Reviews by Muhamad Aditya

Muhamad Aditya

New Head-Fier
Pros: + Good quality & quantity of bass
+ Very good vocal presentation
+ Safe treble
+ Good technical for the price
+ Good fitting
+ Unique sound combination from the switch
Cons: - Bad packaging
- Treble may be too smooth for some people
- Bass may be too much for some people



Hello, this time I will review one of the newest line ups from CCA, namely Trio. Which is sold in Indonesia for 400 thousand rupiah. Let's talk about it straight away.

| PROS :
+ Good quality & quantity of bass
+ Very good vocal presentation
+ Safe treble
+ Good technical for the price
+ Good fitting
+ Unique sound combination from the switch

| CONS :
- Bad packaging
- Treble may be too smooth for some people
- Bass may be too much for some people

1. INTRO :

Before reviewing, I want to thank Yuwan Tara for the review unit. A little disclaimer for this review is purely my own personal opinion without any interference from other people. So if in the future there are differences in perception, that's normal.

For this review, I also purely used personal sources such as the HP Redmi Note 10 Pro & DAC Dongle Sonata BHD. For the iem itself, I used the default stock cable & silicon eartips without any particular modifications.

There is also a little information regarding the completeness of this IEM, which is the same as KZ CCA in general, which the majority already know. Which consists of an iem that has a switch feature, a mainstream cable from kz, 3 pairs of kz starline eartips, 1 pair of foam eartips, a switch control device & an instruction manual.

As for the build itself, it's standard, most of the housing is made of plastic with a metal faceplate. As for the fitting, I didn't have any problems with my ears, even though this iem is quite fat, the diameter of the housing is quite small so it feels comfortable to listen to. In this review, I also used the stock switch, that is, all the switches are in the off position. The explanation of the switches will be discussed later. This last information is not too heavy, but it is recommended to at least use a dongle. For me, using a Sonata BHD dongle is good for driving this IEM on Jack 3.5 with 40% low gain.

Hey, that's all for the intro, let's just discuss the sound.


- This trio has bass that can be said to be quite large in quantity, slightly different from Rhapsody.
- The portion is slightly dominant in the midbass area, the impact of the banging feels really solid & the texture is also nice.
- As for the subbass itself, the extension still feels pretty good, the depth is good & the rumbling is also nice.
- The bass speed itself is still quite good, it's still good for double pedaling, in terms of control it's also good, the bass doesn't bleed into the mids.
- Overall, for this DDDD switch version, the bass is still a fun bass & is presented very well, even though the quantity is quite large, the quality is still maintained very well. For the price, this is one of my favorite basses.
- Score (8.5/10)

- The mid position of this trio is a bit back behind the bass, however this trio has good separation so it doesn't close or mix with the bass, it just feels separated so it's steady.
- In terms of weight, this trio has a mid weight, you could say it's medium, not thin or thick. Make the female vocal portion good & the male vocals still quite good too. You could say it's quite balanced.
- The vocal presentation itself is also good, clean, open, energetic, feels quite natural & minimal peaks or sibilance.
- As for the timbre of the instrument itself, the weight is also right, it feels natural without any boost or excess. So it feels very similar to the original.
- Overall the mids of this trio are also presented very well. From the vocals which are quite balanced & natural to the instrument presentation which is also quite good. For the price, this is quite okay.
- Score (8/10)

- This trio has treble characteristics which are actually a bit smooth, but still quite good in terms of presentation.
- From the extension, it still feels quite good, there is an airy impression too, from the clarity & detail it is also still good, the most important thing is that the treble trio has minimal peaks or none at all, giving a harsh impression. Yes, the treble may not be good for people who like treble, only on one side, the treble trio is very suitable for those who are treble sensitive.
- Yes, overall the treble trio can be said to be the weakest sector compared to the bass and mids, but the presentation is still well taken care of, so it still feels quite good even though it's not as good as the presentation of the bass and mids.
- The score is (7.5/10)

- The technicalities of this trio are quite good for the price, from the soundstage which is quite spacious, which is dominant on the right and left, the depth is also still good, while the height is still quite okay.
- The separation & layering is still quite good for the price, it feels separated & the pin points are quite accurate, especially for mainstream music, maybe it's a bit of a hassle for complex music.
- For Transient speed, it's still quite good.
- For resolution, clarity, detail & micro detail, it is still pretty good even though the price is not the best. Not as good as conch, dfi switch or cra pro. (8/10)


