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Letshuoer Cadenza 4










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New Head-Fier
Letshuoer Cadenza 4 Review: True Hybrid Virtuoso
Pros: Hybrid IEM with Sonion Knowles BA
Modular Cable & case
Mid-centric / Vocal focused
Good timbre
Sub-bass enphasis
Soundstage, Separation & layering
Inoffensive treble
Easy to drive
Cons: Price could be high for someone
Slightly nasal mids (really difficult to notice, fixable with tips or Dac rolling)
Not for Bassheads
Not for Trebleheads


The Letshuoer Cadenza 4 was sent to me as a review sample from Ivy from Letshourer, for which I’m grateful!

After the opportunity to try the S12 Pro, S15, and DZ4, I will finally tell you my opinion on the Letshuoer Cadenza 4.

The collaboration with Heygears continues; lately, Letshuoer shells are all produced by them. The aesthetics are always very minimal but I must say that the workmanship of the shells is still excellent.

Unlike the others, this is the first hybrid I’ve tried from Letshuoer so comparisons will be made with other brands.

I’m not an audiophile; I’m just a guy that likes to test out different IEMs and DACs and spends a lot of time listening to music.

So I’m not going to use super technical words to review it, but I will do my best to describe it.

Tech Specs:​



The packaging is the one we have already seen on the Letshuoer S15. It differs in very small details that are difficult to notice. It looks like a box of expensive jewelry or a beautiful watch. In the upper part of the box, we find a small letter with manuals and QC inside and immediately below the Cadenza 4, while in the drawer below there are the following accessories:

  • Hard Case
  • Adapters
  • Cable
  • Tips

If there’s one thing I like about the Letshuoer standard equipment, it’s the modular cable (even if it’s a bit stiff). The tips are carefully chosen and give you two options. The case is not the most comfortable but certainly one of the most resistant. The quantity and quality of accessories are good.

Design/Build quality:​

As you may have noticed, the Letshuoer Cadenza 4 follows the aesthetics of the DZ4 and S15. Letshuoer has been collaborating with 3D printing company HeyGears for a while now. The aesthetics are very minimal; they may not appeal to everyone, but I would like to say that on the aesthetic side, there are IEMs with superior aesthetics. In any case, the use of 3D printing allows you to create precise structures for the internal parts and probably also the tubing of the drivers. I’m not particularly interested in aesthetics but if I had to choose, it would be for the shells made from solid aluminium. The Letshuoer Cadenza 4 is still a nice sight. The faceplates are made of metal, which is very simple on the aesthetic side. We see that on the shell we only have one ventilation hole. The nozzle is massive and could annoy some but the shape is perfect as far as I’m concerned.

This time, the configuration is hybrid! We have a 10mm beryllium dynamic driver coupled with 3 balanced armatures. The first balanced armor is a Sonion, while the other 2 are Knowles. A decidedly interesting configuration already makes you understand why the price is a little high.


As already mentioned, the shape of the shells is one of the best so far. The most classic forms are often the best and this proves the theory. They are very light and extremely comfortable. The original tips are both fine if you don’t want to replace them but I still used the Tangzu Sancai wide-bore ones. Decent insulation but not perfect.

Initial sound impression:​

At first listen, I noticed its medium-centric tendency. It’s not a bad thing but I noticed it immediately because I spent weeks with Simgot in my ears. I went from something with a certain brightness and definition to something that has a certain roll-off at high frequencies. It makes everything very safe and appealing to a wider audience.

It winks at the Harman target, rather than V-shaped, I would say it is W-shaped or U-shaped at times. The sound has a warm, lush note that is extremely pleasant. All in all, there is an excellent balance between all frequencies, with a slight preference for the mids. Everything sounds particularly natural; the sub-bass has a nice push that adds that depth that I like so much. Another very important thing is that it goes well with practically all musical genres.

Final sound impression:​

Equipment was used for the testing above.


  • iMac
  • Redmi Note 7 Snapdragon
  • Poco M4 Pro Mediatek

  • Amazon music UHD 24bit 96kHz (Both)
  • Spotify


My first impressions after about 20 hours of burn-in, in which I let them play without listening to them, are that the Letshuoer Cadenza 4 is a very interesting set and certainly, given the tuning chosen, many will like it. Furthermore, she goes with different musical genres. I started from EDM, D&B, R&B, Jazz, classical, and rap, and there isn’t a single genre in which I wasn’t surprised with the performance.

Letshuoer has created a good mix while remaining on the safe side. In terms of Dac/Dongle, you don’t need an exaggerated amount of power to drive them at their best but a good dongle with balanced output certainly helps them considerably. If you have something analytical and neutral, even better! Its slightly warm nature is mitigated by analytics dongles such as the EPZ TP50, Fosi DS2 or Fosi SK02. The synergy it has with the Simgot DEW4X is particular, which presents a superior soundstage. Personally, I think it is the combination that I like the most and that I will continue to use for the review.

