds felt metalic, piercing, unpleasant. I thought that covid changed the way I hear. I stopped enjoying listening, even purchased used Gustard R26 a few days ago to replace Dave, because I thought it might be smoother. And it was slightly easier to listen to, but still not great.

Today I tried to play some music - tidal doesn't work. I check my gear, turns out during the night power cable from my power supply for JCAT USB card slipped out. So I plug it back in - DI20HE doesn't work, goes apesh**. The dac shows signal/no signal changes like 20 times a minute. Happened to me before - when jcat card encounters some issues, the DI20HE will not work properly until reset. So I decided to turn DI20HE off, cable out, waited 30 s, turned it back on. Didn't reset the clock or the DAC.
And the sound is back. The treble is no longer piercing. The timbre is much more natural, less metalic tint. There is height in the soundstage, double the width, better extension. It is back to what I used to have a couple of weeks ago.
Can someone explain to me what the *#$@* did just happen?
Am I imagining things? Is it even possible?
I'm not talking about subtle changes, this is pretty big - at least I think so.
I've only heard about leaving the gear on making it better, but this is the exact opposite.
I have no idea what exactly happened but I'm super happy about you getting your sound back

Couple days ago I had to restart my DI20 because Windows would not play anything and yet the Amanero was showing, this does not concern me at all as I'm so very used to have all kind of problems but I'll power off/on my gear from time to time
Apr 20, 2024 at 7:26 AM Post #5,313 of 5,392
I have a bit of a story with some questions for the more digital-minded among us.
System - PC with jcat usb xe + clock + external psu -> DI20HE with external clock -> Dave/Gustard R26 with external clock -> Primavera
I always leave my gear running 24/7 ( except the PC and the amplifier ).

Over the last two months I've had some post covid problems - tinnitus, ears blocking etc. About two weeks ago it started getting better, but I started having real issues with listening - the treble got super hot, I felt like the soundstage was half the size it used to be. The sounds felt metalic, piercing, unpleasant. I thought that covid changed the way I hear. I stopped enjoying listening, even purchased used Gustard R26 a few days ago to replace Dave, because I thought it might be smoother. And it was slightly easier to listen to, but still not great.

Today I tried to play some music - tidal doesn't work. I check my gear, turns out during the night power cable from my power supply for JCAT USB card slipped out. So I plug it back in - DI20HE doesn't work, goes apesh**. The dac shows signal/no signal changes like 20 times a minute. Happened to me before - when jcat card encounters some issues, the DI20HE will not work properly until reset. So I decided to turn DI20HE off, cable out, waited 30 s, turned it back on. Didn't reset the clock or the DAC.
And the sound is back. The treble is no longer piercing. The timbre is much more natural, less metalic tint. There is height in the soundstage, double the width, better extension. It is back to what I used to have a couple of weeks ago.
Can someone explain to me what the *#$@* did just happen?
Am I imagining things? Is it even possible?
I'm not talking about subtle changes, this is pretty big - at least I think so.
I've only heard about leaving the gear on making it better, but this is the exact opposite.
1. What are the jumper settings on JCAT?

Don’t change it from stock and leave them on. My friend has all kinds of problem since he switched off USB power to the DI20/HE.

2. Your mood

“Time, place, relation” can have such an impact an iPhone will sound as good as the system. Pressure in the ear, headaches …. The smallest things

3. My own problems with DI20s

Don’t gonna go there again, but firmware flash fixed it so far😎
Apr 20, 2024 at 8:08 AM Post #5,314 of 5,392
Can someone explain to me what the *#$@* did just happen?
Am I imagining things? Is it even possible?
I'm not talking about subtle changes, this is pretty big - at least I think so.
I've only heard about leaving the gear on making it better, but this is the exact opposite.
Will try, one of few possibilities, this one is most probably a cause. It started when JCAT lost power. A glitch of a power when swithing to the internal power disrupted USB connection and a driver (I know these drivers have issues) decided to renegotiate connection, dropping from UAC 2.0 asynchronous to some older transfer modes that brought jitter to the transmission. DI-20 do not PLL USB data, assuming it is jitter-free and your system rolled 20 years back to the era when USB had poor reputation on sound quality.

When you plugged power again, something in JCAT happened again, but it failed to restore connection this time. You can try to replicate a problem by unplugging JCAT power.

