Diana: the second release by Abyss Headphones!
May 15, 2024 at 7:07 AM Post #7,411 of 7,750
I found the dekoni pads more comfortable because they are softer and more "squishy" but I didn't like them soundwise with the TC.

Overall the beautiful audio headband reduced clamp force (because you have to go down 1-2 clicks which reduces the pressure) and added enough comfort so that i am now very happy with it.
May 15, 2024 at 7:16 AM Post #7,412 of 7,750
I haven’t tried the Dekonis either, but I did switch from the generated V1 pads to the vegan suede, and they are considerably more plush, which makes for a more comfortable wear (especially with eyeglasses). The Diana’s are now the most “transparent” headphone I own, in the sense that I forget I’m wearing them after awhile.
May 15, 2024 at 11:49 AM Post #7,413 of 7,750
I haven’t tried the Dekonis either, but I did switch from the generated V1 pads to the vegan suede, and they are considerably more plush, which makes for a more comfortable wear (especially with eyeglasses). The Diana’s are now the most “transparent” headphone I own, in the sense that I forget I’m wearing them after awhile.

That sounds good! The v1 for me was getting close there but was just too small for me. Considering the v3 bass ported pads are more considerably more plush, I think it'll be fine for me.

I guess I could also get some headband cushion just to add some more height, as I have the OG Diana chassis.
May 15, 2024 at 2:44 PM Post #7,414 of 7,750
I’m sort of intrigued by the DZ this time around.

As a previous owner of V2 and Phi; I initially enjoyed them until I didn’t.

Was disappointed when my (non-audiophile) friend and ultimately I opined that the Arya Stealth blows em away.

If DZ is any notable improvement in sound stage, mid range and sub bass impact (which people claim the TC is) then I may actually look forward to purchasing another Diana…. used.
May 17, 2024 at 3:36 PM Post #7,415 of 7,750
I just got the leather bass ported v3 pads and I must say, they really upgraded the sound and comfort of my v2s! Although I must say, they are still quite uncomfy after a while (2+ hrs), but as I have the v1 chassis and no headband pads, so this may still be improved (waiting to get some headband cushions!)

Now I'm just curious- I wonder how much of the tuning is dictated by the pads? Like does having the v3 pads on TC/Phi/V2 make the sound closer to the MR? I'm curious to see what others' experiences are.
May 17, 2024 at 3:47 PM Post #7,416 of 7,750
I just got the leather bass ported v3 pads and I must say, they really upgraded the sound and comfort of my v2s! Although I must say, they are still quite uncomfy after a while (2+ hrs), but as I have the v1 chassis and no headband pads, so this may still be improved (waiting to get some headband cushions!)

Now I'm just curious- I wonder how much of the tuning is dictated by the pads? Like does having the v3 pads on TC/Phi/V2 make the sound closer to the MR? I'm curious to see what others' experiences are.
My V2 and TCs are different headphones with vegan ported, for example. Much warmer.

Leather ported brings TC closer to MR, but MR to me is still very much its own thing.
May 22, 2024 at 10:27 AM Post #7,417 of 7,750
Can anyone advise what the Bass Ported pads do to the Diana MRs? If it elevates the low frequencies without changing the sound characteristics elsewhere too much, then I might try pick up a set.
May 22, 2024 at 2:36 PM Post #7,419 of 7,750
Do you think MR or DZ are good for the Rock genre(progressive metal)?
They are both fantastic headphones. This is probably not what you want to hear but I think the best advice is that you should try them both somehow and decide for yourself! Something being "good" is highly subjective.
May 22, 2024 at 2:47 PM Post #7,420 of 7,750
Do you think MR or DZ are good for the Rock genre(progressive metal)?
Most prog metal is severely bricked in mastering to the point that a more natural bass/midrange works better. The MR with vegan bass ported pads really shined for me. Source equipment will also make a difference here.
May 22, 2024 at 2:49 PM Post #7,421 of 7,750
Can anyone advise what the Bass Ported pads do to the Diana MRs? If it elevates the low frequencies without changing the sound characteristics elsewhere too much, then I might try pick up a set.
Elevates the overall bass level without muddying the mids with a slight recess in sub-bass that is generally unnoticeable unless you're test track listening for it. It is similar for the TC and i personally carry both pads with me.
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May 23, 2024 at 8:30 AM Post #7,422 of 7,750
Here’s a bit of conspiracy theory for all of you. I think Diana DZ is the new flagship Diana, replacing the TC. Abyss isn’t saying it specifically because they still have TCs on the shelf that they need to get rid of. At some point they will discontinue the TC and position the DZ as their top tier Diana.
- On their YT video introducing the headphone, at the 4:02 mark they say “This happens to be our highest performing Diana yet” -
- DZ rhymes with TC haha!
- In any case I recently sold my TC and I miss it so dearly, that I went in and pre-ordered the DZ :D :D
May 24, 2024 at 9:30 AM Post #7,424 of 7,750
It seems like no one received DZ version yet? I'm kinda waiting the reviews :)

Ordered mine on the 9th. Website said 2-3 weeks delivery then and it still says 2-3 weeks delivery now.

Not sure when these will actually be shipping out.
May 24, 2024 at 1:20 PM Post #7,425 of 7,750
Preorders will begin shipping late next week.
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