- Basic Switches :
~ Switch 1 On: Bass increases 1 dB
~ Switch 1&2 On: Bass increases by 2 dB
~ Switch 3 On: Mid & Treble add 1dB
~ Switch 3&4 On: Mid & Treble add 2 dB

- Custom Switch Recommendations from me :

~ Custom UUDD Switch : This is really suitable for semi bassheads, the bass quantity feels like it has increased quite a lot & the bass feels super dominant. The jedag jedug bass on this switch is great, making EDM or dangdutan delicious on this switch combination. The only weakness is that other sectors are a bit closed, especially the treble, so it seems like it's hidden. But again, if you're a basshead, you really must try this switch combination.

~ Custom Switch DDUU : This switch combination is really suitable for those who feel that the stock version has too much bass, because the combination of this switch is quite sharp in the bass area & also quite improved in the mid & treble area. The vocals are clearer, more advanced & more open. It feels really boosted in the mids, while the treble section feels really wider, more open. Yes, overall you could say this is an alternative for those who want to be different from the basic trio tuning which is dominant in the bass, you can choose this switch combination.

~ Custom Switch UUDU : This switch combination is one of my favorites. The bass does feel bigger & similar to the UUDD combination, but by raising switch 4, it feels like the mid area is more open & the treble isn't closed off to the bass. So the sound seems more fun & dynamic. From the big, majestic & powerful bass. But the mid & treble area remains open & clear.

~ Custom Switch UDUU : This combination is also one of my favorite combinations. For the mid & treble area, it is similar to the DDUU switch. But adding switch 1 which is on makes the bass feel more fun but not overpowering compared to the DDUU switch.

~ Custom Switch UUUU : This combination is classified as improving all frequencies, from the bass which increases in quantity & the mid-high area which feels more open & present. Yes, you could say that the trio feels more musical with this switch combination.



- Bass :
Tonally, it is clear that both are almost identical, both are dominant in the bass area. In terms of quantity, Rhapsody's bass is clearly a little bigger, Rhapsody and its sub-bass feel deeper, more magnificent & in terms of rumbling it's also a little better than the trio. But for the midbass, the trio feels better in terms of impact, texture & control.

- Mid :
For the mid area, I prefer the trio to be honest. The mid execution in the trio feels better, in terms of weight, vocal quality or timbre, it feels much better in the trio. The mid rhapsody still feels thin, the vocals or timbre are also a bit less natural.

- Treble :
For this sector, the trio treble feels smoother, while the Rhapsody has more sparkling treble. As for the extension, Rhapsody also feels better. But Rhapsody's treble still feels thin and piercing, while the treble trio is really safe. Yes, this is just my taste, if you like treble, you still prefer Rhapsody, but for those who are sensitive, you prefer trio.

- Technical :
For this sector, Rhapsody feels better, especially in terms of resolution, clarity, detail & micro detail. In this section, I feel that Rhapsody is superior to the trio. The rest are technically similar, both are classified as having good technical skills in their price class.


This CCA Trio iem actually has good & unique potential. He has quite a varied voice from his switch combinations which are quite influential. For the price itself, it's pretty good value in terms of sound, this trio has unique tonal & technical qualities that are quite good for the price. However, the completeness still hasn't changed.

As for the fitting, I don't have any complaints at all, it's quite comfortable to my ears, as for the build, there's no complaints about the price, overall for the price, this trio is quite an attractive item. Suitable for people who like iems that prioritize the bass without sacrificing other sectors. My overall score for this iem is (8/10).


Hey, that's all my review, sorry if there are any wrong words or sentences that you don't like. Thank You...
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Muhamad Aditya

New Head-Fier
Pros: + V-Shape Fun
+ Good Treble Execution
+ Good Technical
Cons: - Thin Vocal
- Standard Packaging


1 . INTRO :

Before reviewing, I would like to once again say thank you to Yuwan Tara for the unit loan. Disclaimer: This review is also subjective based on my personal opinion using sources & my personal playlist. For the source, I used a Tempotec Sonata BHD DAC & all the accessories used also used the default IEM. Finally, for this review, I will also focus on discussing sound. As for fitting, build & completeness, it's really similar to the previous ZSN series which is very famous & what is certain is that the majority have already tried it, so there's no difference in terms of skipping Hehehe...