Tips Rolling?​

Tips Rolling
Tips Rolling

An upgrade of the tips is not strictly necessary but the Tangzu Sancai Wide Bore had just arrived and I thought I’d try them. The nozzle practically comes to be totally free in your ear, avoiding reductions in soundstage. Excellent combo.

The Divinus velvets, as usual, prove to be universal; every headset you mount them on will give you the perfect seal and improved comfort. In terms of sound, I didn’t notice an exaggerated change from the stock balanced tips. Maybe less bass.

The Dunu S&S I didn’t think they could be suitable for the Cadenza 4 and instead I had to change my mind. They move the IEM away from the ear a little but we remain in our comfort zone. The difference compared to the Tangzu is a slightly less full bass, brighter mids and slightly more refined highs. Obviously, the soundstage is wider and I can tell you that all in all, it has an excellent result if you are willing to sacrifice a bit of bass.

In my opinion, the included SS20 similar tips are exceptional, even the others are not bad at all for being stock. You don’t need a real upgrade but if you have some tips rolling at home, it never hurts.



I must say that with the Tangzu wide bore tips, the basses have a very pleasant level up, the sealing obtained is perfect, andthe insertion is also quite deep. The bass quantity is not high, but the 10 mm single DD returns a rich, warm, and textured bass. Let’s be clear: it’s not at a basshead level but it still makes itself felt. The one that is properly emphasized is the sub-bass, which adds the rumble and the right rich and deep vibration. Honestly, very pleasant bass in the quantity that I would have liked to hear on the Simgot. A slight emphasis, without exaggerating, is an excellent combination with the mids.


The mids are the real protagonists of Letshuoer Cadenza 4. They present themselves ahead of everything, making the vocals and instruments alive and rich in detail. Track after track, we become more and more sympathetic to this kind of choice. A silky representation of the voices, which are all extremely exciting, the instruments are particularly well sounding and natural. I only notice a very light nasal note and a very small haze on some tracks. Let’s say that it isn’t noticeable that much and perhaps it is precisely this touch that gives a certain warmth and sense of reality to the voices. The precise separation of frequencies here becomes much clearer, the tubing of the drivers is well done, and the sounds are all in their place without invading regions that do not belong to them. What is perhaps missing is a slight extra sparkle on the highs, which causes some detail to be lost.


As I already said, they didn’t exaggerate with treble extension. I can say that the choice certainly makes sense since many do not tolerate these frequencies very much, but those who tolerate them will certainly notice that some details are lost. Fortunately, the loss is not high and the highs are very fluid with good resolution, as they are not extremely high you cannot hear sharp highs. The IEM can be pushed at high volumes without reaching annoying peaks. The separation is excellent but for trebleheads, it could be considered warm and calm, even if, in the end, there is a good presence of macro and micro details. A touch more sparkle would have been perfect, however, there are DAC combinations that solve this situation slightly.

Soundstage and Imaging:​

Letshuoer Cadenza 4 doesn’t reach the levels of the Letshuoer S15 but I can tell you that the result is excellent. The driver tubing and precise tuning maintain excellent sound separation which contributes to a wide soundstage with good depth. Each sound arrives at the eardrum clear and perfectly distinct from another. Following every little nuance of the track you are listening to is very simple. Good job!

LETSHUOER Nebula Cable Upgrade:​

Nebula Cable & Earhook
If you expect a difference between day and night, then know that this is not the case. However, against all expectations, despite being a copper cable (which usually increases the bass), here we have a very strange increase in brightness. I say strange because I doubted I would notice any differences, especially regarding the high frequencies, somehow like a sprinkling of stardust on the already excellent Lethshuoer Cadenza 4. Somehow it makes them extremely attractive, starting from the mids, which lose the very light note of warmth or nasality they had. With this upgrade, the Letshuoer Cadenza 4 seems much less mid-centric, giving a superior balance between all frequencies.

I’m very much for the placebo effect, it’s almost inevitable that our brain comes into play. There is a bit of self-conviction that the new cable is better than the old one. In any case, if there were large variations in sound it means that one of the two cables was made of non-conductive material. I am also passionate about audio systems and speakers and have already suffered from cable disease. Now I feel better and as long as we’re talking about pure copper everything is fine.