I am pretty sure, you didn't need to restart DI-20, as simply un/re-plugging USB cable would force JCAT to load proper drivers and start from a scratch. If you can replicate a problem, and re-plugging USB cable helps, then it would be confirmation for my assessment.
Apr 20, 2024 at 8:26 AM Post #5,315 of 5,392
Over the last two months I've had some post covid problems - tinnitus, ears blocking etc. About two weeks ago it started getting better, but I started having real issues with listening - the treble got super hot, I felt like the soundstage was half the size it used to be. The sounds felt metalic, piercing, unpleasant. I thought that covid changed the way I hear. I stopped enjoying listening, even purchased used Gustard R26 a few days ago to replace Dave, because I thought it might be smoother. And it was slightly easier to listen to, but still not great.
Just thought I’d pipe up here in solidarity on the Covid tinnitus front which I got a couple of months back… was pretty loud 24/7 for three weeks then took another month to calm down. Came with wierd compression and heightened sensitivity to certain sounds which was almost like super hearing… when cutting an apple the scrape of the knife on the flesh was super magnified. Thankfully it has pretty much gone now but still rears up on occasion. Scary stuff. As to the why of your gear reset helping.. no idea, will defer to the Audio-Gd experts here.
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Apr 20, 2024 at 8:42 AM Post #5,316 of 5,392
Jumper settings are stock. Haven't tried doing anything yet, I figured with the external PSU it shouldn't make that big of a difference.
First i turned the power on the DI20HE off and plugged the usb out but didn't wait long, didn't unplug the power cord and waited maybe 5-10 seconds. Plugged the USB back in, turned the unit back on. That did not fix the issue. Audio-GD(or rather amanero) was recognized by windows , but there was no sound. I was getting occasional hiss, but for short periods of time. The DAC was showing constant changes of source/no source. I tried changing the settings on DI20HE, changing the source, switching the external clock setting off - did not help either. I then plugged the USB cable directly to the gustard DAC and it worked flawlessly with JCAT -> DAC connection. Music and no issues, no hiss. The only thing that helped was the longer reset with power cord out - although i don't really know if power cord being in or out makes any difference. It feels like jcat power problem causes some kind of a crash in the DI20.

The DI20 crash is something I've experienced before - happened more frequently when i powered the JCAT card with the mobo. Never had anything like it when I just used a normal USB port btw. So I guess this is related to jcat card in some capacity.
What surprises me is, why did the sound change significantly after the reset? Maybe it is just placebo, but it has been two weeks of misery with this not-so-enjoyable presentation. And the sound is more or less back to what I've had for months, consistantly. Sounds finally come from behind, the soundstage isn't limited to 180 degrees. It is also much taller. Better extension, more air, more natural sound with much better timbre, not metallic anymore.

Sounds like complete BS, I know, which is why I'm asking - is there any possibility that the DI20HE started sounding worse and needed a reset? Or is it some uber level of placebo/my hearing just got better today in the most coincidental way.
Apr 20, 2024 at 9:51 AM Post #5,317 of 5,392
Sounds like complete BS, I know, which is why I'm asking - is there any possibility that the DI20HE started sounding worse and needed a reset? Or is it some uber level of placebo/my hearing just got better today in the most coincidental way.
Question is rather how data is transfered over USB. If transfer is not optimal, DI-20 nothing can do, as there is no PLL reclocking. DI-20 transfer data as is, timing is enforced according to its own oscilator (it is said specifically on the website), but if data do not arrive in a timeframe, it is filled by the Amanero with zero samples. Or some extraordinary samples are dropped, similar result on sound.

What happens if you power off DI-20 (but not unplug anything)? Do you still see Amanero as a sound device in Windows? If you do, then Amanero is always powered on and it needs to be reset by unplugging power cord.
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Apr 23, 2024 at 3:39 PM Post #5,318 of 5,392
Well, well, well. What have we here then?
Many thanks to @Mr Brett for the kind loan of his DI-20HE and so much more. I’ve heard quite a bit about the legendary DI-20HE, very much looking forward to listening to it.
So last night after rearranging my system including bringing back an old rack to make all the switching and connections manageable for my DDC and USB regen fiesta (3 DDCs & 2 USB regens ), I tried feeding the DI-20HE via USB from the LHY UIP. Had been working nicely doing this with UIP to Gustard U18 using a Tubulus Argentus I2S to my R26 DAC.