2 . SOUND :

- Bass :

+ The bass has medium quantity.
+ The portion is more inclined towards the subbass.
+ The bass has pretty good extension, feels deep & has pretty good rumbling.
+ For impact, the bass is also okay, it feels punchy.
+ Texturally it's also quite good.
+ The bass controls are also executed well.
+ In terms of speed, it's also good for speeding, it feels great without getting stuck.
+ Overall, for the price of 200 thousand, the bass is executed well. (8/10)

- MID :

+ For the mids, the presentation is set back compared to the lows & highs.
+ The mid has a thin weight.
+ The vocals have a slightly thin weight, making them more suitable for female vocals than male vocals. Plus there is also a boost in the uppermid area which makes the female vocals more advanced.
+ For the execution itself, the vocals feel clear, quite clear, feel open, the emotions are also good & feel sweet. For minimal peak & sibilance indications here, it's quite safe, which is very different from the old ZSN series.
+ As for the timbre itself, it still feels less natural.
+ Yes, overall the execution in the mid is quite good, even though it's not the best for the price, but it's much improved compared to the previous ZSN series. (7/10)


+ The treble is executed well, much improved from the old ZSN series.
+ The presentation is a little smoother than its famous predecessor haha, but it still feels open, detailed, extended & airy.
+ The body of the cymbal is a little thin.
+ On the other hand, there are no sharps or piercings like the previous ZSN which was famous for sharp piercings & ear therapy tools. Yes, the treble is quite enjoyable to enjoy for a long time.
+ Overall the treble is quite satisfying for me. (8.5/10)


+ Technically, you could say it's quite good for the price of 200 thousand.
+ The stage is wide, dominant in the wide area. The depth & height are quite good.
+ For imaging & layering, it feels pinpoint & quite accurate.
+ The separation is also good, it feels separate & doesn't bunch up.
+ For clarity, detail & micro detail, you could say it's good, so it's the best at a price of 200 thousand for me.
+ Overall the technical is quite good for the price. (8.5/10)


• VS Ziigaat Nuo :


+ ZSN PRO 2 feels more V-Shape than ziigaat nuo .
+ The bass extension is still good on the ZSN Pro 2, in terms of weight, both have similar quantities, the ZSN Pro 2 has a slightly better impact & is overall neater than the Nuo.
+ For vocals, it's the same as "Dominant on female vocals, only the execution of the ZSN Pro 2 is neater. It's clearer, clearer, sweeter & has fewer peaks or sibilance than the Nuo.
+ The treble on the ZSN Pro 2 feels a bit smoother, the extension is better on the ZSN Pro 2, more detailed & more open.
+ Technically, you could say that ZSN Pro's overall execution is better, perhaps because of the hybrid driver effect.



+ Obviously dfi is basically more neutral than zsn pro 2.
+ ZSN Pro 2 bass feels more fun while DFI feels flatter. In terms of quantity, the ZSN is slightly heavier than the thin DFI. In terms of bass extension, the ZSN Pro's bass texture & impact is better & wins over the DFI.
+ For the mid itself, DFI's execution is neater. It feels clearer, clearer, more natural & slightly heavier than the ZSN Pro 2.
+ The treble of the ZSN Pro 2 is better than the DFI, it feels more extended, more detailed, more open & more airy.
+ For technical matters, the ZSN Pro 2 can be said to be absolutely superior to the DFI, which is only slightly better in the clarity of the mid area.



+ Zsn pro 2 feels more V-Shape.
+ Make the bass thinner in zsn pro 2. Make the bass extension of the ZSN Pro 2 a little better. But the cra pro bass feels more fun, more balanced, the texture & impact is also better.
+ The mids clearly feel like the cra pro has a little more body, the vocals are also a little more balanced, the cra pro vocals also feel more advanced, more natural & sweeter. For ZSN the vocals feel clearer & clearer. For the vocals, both have minimal peaks or sibilance.
+ for the treble, the treble body on the ZSN Pro 2 feels thinner, but from the treble extension it feels better, more detailed & airy too. The treble is better on the ZSN Pro 2. But for long listening it's better on cra pro.
+ for technical reasons, ZSN Pro is better overall. Yes, it could be the hybrid driver effect.