Without bench tests with measurements, my words stop at personal sensations.


vs Letshuoer S15


If you prefer the bass of the DD, the Letshuoer S15 will probably not be considered. The almost $100 higher price makes them fit into a totally different budget. There are those who consider them one of the best planar IEMs to date but they have opponents like the Hidizs MP145 who question their price. What I can tell you is that the planar presents many more macro and micro details and the soundstage develops in a wider and more precise way. Personally, I prefer the bass of the Cadenza 4 but on everything else, the planar driver has a superior and more immersive performance. The rumors about Cadenza 4 are slightly better but both are very attractive.

vs Simgot EM6L

Simgot EM6L
Simgot EM6L
A much cheaper hybrid IEM from Simgot. One of the best examples of a successful hybrid in a price range where others have failed to achieve great results. Every time I wear them, I am surprised, even though the driver configuration does not include BA from Sonion or Knowles. Its sound is full of energy and the tuning is also suitable for gaming as it is very precise on details. The Simgot EM6L, although successful, does not keep up with the brand new Candeza in terms of technicalities.

vs Simgot EA1000

Simgot EA1000
Simgot EA1000
The Simgot EA1000 but also the EA500LM allow you to ask yourself the following question: “Do we really need more drivers?”

Honestly, in the case of the EA1000, the answer is that no other drivers are needed. This is not a rule but Simgot has demonstrated that it is possible with a single driver to obtain something extremely close to what we can define as high fidelity, both in terms of performance and timbre. I consider them a point of reference for those looking for something that sounds extremely faithful.

vs Hidizs MS5

Hidizs MS5
Hidizs MS5
The MS5 are the IEMs that decided to start the reviews. A sort of first love. A fairly extreme hybrid IEM from Hidizs with a purely V-shape nature with borderline highs, if you are sensitive, these are absolutely not for you. They go far beyond the brilliance you can experience on Simgot. In terms of bass, they are more present and emphasized. my favorite nozzle is obviously red. The others are too much, even for me. At the detail level, the macro and micro details are more highlighted.

But its biggest flaw is that it is not an IEM suitable for any musical genre. In terms of results, the Letshuoer Cadenza 4 is superior,in my opinion.

vs Hidizs MS3

Hidizs MS3
Hidizs MS3
I consider the Hidizs MS3 to be an excellent rival, typically more V-shaped, providing a much more robust bass and livelier highs. Sometimes they could be at the limit but I’m on balanced cable, and they are more contained than the MS5, giving that touch of brilliance that is kept more controlled on the Cadenza 4. Depending on what you are looking for, they could be an excellent alternative.



Undoubtedly, Letshuoer has managed to make an extremely exciting hybrid IEM, and the Nebula cable is certainly an appreciable upgrade. Also keep in mind the importance of the eartips and, above all, the DAC with which they are combined. In my opinion, the Simgot DEW4X is the one that has the best synergy of all.

The Letshuoer Cadenza 4, aesthetically, is simple but sturdy; the design may not appeal to everyone but the HeyGears shell is of excellent workmanship. Comfort is optimal and being light, they do not cause any problems of heaviness even after several hours of listening. On long listening sessions, it does not cause any kind of problem or annoyance, whatever genre of music and listening volume you choose. I can’t say the same thing about the Hidizs MS5, on which the volume I can tolerate depends a lot on the track; the highs literally bite the eardrum despite some extra detail. I really liked it, one of the best hybrids so far.

Where to buy? More info? (no affiliate links)​

LETSHUOER Cadenza4 wired IEM Hifi earphones Beryllium coated DD BA hybrid High-fidelity monitoring in-ear monitor


New Head-Fier
Jack of all trades master of none
Pros: 1. Great overall sound for its price point

2. Will please both the bass or treble liking audience, as it does a great job at balancing the sound

3. Fantastic fit!

4. Beautiful cable

5. Modular Cable is really good

6. The iems is very light so vert easy to wear for long periods of time

7. Plays almost all genres very well

8. In a sea of Harman tuned iems this seems like a fresh breath of air
Cons: 1. The selection of tips could have been a bit better

2. A tad bit more bass would have been nice specially for some pop songs and instrumentals


Hey guys, today I have the Lethsuoer Cadenza 4 with me. This is the budget version of their flagship iem the Cadenza 12.

I have also shared a video version of the review at YouTube any support there in form of a view, A like or A subscribe is greatly appreciated. But if you so wish to read the written version you can read this.

This is a review unit from letshuoer but all the thoughts and opinions you are about to hear are my own.

Buy it here (Unaffiliated Link) :-

Letshuoer Store -

Amazon USA -

Letshuoer Aliexpress -

I will be as usual following my bullet style format for better readability for those who are dyslexic and in general find it hard to read long paragraphs. I follow this guide in general from the British Dyslexia Association.

Lets get started!