Unfortunately despite trying multiple settings on the DI20 to ensure I best matched the Gustard i2S pin config (option 2 an exact match apart from Pin 15 for DSD), and trying both Serial and Parallel modes I found my R26 was stuck on DSD, even though the source signal was PCM (I then changed it in HQP to DSD to at least be consistent) with sound only out of one channel, which was very distorted with a high level of hiss and really quiet distorted music. Tried restarting a few things incl the DI20 with no joy. Quite a bummer as was really looking forward to finally hearing it. 😕

It seems the dreaded Pin 15 incompatibility strikes again. For the record over on the R26 thread some owners with the DI-20HE got stuck on PCM, others, like me, on DSD. No rhyme or reason. It’s not the end of the world being stuck on DSD, I can work with that if I can just solve the distortion issue - hopefully not inextricably linked to the Pin 15 thing.

This evening I’ll give it another go taking the UIP out of the chain, going direct to my server. 🤞

Any suggestions as to other things I could try?
Apr 23, 2024 at 4:13 PM Post #5,319 of 5,392
I had a problem using that DI-20HE to my Gustard A22.

Had an Audience AU24SX AES/EBU cable.
Was fine with 16/44 tracks.
Anything Hi Res, and the A22 wasn't getting a clear signal, refusing to lock.
All I got was static.

Eventually switched to a Tubulus Argentus I2S.
No problems since.
Apr 23, 2024 at 5:20 PM Post #5,320 of 5,392
Unfortunately despite trying multiple settings on the DI20 to ensure I best matched the Gustard i2S pin config (option 2 an exact match apart from Pin 15 for DSD), and trying both Serial and Parallel modes I found my R26 was stuck on DSD, even though the source signal was PCM (I then changed it in HQP to DSD to at least be consistent) with sound only out of one channel, which was very distorted with a high level of hiss and really quiet distorted music.
It can be worse than with others getting stuck on PCM, I remember it was A26. As Gustard hasn't decided which one should be default in a case of no connection, so I suspect they left pin #15 floating having no pull-up or pull-down resistor. It is very bad practice, I would say a negligence, as without termination it can pickup static electricity and destroy interface chip. A wire floating on the source side pickup a noise and logic level is not guaranteed. I mean, it can temporary switch from DSD to PCM, producing cracks during DSD playback.

Cuting long story short, you need to attach resistors ~1 kOhms with a manual switch to ground or Vcc, forcing 0 or 1 logic level. Otherwise DSD playback might be useless too.
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Apr 23, 2024 at 5:29 PM Post #5,321 of 5,392
Cuting long story short, you need to attach resistors ~1 kOhms with a manual switch to ground or Vcc, forcing 0 or 1 logic level. Otherwise DSD playback nay be useless too.
Cheers for the feedback and suggestion. Seems likely it’s a pin 15 incompatibility I agree, R26 works fine with the Singxer SU-6 that provides for a signal on Pin 15 in one of its configs. If only there was a common i2S standard eh rather than the current free for all. For the purpose of this short term loan from @Mr Brett I can’t see myself modifying any cables so may have to use other connection types. Will try a few more things re i2S just in case, incl a different i2S cable.
Apr 23, 2024 at 6:01 PM Post #5,322 of 5,392
Cheers for the feedback and suggestion. Seems likely it’s a pin 15 incompatibility I agree, R26 works fine with the Singxer SU-6 that provides for a signal on Pin 15 in one of its configs. If only there was a common i2S standard eh rather than the current free for all. For the purpose of this short term loan from @Mr Brett I can’t see myself modifying any cables so may have to use other connection types. Will try a few more things re i2S just in case, incl a different i2S cable.
Is DSD important?
Apr 23, 2024 at 6:05 PM Post #5,323 of 5,392
Is DSD important?
The combo over i2S defaults to DSD ‘signal’ on the R26 display and you can’t change it, even of the source is PCM. Reason is on PIN 15 Gustard DACs expect a DSD on/off aignal that Audio-gd doesn’t send. So to get any sound at all need to change source music format in HQP or Roon to DSD to match what R26/DI20 combo is stuck on, but even then it has the distortion and one channel only I describe.
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Apr 23, 2024 at 6:08 PM Post #5,324 of 5,392
The combo over i2S defaults to DSD ‘signal’ on the R26 display and you can’t change it, even of the source is PCM. Reason is on PIN 15 Gustard DACs expect a DSD on/off aignal that Audio-gd doesn’t send. So to get any sound at all need to change source music format in HQP or Roon to DSD to match what R26/DI20 combo is stuck on, but even then it has the distortion and one channel only I describe.

I know about this I2S problem on the R26, how about the other inputs - same problem rooted in the Pin15?
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Apr 23, 2024 at 6:10 PM Post #5,325 of 5,392

I know about this problem on the Gustard how about the other inputs. Same problem rooted in the Pin15?
Will try other inputs tonight after work. I’m sure they’ll be fine.

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