KZ ZSN PRO 2 can be said to be a good item & is classified as underrated for its price, because perhaps many people are skeptical about the previous ZSN series which was known to be trash. You could say that the tuning is also more refined & a very significant improvement from the previous ZSN series. From neater tonal & better technical than the previous ZSN series. Yes, for me, this is a really good item for its current price. This iem is also one of my choices for iems under 300 thousand. Overall score (8/10).


Hey, that's all. I want to remind you once again that this review is subjective, everyone returns to their own opinion & always trust their own ears. This review only helps to give a rough idea of the sound. The final determining factor is individual taste. Thanks ...
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Muhamad Aditya

New Head-Fier
Pros: + Fun sounding
+ Good bass execution
+ Good Treble execution
+ Great technical
Cons: - Thin midrange
- Poor Packaging for the price


Hallo this mission is to review one of the iems from kz, namely the kz symphony which has a hybrid driver configuration with a plannar + DD combination. How does it sound? Just look at the review.

1 . INTRO :

Before starting the review, I would like to thank Uncle Yuwan Tara once again for the unit loan. Disclaimer: This review is purely my opinion using the Symphony cable & eartips plus the Tempotec Sonata BHD DAC supported by the Redmi Note 10 Pro + Yt music with my personal playlist. Well, it won't take long." Just get on with it.



Still the same as KZ in general which many people know. So don't discuss it too much, okay? 🤧


You could say the housing is really good or not, but it's not bad either. It's not bad, the faceplate is made of metal with the bottom made of plastic/resin. But the feeling of being heard honestly doesn't feel cheap, it's comfortable & feels solid.


The housing is relatively large, but I find it comfortable in my ears, more comfortable than the Rhapsody or AS16 Pro x. However, perhaps this is not a universal housing size, so you have to be careful.


- BASS :

The bass is the best sector for me. He has quite a large quantity of bass which is quite dominant in the sub bass area with deep extension coupled with very steady rumbling. He also has good bass control, in terms of impact the bass is really nice, the bass is very addictive, in terms of texture the execution is also good, finally, even though the quantity is big, he has a speed bass that's fast enough to double pedal it's still good. Overall the bass execution is good for me so the score is (9.5/10).

- MID:

The mid presentation is quite backward compared to the bass or treble. The weight is also a bit thin, but I still appreciate that it still opens and doesn't close even though the position is backwards. The vocals have a thin body so they are better for female vocals than male vocals. The presentation is actually quite good, clear, quite clear, quite sweet too & minimal sibilance. Timbre is also quite natural, even though I don't think it feels like plannar. Yes, overall the mid is not that good but it's still an okay score for me (7.5/10).


As for the treble, it feels very typical of Plannar, a bit reminiscent of Plannar PR3. The presentation is good, a bit smooth, but it has good extension, the Treble body is also right, the details are nice, airy & there is no sharpness or piercing like that. Overall good execution for the treble, score (8/10).


Technically, it also feels distinctively planned, the presentation is neat. From clarity, detail & micro detail, it's great. From the stage it also feels spacious, slightly dominant in the wide area with good depth & height presentation. The execution in imaging & layering is also good, it feels accurate, the separation is also neat. Overall, this IEM also has a good technical execution, with a score of (8.5/10).



Obviously Sonus is more balanced in execution but Symphony is much more fun than Sonus for me. From the bass, the symphony is more fun overall, the bass execution is better than the Aonus. As for the mids, the Sonus is better, the vocals are sweeter, clearer, more full-bodied & more balanced than the symphony, although the indication of sibilance is more pronounced on the Sonus. As for the Treble, you could say it's equal, technically it's still 11 12 for me.


KZ Symphony is probably not getting enough attention because people are skeptical about KZ products that cost over a million. But to be honest, for me personally, this is actually a good song if you look at the sound. Can compete with IEM in its class like Sonus. Although I have to admit that for a 1 million IEM, the packaging isn't really original, it feels like I bought an IEM for 100 thousand. But if you don't see it, this iem still has value because the sound is quite unique for me, namely V-Shape, but executed properly, it could be one that you have to try.