Build, Comfort and Accessories:-

1. The overall packaging of the Cadenza 4 is exactly as same as the S15, I will show a picture so you get an idea.


2. The iem is this 3d printed plastic which has the same texture as the fantastic case.

3. It has only 2 types of tips one for vocal and one balanced, for my testing I have used the balanced tips

4. The cable is modular and is really supple and is better than the S15 cable in my opinion. The cable also has very minor microphonics

5. The iem is built very well, and the outer face plate is made out of aluminium

6. The fit is fantastic! I mean this is literally the best fit of an iem I have had. For me it seems like a custom mold

7. I can wear them for 8-10 hours and wont find any discomfort.

8. When I wear the iem, there is an immediate reduction of surrounding noise. The passive noise isolation is really good.

9. The price of the Cadenza 4 if ordered from the pre-sale from March 25th to March 31st is $229 and the MSRP is $249

10. The cadenza has a 1 Dynamic Driver and 3 BA drivers with 1 being sonion and other 2 being knowles

11. They have 3 acoustic tubes with a 4-way crossover

12. There is no driver flex here

13. There is a minor BA Timbre


Sound Impressions:-

1. The overall sound impressions of the cadenza is that its very neutral with a subtle sub-bass boost.

2. While this might seem like a harman tuning at first but the treble is much more well controlled than harman

3. The overall tuning sounds really clean and it doesn’t cater to either basshead or treblehead

4. Honestly its refreshing seeing a tuning like this in a sea of harman or v or u shaped iems!

5. I will be using my usual devices for testing the cadenza 4

6. They are easy to drive but does scale well with power, so some of the testing is done via the 4.4mm

7. In my opinion they sound quite good at low volumes too, but the iem shines when playing at medium to medium high volumes.

8. All my testing is done at variety of volumes to get a proper idea

9. I have used all the stock accessories for testing


1. The bass here is sub-bass focused rather than md-bass focused which is good for me personally

2. If you are someone who likes mid-bass over sub-bass, you might be a bit disapointed.

3. But that doesn’t mean that the mid-bass quality is bad.

4. The overall bass quantity is very apt that is its not too much or too less.

5. But, what I did find is that some bass heavy songs like crack crack crackle by classy does lack that final crispness of the bass. A tad bit more bass could have soundeed even better.

6. This bit of lack of bass is also apparent when listening to instrumentals like cassiopea and ymo

7. When listening to the 1985 live album from cassiopea the instruments sounds good but the overall impact of them feel a bit flabby. But when a bit of bass is addeed like lets say by using the Xbass mode of my ifi go blu the instruments gets this body they become tactile and they really shine

8. Using the xbass mode in my ifi go blu also gives me that final crispness of the bass which I found lacking for some songs.

9. While majority of the audience who likes a clean sound will be pleased with the sound of cadenza 4

10. I think adding a tad bit to the bass region with the likes of ifi go blue using a xbass mode really makes the overall bass shine and also giving the instruments a bit of body and edge



1. The midrange is really good

2. The male vocals sounds crisp and they come across in the mix

3. Sometimes in some songs deep thick male vocals like bill withers or chris cornell sound a tad bit sterile and their thick luscious nature doesn’t really come across that well.

4. Again adding a tad bit of bass helps a lot here too. Then again this is a nitpick here for the price and tuning it is following, but I still thought of mentioning it.

5. Now female vocals here are exceptionally done!

6. They are really good and come across perfectly, they aren't too shouty but neither are they laid back.

7. Songs like OP from Tearmoon teikoku monogatari which is Happy end princess by Sumire Uesaka comes across perfect! Her voice is neither too shrilly or too laid back.

8. I really recommend this if you want something for female vocals which also has good male vocals


1. The overall treble is really well done

2. The treble doesn’t sound shrilly or piercy at all and is perfectly in sync with the upper mids

3. There is a slight roll-off on upper treble which might be a bit of issue for some songs

4. This is not a treble head iem, but it does a very good job in balancing a good treble details while not sounding too piercy

5. People who are sensitive to treble will like this

6. Although someone who loves even darker treble, might have some issues here. And might find it a tinge shrilly at higher volumes


The overall technicalities is really good. Its not the cleanest out there, but as I said before it does everything nicely and does a great balancing act


Soundstage & Imaging:-

It is really fantastic! The soundstage is probably best in the price range. And when listening to songs like Galatic Funk by Cassiopea the 1985 live version it is even more apparent. The claps at distance and the placement of the instruments is so well done.

The imaging too is very well done, the left to right transition and vice-versa comes across really well.

Gaming Test:-

Here they do a really good job. The footsteps are heard really well while also having a good idea about the surrounding too. But when there is too much happening and If played at higher volumes they will sound a bit shrilly.


Comparison & Recommendation:-

1. v/s 7hz Timeless AE – I prefer the cadenza 4 in some cases as it does a good job in most genres. But if I want a fun sounding V-shape iem then the timeless AE will be my choice.

2. v/s EA1000 – The ea1000 is harman done well. Its fantastic iem, but the ea1000 is quite a bit bright sounding when compared to the Cadenza 4. If you are a treblehead ea1000 it is, if you are not and want a more all rounder iem then the cadenza makes a better choice.

3. v/s S15 – The s15 is more of a relaxing iem while the cadenza 4 is more of an all rounder iem. The cadenza 4 has better treble response than s15. But the S15 is almost $100 more than the cadenza 4. So it really depends on what you want.

3. I really like the cadenza 4, specially for the price both MSRP and early bird.

4. I think so the cadenza 4 is an almost perfect neutral sounding iem for the price.

5. While it wont fit the bill for the bassheads or trebleheads out there, it does a great job balancing the act.

6. I personally prefer pairing the cadenza 4 with the ifi go blu and using the xbass mode


7. The tad bit better bass response and giving the instruments a bit of a body which I get by doing that is so well worth it.

8. Its really nice seeing an iem like this in a sea of harman tune or v tune iems.

9. I think so the cadenza 4 is an excellent option for anyone wanting an all-rounder iem.

10. If you do get it, I highly suggest adding a tad bit more bass or if you have an ifi go blu suggest using the xbass mode to improve the overall sound a bit.

11. Unlike the S15, cadenza 4 is priced is fantastically. A default recommendation form me around the $200 price point as of now.

12. So thats my review of the Cadenza 4. I hope you liked, Thanks for stopping by!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me and also if you have any issues regarding this format of review please do comment I will try to mend it. Also sorry to those who are used to reading long paragraphs of review in headfi. I hope my review was upto the mark, I appreciate any feedback.

Again a big thanks to Letshuoer for making this review possible.

Have a great day ahead, Bye :)
David Haworth
great review.... easy to read bites... well done
Thank you so much David 🙂 I really appreciate the kinds words and it means a lot coming from you ❤️


Headphoneus Supremus
The Refined Letshuoer Cadenza4
Pros: Price to performance
Refined natural timbre
Tight well extended bass
Clear and smooth midrange
Natural treble and air
Excellent ergonomics
Good accessories
Premium built, love the material of the shell
Cons: Soundstage is average in size
Not the most resolving
Depending on music could have had more bass
The Refined Letshuoer Cadenza4



I got the Cadenza4 for free in return for a review, I am free to say whatever I want.

All impressions are my own subjective thoughts after having used them for a good time. These are my thoughts at this moment, and as time moves I might change my opinion.
This is also a very subjective hobby where everything from experience, anatomy or age will affect what we hear. Also keep in mind that it is easy to use bold words when talking about differences, while it may be perceived as a small change for you.
While I can perceive something as natural sounding, I do believe we can never get a perfect performance similar to what is achieved live.

Ranking System:
1 Very bad or unlistenable
2 Listenable but not good
3 Average
4 Very good
5 Exceptional or having a special sauce

My rating system highly values what is musical for me, so my rating will always be a subjective opinion.


About me and my gear used for the review

My audio preference is neutral with some warmth, I can also like forward midrange and treble if not excessive. I am a believer in having different tuned gears for different genres or moods instead of chasing the single perfect one.

Main music genres I listen to are Metal, Electronica, Jazz, Indy rock/metal, R&B, Pop. I am a music lover, and can also listen to almost all the genres out there.
I have been into music gear since the mid 90s, gifted some big speakers at an early age. Then moved more and more into headphones with the Koss Porta Pro and a Sony Discman.
I have also tried playing many instruments over the years from piano to sax and have a feel for what's a natural tone, but not the biggest patience in learning to play.

My current favorites in Headphones are ZMF Verite Open and Beyerdynamic T1 G2.
My current favorites in IEMs are AüR Audio Ascension and Campfire Audio Bonneville.
My current favorites in Earbuds are FranQL Caelum and Blue Moon.

Gear used in the main rig is Denafrips Ares 12th-1 DAC together with the Topping A90 Discrete headphone Amp. I also have a Schiit Lokius I can swap in if I want to do a little analogue EQ.

Portable main gear being HIBY R8 II and HIBY R6 Pro 2, with some dongles like HIBY FC6 and Colorfly CDA-M1P.



So what is the Letshuoer Cadenza4

Letshuoer is a IEM brand that was founded in 2016 in China, they have had many well received releases. The Cadenza4 is their newest model, it is a hybrid IEM with 1 dynamic driver and 3 balanced armatures. As of this time it retail at $249.