6 . NOTES :

This iem is quite heavy and requires quite a lot of power to unleash its potential, but it's not as heavy as the Lord PR2, so don't worry. When I use Tempotec Sonata BHD, I just use low gain at 70-80% volume. Usually it just sticks to 50%. It is recommended that you use a source that has a balanced jack at least, don't use a cheap DAC.
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yea the more I'm listening to it, the more I dislike the thin vocals, and the bass sometimes overpowers the mids, especially when using the AZ20 Bluetooth adaptor.
Muhamad Aditya
yes, because symphony is not the type of iem for vocals

Muhamad Aditya

New Head-Fier
Pros: + Good Build Quality
+ Depth Bass
+ Good Bass Impact
+ Clear Vocal
+ Good Treble Extension
+ Very Good Technical
Cons: - Bad Packaging
- Tricky Fitting
- Texture Bass Not So Good
- Timbre BA Still Feel It
- The Vocal Body Is A Bit Thin


Hi, let me post a review here. On this occasion, I happened to have the opportunity to review one of the newest iems from KZ, namely the KZ AS16 PRO How about a review? So just take a look...


Before starting the review, I would like to thank Yuwan Tara for lending me the unit for my review. Disclaimer also, even though this is a loan unit for this review, this is purely my own opinion & writing without any mixture from other parties, so I apologize if the review is not good or not suitable 🙏. Finally, for this review, I purely used the eartips & cable that came with the iem so that the output was pure sound from the iem, for the source I used a Redmi Note 10 Pro cellphone & DAC dongle Tempotec Sonata BHD, finally for the media I used YouTube music. OK, that's all for the intro, let's get straight to the review.


- Packaging :

Firstly, what about the packaging, there hasn't been any improvement in this segment from KZ, with the KZ Starline eartips being less comfortable & the vermicelli cable being of ordinary quality. The most different but like "what are you doing" is the box which is a bit bigger & the items are colored. The rest really has no difference or improvement at all. The score (6/10)

- Build :

As for the housing build, it's quite good, it's made of resin which is relatively solid & comfortable to listen to. Coupled with a nozzle made of aluminum. Yes, for a no complaints build, it might not be the best but it's good enough for me. The score (7/10)

- Fittings :

This fitting is a bit tricky, for me, who has rather large ears, this isn't a problem at all, but maybe for some people it could be a problem in itself. It has a fairly large housing similar to the Rhapsody cca but with a rather large & long nozzle. So for small ears it might not be suitable. The score (6.5/10)


- Bass :

It has a medium bass quantity, slightly more dominant in the sub-bass section with good extension in the rumbling which is quite okay, the bass is quite clean, the speed is also quite fast, the impact is also quite good, but unfortunately the bass texture is not as good or not as good as the IEM single dd generally. For the bass, the score is (7.5/10)

- Mid :

As for the Mid itself, it has a rather thin weight. For the male vocals it's not too good, for the female vocals it's still okay, for me the female vocals are still good here. The vocal presentation is quite advanced, clear, open, energetic, clarity is also good & quite sweet. Sibilance & shouty are also minimal here. Unfortunately the timbre is still a little less natural, the BA sensation is still felt even though it is minimal. Yes, for the mid the score is (6.5/10)

- Treble :

As for the Treble itself, the execution of this iem is quite good, a bit smooth but has good extension. The treble body is also quite good, not thin, the treble detail is also nice, there is an airy sensation & it doesn't feel sharp or piercing. Yes for the Treble the score is (8/10)

- Technical :

Technically, this iem is quite good. Dy has a fairly wide stage, the width is a bit more dominant, the depth-height is also good. From Clarity, detail & Micro detail the execution is also quite good.

The separation is also neat, the layering is also good, the imaging is also executed well, it feels 3D & the transient speed is also good. Overall the technical aspects of this iem are well executed & is the best segment in this iem. The score (8.5/10)


Honestly, when I made this review, I didn't know how much the price in Indonesia would be for the segment versus just being random.

- Versus 7hz Sonus :

It's clear that the overall execution of the Sonus tuning is much better, more balanced, more allrounder, maybe I just like the treble here better than the Sonus, it feels like the execution is better. The more bite, the better. Make a technical 11-12 or a little good sonus. Overall, I still prefer Sonus.

- Versus EPZ Q1 Pro :

In fact, I personally prefer the AS16 PRO Maybe in the mids the Q1 PRO wins hands down & the bass is also a bit better objectively. But in other sectors from bass, treble & technical. The AS16 PRO For the bass, maybe the AS16 PRO So I personally prefer AS16 PRO.


KZ AS16 PRO Yes, this iem could be an option if you want to try an iem with the sensation of multi BA configuration. Yes, for me personally, this is a must try. The overall score for this iem is (7.5/10).
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