Packaging is excellent and among the better ones, especially when we look at IEMs at this price bracket. That can also be said for the accessories, you get two sets of silicon tips in small, medium and large. One set focusing on vocal clarity and the other for a balanced sound, should be easy to find tips that work for most people.


The IEM cable is also of good quality, it is not too thick or thin. Minimal amount of memory and is quite pliable, the ear hooks seem improved from earlier Letshuoer models and work for me without any modification. It also have Letshuoer angled modular system, so you can swap from 2.5mm, 3.5mm and 4.4mm. The connection of the modular part is solid, don't need to be afraid of it falling out as it does on some brands.


You get an envelope with some pamphlets, one about warranty and one on instructions. Also a quality control mark.


In my opinion the design is elegant, the aluminum alloy faceplate against the 3D printed resin shell looks very clean. The surface has a smoother surface that's very pleasing, and also feels premium.


The nozzle has a good length and is average in size if not even a little smaller, should fit most ears excellent.


The grooves are subtle, but really help Cadenza4 sit comfortable and snug. There is also a vent on the side of the 2 pin connector to not get any driver flex or ear pressure.


3 way acoustic tubes, with 4 way digital crossover. The internal tubes are 3D printed to get the acoustic properties that Letshuoer wants.


Specs from the product website:

Quad driver hybrid in-ear hifi earphones
  • Cadenza4 uses a proprietary 10mm dual-chambered beryllium coated dynamic driver, which possesses the characteristics of being light and extremely rigid.
  • The combination of Knowles and Sonion balanced armature drivers which makes the Cadenza4 to be packed with resolution, rich in mid-frequency details, and ample treble extension.
  • Cadenza4 adopts three acoustic tubes that are combined with an electronic four-way crossover. The 50μm 3D printed acoustic tubes ensures accurate, smooth, and consistent sound. The four-way electronic crossover allows for precise control of frequency distribution and significantly reduces phase errors.
  • Cadenza4 once again collaborates with Heygear Technology to refine the earphone chassis. Ensuring comfortable long-term wear and enhanced durability. The panel is crafted from CNC aluminum alloy material with a matte finish which provides a delicate and textured feel
  • Cadenza4 comes standard with a 392-strands high-purity silver-plated monocrystalline copper cable, enhancing the fidelity of the sound. With three types of 90° interchangeable plugs, which significantly improves device compatibility.




First off, what is Timbre?
From the Wikipedia:
The Acoustical Society of America (ASA) Acoustical Terminology definition 12.09 of timbre describes it as "that attribute of auditory sensation which enables a listener to judge that two nonidentical sounds, similarly presented and having the same loudness and pitch, are dissimilar", adding, "Timbre depends primarily upon the frequency spectrum, although it also depends upon the sound pressure and the temporal characteristics of the sound"

First minutes of trying a new set of gear, what I always listen to is how natural and musical it sounds. Much of this goes down to how I perceive the Timbre.

The sound is neutral with a small hint of warmth, it's very coherent for a hybrid IEM. Sort of smooth but clear sounding, just a very balanced and good timbre.

Going to use the ranges here in review:



Details and soundstage

This is not a super resolving IEM, but still quite decent when you look at the price point and against other hybrids. You can then still hear everything that's portrayed without exaggerating the flaws, but also doesn't mask them.

Soundstage is also average when looking at width and depth, what it does very well is having an enveloping stage around me. Sort of 3D where I feel I'm more inside the music, engaging and fun.


The bass is tight and reaches deep, it's quite fast and not as forward sounding. So its not all music that sounds as full and engaging as I prefer. But if we look at the quality, it's excellent with good texture and speedy decay.
Mid bass could have been a little more powerful, at least for my taste.


Mids are very natural with good clarity and presence, also without sounding harsh or shouty. The low midrange is very clean without any bleed from the bass, this also means it can be a little lean and soulless if you prefer more lushness.
I am one who prefers more low mids, but lately I have been appreciating this type of tuning much more than usual. This might be better for some music, and also to make vocals more clean and crisp.

This is actually one of Cadenza4's strengths, vocals have very good clarity and presence. Especially on brighter females, it also delivers this without any shoutyness or sibilance.
It does female vocal, or brighter vocalists better than darker ones. Not that males are wrong, just lack a little body. Instruments sound natural and clean also, and similar to vocals depends a little on what range and how they play. For example, sax has a good bite without shouting, and instruments like piano sound coherent and clean front the lowest octaves to the brightest.


Transparent and open sounding, not the best upper extension and lacks some air. But looking at how clean and resolving the treble is excellent, it is also not sounding sharp or sibilant. Might be someone's preference as you get a very good lower treble without any painful upper treble, that often sounds forced to my ears.


I prefer to use warmer sources with Cadenza4, so HIBY FC6 is excellent and sounds very good. Using a player like HIBY DAP is also excellent, sounds more resolving and clear with Cadenza4. Using the dynamics plugin of HIBY is also a great way to add warmth for a more fun sound.

Stock cable is very good for me, both in sound, design and comfort. Divinis Velvety worked perfectly for me, but I did try Final Audio Type-E tips for more bass. But didnt feel it helped, except for making it less open sounding.



When evaluating the sets I use each of them over longer periods and also some shorter sessions swapping back and forth, it takes a long time and is not done in one sitting. The most critical comparison is done on my desktop setup that is highly resolving, with volume matching through a microphone to take away loudness variance.

The spider chart is slightly exaggerated on some points to show differences.



Letshuoer S15

This is their flagship planar IEM costing $329, uses a 14.8mm planar magnetic driver together with a 6mm passive filter. Competition with its own S12 has made it a tough sell, even if its better both in tuning and performance.

The shell has a similar type of material that I wish more brands could start to use, as it helps with comfort and feel more premium. The ergonomics are not as nice on S15 as Cadenza4, it lack some of the subtle nozzle and groves making Cadenza perfect.

Bass is very good as a planar driver, can almost fool me on some music for being a DD. But it lacks some texture and also the decay seems wrong to me, almost a little blunted. So it can't keep up with the quality of Cadenza4 low end, at least for me.

Mids are relaxed and smooth, very forgiving. But also lack some bite and energy that is needed for brighter vocals and instruments. Treble is also forgiving and smooth, and less airy than Cadenza4.
S15 is overall a very forgiving IEm with warm tonality, just better for relaxed listening instead of picking music apart.


Hisenior Mega5EST

This is a tribrid and flagship from Hisenior costing $550, it has 1DD 2BA and 2EST. Reason why it is inside the reviews as comparison is due to both having a very refined natural sound, and Cadenza4 reminds me of a baby Mega5EST with more bite.

Also a quite small IEM, but larger than Cadenza4. Both are very ergonomic, but Cadenza4 is the best. This also uses a more traditional resin shell, getting the glossy look instead of the matt look on Cadenza4.

Both have good bass performance, the Cadenza4 is a little tighter and Mega5EST slightly more textured.
Midrange is both similar sounding and a little different, both have a very clean midrange that's coherent with no BA timbre. The Mega5EST has a more relaxed style, so instruments like brass or cymbals have less bite and presence. Cadenza4 instead pushes this more forward making it more energetic, also why I say Cadenza4 is good for female vocals.

Treble and air are also different, Mega5EST have more shimmery and detailed top end.
Probably due to the EST drivers used in Mega5EST, but both have good highs anyway.

Mega5EST is slightly more technical but it's very close, some music can be clearer on Cadenza4 since the upper mids are pushed more forward. So I rate them about equal on resolution. Soundstage is also very similar, not the widest and deepest and they are quite similar.



When comparing Letshuoer Cadenza4 to other sets I have used the tracks listed here and more.
The link is to a playlist consisting of some tracks I have saved for testing, it's still a work in progress.

I will also do it a little differently than what I usually do, I'll mention a small part under each track with how each IEM sounds like compared to the Cadenza4. I will provide a link to each track for you to test out, my own listening being with my FLAC files or Tidal streaming.


Djo - End of Beginning

Pleasing and clean sounding, enough body to make drums, bass and vocal be engaging. This is not the most technical recording, so it's better to just use it for enjoyment evaluation. And the Cadenza4 nails that one.

A very similar weight to the music, but lacks the organic natural side of Cadenza4. Especially noticeable on his voice, it is also not as clean and open sounding with some darker upper frequencies.

Very similar to Cadenza4, has some extra body due to the warmer tilt. Have a small edge on the details, but the difference is small.


Adam Baldych, Leszek Mozdzer - Passacaglia

Clean and natural sound, has a good bite without being sharp. The violin sounds rich and vibrant, and the same can be said for the piano. Good amount of detail to show the nuanced plucking or bowing of the violin or the grand piano.
Cadenza4 is my new recommendation for orchestral music in this price segment, nails both timbre and technicalities.

Softer and darker than the two other models here, very forgiving. Also a step below in resolution, I think this is more due to tonality than the driver. As the S15 has a very capable planar driver, the biggest downside is that I still don't find the planar driver correctly sounding on acoustic music.

Very natural sounding and spacious, both piano and the violin are lifelike. Amount of texture and body to the violin is natural and slightly more correct than Cadenza4, it also sounds more airy on the Mega5est. Some parts are softer on Mega5EST, while the Cadenza4 has some extra clarity and presence on certain parts.


Gidge - Gausta

Gidge just released this album, and Cadenza4 was my first IEM hearing the album with. The beryllium driver has very good bass texture and decay for electronica, I have no need for EQ on this track. Warmth is tasteful and not too weighty so the rest of the elements can also show, but I'll focus on the bass: Bass is sort of dense and round, it sounds solid and fast.

This is the best sounding planar I have used, specially for bass and low mids. Still it doesn't sound the same as a good dynamic driver, sort of more plasticky and hollow. This goes also here for this electronic track, sort of lacking something.

The bass is tuned very similar to the Cadenza4, with good sub bass extension and some natural mid bass warmth. Driver is Bio Cellulose and is softer than the Cadenza4 driver, this can also be heard in this electronic track.
Bass is still dense and round, but softer in the bounce and less speedy (not slow by any means). In a way slightly more textured, both are excellent on texture anyway.


girl in red - Too Much

Her newest album and perhaps best track from it, also a radio hit in Norway.
The Cadenza4 has a tasteful forward upper midrange with clear low mids. In return it shines with female or brighter vocals, and has a lot of bite on her vocal. Also means it shows every nuance of her voice, and doesn't hide it when she has some edge in her voice.
Vocal lovers should be very pleased for female vocalists, be it this style or something like J-pop.

Softer and darker, she doesn't have the same bite and clarity and lacks some soul. This is not only due to tuning, but also some due to the planar driver. Still don't really nail acoustic music or vocals, I am exaggerating some. And I might be more sensitive to the planar timbre, but even so I don't think female vocals are S15 strength.

Going from the Cadenza4 it's clear that Mega5EST has less bite and presence on her voice, making the music softer and more forgiving. Her more intense or edgy parts are more forgiving, and not really noticeable here like they are on Cadenza4.
So depending on what you like, this might be too safe and lack the clarity on vocals like Cadenza4.


WENDY - Wish You Hell

Very clear and crisp, for me almost too energetic sounding. But I am more used to sets with less vocal presence, even if it's forward it's very clean and not piercing or metallic.
In return you do get a very resolving presentation here, riding a good balance of detail and fun.

Actually find the S15 quite decent and fun on this track, softens some of the energetic elements and makes music more pleasing. Lack the clarity and don't sound as detailed as the Cadenza4, but it's not bothering me as much here as with the previous track.

It's a reason why this has been my favorite set lately, the relaxed upper mids is to my preference. It does give you a less energetic sound, but in return the music is smoother and more forgiving.
It's as resolving as Cadenza4 on her vocal, and actually has a more airy silky top.


Sean Ono Lennon - Acidalia

Very clean and open sounding, instruments are crisp and nuanced. It lacks bass, which would have sounded better with a little extra bass boost. As it gets a little thin on drums or the guitar, but again that's for my preference.

A little too safe sounding, but also very pleasing. The drums are softer, cymbals also have less bite and clarity. But again it sounds warmer than Cadenza4, and fits the track more.
The guitar itself is actually very dreamlike with the softer sound on S15.

Warm and smooth sounding, fuller than Cadenza4. Due to the mids it sounds less resolving and open, so looking at clarity and energy the Cadenza4 is better here. But it's not as safe as S15, and a step closer to Cadenza4.


My Dying Bride - Her Domination

While the Cadenza4 has good clarity and sound fast for rock and metal, it does lack some warmth and mid bass presence to sound full and engaging. Cadenza4 is quite airy on the cymbals, and adds some realism to the track.

Sound thicker and have more life on the drums and guitars, also the growling sound fuller and more husky. But the cymbals are very dark and veiled after having listened to Cadenza4, also doesn't sound as resolving as Cadenza4.

Absolutely the best of the three for metal and rock, have the fulness like S15. But have a clarity more similar to Cadenza4, just softer on the cymbals. But the cymbals have more airiness to them even if they are not as powerful as with Cadenza4. His vocals are also the best mix of fullness and clearness, in the middle of Cadenza4 and S15.



I truly recommend the Letshuoer Cadenza4 for the ones looking for a good natural sounding IEM.

The Cadenza4 is an excellent release, one of the best ones this year. It is now my favorite sub $500 neutral hybrid IEM, especially a favorite for natural sound. It is good with most music, while really shines with vocals or acoustic music. It mixes smooth tonality with good clarity, a pleasing and refined sound.

You also get a clean and nice looking IEM, perhaps the most ergonomic IEM out there due to size, material and shell design. You also get good accessories and a nice presentation, it is just a very good deal you get here.

It's a solid 4 star release, if I also used price to performance I would rate it even higher.
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